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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. That was so cool!! Well done to all concerned! (And congratulations to Jack, too! Great to see him back on the track! Bring on 2016!)
  2. My Kingdom for a Hyphen...!!! (That heading gave me heart failure!!! Can mods please add the missing hyphen?!)
  3. All of my 61 years, two things have brought me joy: 1. Melb winning, and 2. Coll losing. When it happens in the same game, I'm totally over the moon! Haven't had this feeling in SUCH a long time! Will savour it!
  4. You mean, as Robinson is picking himself up off the turf after being layed out be a classic Viney "Howdy-Doody"? LOL
  5. Not sure what you've been smoking, Nasher. But, fact is this past three weeks Bne have been rather good, against top opposition. Just haven't been able to sustain it for four quarters. I certainly expect Melb to win. But, then again, I'm one of those sad people who expects Melb to win EVERY game...!
  6. I must admit I'm totally ignorant of his writing skills, being in Qld, and immune to the Hun. (Only buy it one day a year to get the team photo.) I prefer Robbo's warts 'n all approach on the telly to that of some of the self-important prima donnas prancing around in the guise of footy "experts" at the moment. At least he doesn't take himself too seriously...
  7. I fully accept that I am probably a little demented. Certainly, based on the vitriol on this thread, I'm in a tiny minority (of one...!). But, I personally don't mind Robbo. I watch AFL 360 most nights, and I certainly understand why people say what they say about Robbo. But, maybe I've grown used to the way he is. There's certainly no veneer with him. What you see is what you get. And, frankly, over the past couple of years, he's often been pretty much the lone voice in the media sticking up for the Dees. Maybe I don't expect much. But, compared with the absolute drivvle we get rolled out to us with the commentators & "special comments" clowns on most of the telecasts of the games these days, I really don't mind dear old Robbo! Okay. I've got big shoulders. Stick the boots in guys! I'm ready for ya! LOL
  8. David Neitz says "Hi"...! Fact is, Tom made a real difference when he went forward. I'd like to see it persisted with (with LOTS of goal-kicking parctice during the week). Replace in down back with Fitzy. (And drop Howe to make way for Fitzy in the side...) Worth a try...
  9. Once he takes the field, I guess the obvious question will be "will the opposition players be able to stay out of Harmes' way?..." LOL
  10. Very happy for the kid. Must be absolutely wonderful to be drafted to an AFL side, and then play your first game. To do it with the club you grew up barracking for would make it even MORE special! Here's to a nice, long, distinguished career in the Red & Blue! (No pressure, now! LOL)
  11. Where's Tony Charlton and Ron Casey when you need 'em...???!!! Of today's lot? Sandy, Gerard & Denis for me...!
  12. Vagg


    I personally reckon they both should have gotten a minumum three weeks. Both were dog acts!
  13. No crashing back to earth with a big loss THIS weekend! Yay!!
  14. Actually, for a moment half way through the quarter I could have sworn he WAS playing for us. Send Matt Jones a great handpass that resulted in one of Matty's goals. Pure gold...!!!
  15. So, you wouldn't go to a game of footy if you knew how much time was left on the clock? That's funny.
  16. It's not just Sunday. The thing about the clock on the scoreboard showing time elapsed harks back to before it was possible to show a countdown clock. But, we no longer get around in horse and buggies, and to just hang on to the old way because "that's the way we've always done it" makes no sense to me. I still find the game suspenseful when it's close, and I'm sitting in front of the TV and knowing how long is left. As you said, logic doesn't seem to be part of the armoury of lots of footy followers! I still say it's time to enter the 21st Century, embrace the available technology, and stick the countdown clock on the scoreboard wher it belongs!
  17. I am really completely gobsmacked as to why the countdown clock is not on the scoreboard. Instead, they show how much time has elapsed! What good does that serve?? When the Coaches have a countdown clock, and the TV audience have a countdown clock, what on earth is the problem with also letting the players and spectators in on this little secret of how much time is left?? It just utterly defies any sense or reason! Then, again, it IS the AFL we are talking about...!!
  18. What else is there to say? Bingers said it all! (And, very concisely, I might add!)
  19. And, Roosy also said something similar on AFL 360 last night... As others have said. We are definitely showing improvement in this area. But, still a long way to go before we match the top teams with this skill.
  20. Very happy for the Club Dunny! Came to the Club as an under-age recruit, and has hung in there through thick and thin. Could never describe him as a "star". But, he's given his all for the team, and has finally found his niche down back, and has been rewarded for his effort and leadership with the VC. Congratulations on your 150th, Dunny! Just hope you can continue to provide great service, and hang in there long enough to finally play Finals!
  21. I must have missed something. What's the job, TDI???
  22. Really pleased to hear it, albeit a little surprised, given Roosy seemed fairly definite earlier in the week that he wasn't quite ready to step up to the Seniors.
  23. So, THAT'S why we lost the '88 GF...!! Half the team was on the grog and fags a few days before the big game.! LOL
  24. I take it he won't be playing, then? One less to worry about...(LOL)
  25. Apart from Tyson in, I have no idea what other changes could/should be made. I just SOOOO want the team to put on an almighty effort, and make a real game of it. It may not carry the same level of rivalry that Melb/Coll games carried back when I was a lad. But, it's still THE rivalry in footy as far as I am concerned. For me, there are still two things that bring me pleasure -- one is Melb winning, and the other is Coll losing. When they happen in the same game, I am in "Dog Heaven"! Oh, how I would LOVE to be in "Dog Heaven" this Monday arvo!! And, to do it for Neale, would make it that extra bit special! My dream is to see vision of Danners in the circle with the boys after a special win, singing the song with gusto! (I can dream...!!!)
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