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DistrACTION Jackson

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Everything posted by DistrACTION Jackson

  1. Great first day of trading for us. Stretch at 3rd round and pick 3 in our pocket.
  2. Nathan Brown talking about the fact the Blues didn't get a compo pick for Waite. Says that it's unfair that Dees will get something for Frawley but Carlton won't. Then says you can't base it on age…… Half of the compo pick is based on the players age! What an absolute [censored] he is an idiot it is unfathomable that these guys get paid for this.
  3. I don't mind trading down 3 to 6 but if it's Hrovat involved I wouldn't be bothering with our 2nd rounder. If dogs want it that badly they will give 6 and Hrovat for 3. If it's someone like Dalhaus then I would do it. If we keep that 2nd rounder we can then on trade that to someone like the Roos for Greenwood. Which would give us Hrovat, Greenwood, Brayshaw/Petracca and someone like Weller or Laverde.
  4. I can't wait to just get Cat's second rounder send it to pies for Lumumba and be done with this guy! And can we then close the thread and never speak of it again??
  5. I would love it if we got Dalhaus. He has huge upside still and then we would still have a high pick for someone like laverde. Really hope this comes to fruition! And please give us pick 3 for Frawley!
  6. I think maximum of 25 per quarter and they don't accrue so if you don't use 25 then you can't use more the next quarter. And definitely no sub! I hate that rule
  7. God I hate everyone who is saying this. The whole point of the compo weighting is to make sure lower clubs get well compensated. I'm sure Brisbane would want to be well compensated if one of their top players left through FA. I'll be so [censored] off if all the clubs start arking up and we don't get pick 3.
  8. There were a few specific people who were really against it and let people know how stupid they were. Anyway doesn't matter now.
  9. No thankyou. Lyons is a good value pick up for around a 3rd rounder.
  10. I was saying we should have traded for him last year, got shot down but certain posters..... Then he came out this year and had a really good consistent year. I'd say that ship has sailed but would be happy to pick him up
  11. I can see us doing a deal with one of the teams who need a big forward. Probably bulldogs, Carlton or Richmond. We will send them pick 2 for a player and their first rounder. Then we can still get Brayshaw with pick 3.
  12. God I hate Essendon. I hope they can't work out a trade and he walks. They are a joke to deal with.
  13. The reason they don't is that a player has to agree to a trade before it is done.
  14. I 100% agree with this. If the players want free agency then they should also accept that clubs can trade them freely as well. They can't have it all their own way and the last few trade periods have been a joke (e.g. players leaving Brisbane).
  15. I like the tiered system but would do it a little different with the AFLPA wanting to lower the years too 6. There would be 3 tiers based on position 1) 1st-6th 2) 7th- 12th 3) 13th-18th Tier 1= they can only take players who are with their club for 10+ seasons Tier 2= they can only take players who are with their club for 8+ seasons Tier 3= they are eligible to take players who are with their club for 6+ seasons What do you think?
  16. I would do Robinson for Blease. I think Robinson is a di ck of a guy but at least he can kick a goal and is hard at it.
  17. rumors floating around that Jake Carlisle also wants out. Apparently it could also be as a free agent due to contract clauses being breached. Would be an excellent replacement for Frawley plus we could then pick up more mids and improve our backline
  18. Of course I was talking about our clash jumper. It's a joke and looks like the swans jersey
  19. Some of the clubs clash strips are ridiculous and a waste of time (think Pies, Tigers, Bombers etc.) We need to get over the 'traditional' jerseys and have better clash jumpers and the AFL should enforce it. As for us I think that having great clash jumpers is a good way to make money. Our current jumper sucks so I would like to see more effort put into a good second jersey. We should be ahead of the curve and work on having great multiple jerseys but always keep our traditional one for ALL home games and if there is no clash.
  20. That is the biggest joke ever. How can they honestly justify letting a player go wherever he likes? Surely he should be made to go in the draft like any normal player. This competition is becoming such a disgrace that the only thing keeping me watching games is my loyalty to the Dees. And that is becoming very tiresome.
  21. I really believe if Mitch Clark was too come back next year and he stays in Melbourne he wouldn't want to join another club. He seems like a super loyal fella and I have a feeling we may see him still next year...... that may be hope more than anything
  22. The other thing I hate is when the players come out and make statements like Bernie the other day about how we would not lose. Every time they do that we do lose! I just want them to not do any media and just focus on playing better that's all I want. And I agree about the apologies and crap after. How many times have they said "we really had a good hard look at ourselves" I am sick of hearing that just improve!!!
  23. I'll definitely be playing again. Formerly known as Viney's Vindicators now Not So Rollin Js
  24. The quarters won stat has merit. Though it is extremely frustrating to not win more games it does show we are improving and are a lot more competitive. Stay strong fellow Dees supporters!
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