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DistrACTION Jackson

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Everything posted by DistrACTION Jackson

  1. I genuinely think too much has been made of Roos comment. Sure if someone comes to us and offers a first round pick for Watts they may consider it, but are they honestly going to ship him off for pick 30 in a weak draft? The only other option is in a straight swap or bundle for a gun player.
  2. I think we've done pretty well with free agency so far: Colin Sylvia- straight swap for Bernie Vince essentially. James Frawley- pick 3 (Angus Brayshaw) enough said. We lost out on the Moloney/Rivers departures due to poor use of the system but that was due to it being the first year and people unsure how it worked. If we can just start to add more free agents over the coming seasons and not lose anymore it could contribute to us becoming a very strong side.
  3. Definitely hope we are looking at him if he wants to leave the GC. Would probably be a lot cheaper than Bennell also (though he isn't as talented).
  4. Have you actually watched NHL? It is a lot better sport than all the others. Plus there is a lot less American bullish*t with it!
  5. I don't see why everyone is so worried. There is two outcomes for Hogan wanting to go home: 1) We build a strong team and play finals and hopefully challenge for the premiership over a number of years. Hogan stays. 2) The club falls back in a hole like before. Hogan goes. I'm fairly confident in the way the club is run now so I'm confident he will stay, at least in the short to medium term.
  6. I would definitely go with something like that as it covers our ass with the ability to still get a good youngster in via the draft. Plus with the relatively weak draft we may only want to use one or two picks and use the rest to upgrade rookies and possibly Jake Lovett with a late pick.
  7. Really don't understand why they want Kruezer instead of Witts
  8. I've read a lot of people thinking Cripps was robbed but if we break it down into the position they each play and some of the key factors Hogan wins easily. Cripps: Average possessions: ranked 59th in the competition Contested possessions: ranked 8th in the competition Tackles: ranked 62nd in the competition Clearances: ranked 13th in the competition Hogan: Marks: ranked 24th in the competition Contested marks: ranked 3rd in the competition Goals: ranked 14th in the competition Marks inside 50: ranked 9th in the competition
  9. $20,000 investment portfolio...... which he can add to with his millions he will be earning over the next 10 years
  10. The brownlow is a farce now anyway. It should just be re-named the best midfielder award. I hope that changes with Goldstein winning this year but it's unlikely.
  11. If we can't get Prestia would love a straight swap for Aaron Hall. I remember watching him at the MCG one day and thinking how fast and skillful he was.
  12. Have you seen the video of Ah Chee's handballs? He is incredible.
  13. Had a tough year with injuries and form but a promising long term midfielder. He is still only 22 and even playing injured the majority of the year he averaged 21.7 disposals and 4.3 tackles per game. I expect him to have a big year next season and push up to average 25 touches per game.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if we offer him a similar contract plus our first rounder and another pick/player. Then if Pies aren't coming to the party we may be able to swoop.
  15. Ok, I forgot about him. I'd be interested to see the amount of inside 50's the Eagles got that year compared to Melbourne this year. Plus he had Kennedy to take the number one defender. I think that's what makes Hogan so special, he has taken the number one defender all season and beat a lot of them.
  16. The trade period hasn't even started yet. Guess this is the negativity Roos was talking about
  17. This should put what Hogan has done in perspective: 2015: Hogan: 20 games- 44 goals 19 behinds Other forwards in their 2nd season: Wayne Carey: 21 games- 38 goals 23 behinds Jonathan Brown: 25 games- 38 goals 22 behinds Nick Riewoldt: 22 games- 21 goals 18 behinds Lance Franklin: 14 games- 31 goals 9 behinds Travis Cloke: 15 games - 6 goals 12 behinds The best I have found in recent times is Jeremy Cameron with 62 goals 27 behinds in his 2nd season! Though they are very different players with Hogan a much better contested mark than Cameron.
  18. I'd imagine the club will see how it plays out first. If no one wants him then we can get him on the cheap to lower the risk.
  19. 100% hope we go after him. His speed and foot skills are what we desperately need.
  20. Hogan: Fantastic season by Hogan. Arguably the rising star. Feel sorry for him at times with the low inside 50 count but his contested marking is elite. His kicking for goal is effective but needs to work on his set shot routine. It won't hold up over time. Star of our time for quite some time and we need to lock him in to a max contract. Stretch: First season so must give him time and patience. Isn't often spoken about due to the success of Hogan etc. but needs to work on foot skills. His run is great and his debut game was encouraging but his foot skills are poor and I noticed this in his game as an under 18. 1) Couldn't care less about his set shot routine when he kicks 44 goals 19 behinds (69.8%). There is no reason this won't continue over his career so a very strange call. 2) Stretch has good foot skills and having another full pre season will help him when the game gets to the 3rd and 4th quarters.
  21. If he signs on that is good news. Definitely not a world beater but every side needs depth.
  22. That's the one. Thinking about our drafting during those years gives me nightmares. Prendergast should have paid back any income he was paid by the club!
  23. Obviously tanking. We will be fined $500,000 for dropping Watts while Freo and North have no case to answer.
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