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Showing content with the highest reputation on 27/01/13 in all areas

  1. This is the time to rush to conclusions and speculate.Not the time for sensible consideration.
    6 points
  2. This topic is one big bore for me. I couldn't care if you're hetero, homo, bi, or asexual. I don't want gay rounds. I don't want the AFL to be a moral police with their green agenda. I don't want messages shoved down my throat. I don't want any player encouraged to come out and be a poster boy. They can please their bloody selves. If they want to come out great, not that I'd give a stuff. I couldn't care less either way.
    5 points
  3. Good story and I fully agree with his stance. The fact that it is still something that needs to "come out" shows that we've got a long way to go in our society in regards to acceptance. I look forward to the day when homosexuality (or any-sexuality) is not some big secret we need to muster up the courage to tell our family and friends.
    5 points
  4. It is interesting that Eddie's knifing of Malthouse and his anointing his love child seems to be causing a few rifts. Long may it continue.
    4 points
  5. ^^ This, perfectly said. Being gay myself I totally agree with this, the whole coming out process was difficult and stressful, I can't wait for the day when society accepts differences in peoples lives. Also, disliked Brock Mclean for what he did to the MFC, but am really impressed how he has tackled this issue and is now coming out in support of gay people even by marching along side Jason Ball in the pride march next week is an amazing sign of support. Much respect to him for that!! Maybe our Brock is growing up and the storm after his comments on tanking has made him realise the important things in life? I am sure he has been extremely caught up in this whole saga as well, having an effect on his life.
    4 points
  6. Tomorrow, I hope to make it to training for the first time in over a year and with the anticipation of that event, I'm feeling a bit like a kid again. Back in those days (when I was a kid), I was an unabashed fan of Bugs Bunny whose character has been described as personifying "supreme heroism" and "humanity's aspirations to prevail over all difficulties and antagonists". Let's not forget that Bugs' heyday was back in the 50s and 60s when Melbourne was highly successful in fighting evil and winning premierships. Well, after enduring what was a very painful season in 2012 and having then to put up with sheer nastiness over the off season from characters like Caroline Wilson (I liken her to Elmer Fudd complete with shotgun at the ready to blow the brains out of our beloved Demons) and other media antagonists like Jon "Pepe Le Pew" Pierik, Jay "Hippety Hopper" Clark and Greg "Daffy Duck" Denham, it will be refreshing to go down to AAMI Park to watch some actual footballers, even if it's just to while away an hour or so watching the players do some pre season training drills. And how appropriate it is that the session is taking place in the shadows of Rod Laver Arena as they pack up the remnants of the tennis and close enough to the G where the curtain is about to fall on an uninspiring summer of cricket? Those sports are virtually done and dusted and the footy season beckons. All that's needed now is for the AFL head honcho Foghorn Leghorn Vlad to light up his exploding cigar and blow away the iniquitous tanking inquisition and the universe will once again be in harmony. But that's for another time and place and for now, I want to tick some (match) boxes. I want to see the box ticked that shows the players improving in their KPI's. I want to see greater enthusiasm, better skills, positive attitudes, keenness and competition for spots on the team and I want to see healthier, fitter bodies on the park. I want to see evidence that our intensity has gone up from last year's 60% of "elite" to 80% as promised. Show me Speedy Gonzales, the Road Runner and some tough guy characters, but most of all, the spirit of the hero, prevailing over all those who connive to defeat and dominate us. On with the show, this is it!
    3 points
  7. Tackling footy's silence on gays Damn, I really didn't want a reason to like Brock McLean. There is no doubt that Brock lacks tact, class, perhaps brains, and in the last twelve months has emerged as a true MFC villain. From a footballing perspective his departure was a sad one. His early years showed much promise, but in '08 and '09 he resembled a lame horse. Regardless of what's happened with the Gys, we won that trade. Which brings me to the article - and I don't want to write too much about it. Brock is no angel, but this articulation of the issue really hits the mark. Everybody in the community daily comes into contact with Homosexuals, and most everybody has a friend, family, colleague who is gay. This is a 'non-issue' issue which the AFL is being uncharacteristically retrograde on. It's just unfortunate that some individual (being the first to 'come out') has to be quite brave regarding something that is for many in the end unremarkable. some quotes: ''There's still that fear of being an outcast. I saw that with my sister and that's really sad because people shouldn't have to live with a secret as big as that. That silence can have a huge effect on them mentally.'' ''The AFL's the biggest sport in Australia. They're in a powerful position to promote equality and treating everyone the same regardless of whether they're gay or straight. They're dipping their toe in with this issue but really they need to put their whole body in.'' I still dislike you Brock.
    3 points
  8. I feel the same. But I feel strongly against the persecution of someone because of their sexual orientation, and if AFL footy has the power to change that, I can't see a valid reason why they wouldn't make the effort.
    3 points
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bogan The term bogan is Australian and New Zealand slang, usually pejorative or self-deprecating, for an individual who is recognised to be from an unsophisticated background or someone whose limited education, speech, clothing, attitude and behaviour exemplifies a lack of manners and education. 'Bout sums it up ...
    3 points
  10. There are obviously AFL players that are Gay and the only reason they don't come out is because they know they will be discriminated against; it's not about being a "poster boy" it's being about being able to do your job without facing prejudice in the work place. That's discrimination and to have to hide your sexuality in this day and age is disgraceful. The AFL have the responsibility, as an employer, to ensure that all their employees are treated equally, gays don't want to be treated differently they just want to be treated with the same respect that others are. If the AFL decide to pull their head out of the sand they may be able to show they are serious about equal opportunity for all, they've made it a lot easier for the indigenous kids so why not the ones who are gay. Or they could just turn a blind eye to it and pretend it doesn't exist.
    2 points
  11. Gilbee? Must have been drinking gin and tonics.
    2 points
  12. I'd love to live in a society where "gay awareness" wasn't required. Where pride marches weren't considered necessary, let alone rounds in the AFL with players wearing rainbow socks. One of my best mates is gay and it's a non-issue. Both he and we make the odd joke about it, as we do all other aspects of our life. It's about true acceptance. Unfortunately as it stands, there is still a main cause for which homosexuals are fighting, namely the legalisation of same-sex marriage. And in football circles, it remains an area where a fair amount of progress remains to be made. So until we reach true acceptance, I have no issue with Brock's comments. Good on him for speaking up when many others would not. But yeah, still a [censored].
    2 points
  13. Worst post ever. You just want the good old days where women couldn't vote and you didn't have to share the drinking fountain with them "coloured" folk...
    2 points
  14. The AFL's job is to do what's best for all of the clubs and the game itself. What is good for the AFL is to make everyone feel included. Hence they take a lead in many social issue to increase the size of the AFL community. If you want to see how this action has worked, and how inaction hasn't worked, then have a look at Rugby League.
    2 points
  15. They had "green" agendas a couple of years ago that I disagreed with. The country is now paying through the neck for all this "green" lunacy. It was just another case of Demetriou pushing his left wing agendas. As I said, I don't believe it's the AFL's place to shove social issues down our throat. You're welcome to disagree.
    2 points
  16. Most gays just want acceptance nothing more, they just want to be treated like anyone else is, is that too much to ask? Reading your post, I guess it is. Being discriminated in the workplace and many other places is common practice to them but I guess that doesn't interest you and Ben, as long as you're happy with what you've got, stuff em.
    2 points
  17. I do not like the AFL having "themed" rounds on social issues. There'll come a time when they take a stance on something that you don't agree with. It's not their place, imo. I'll agree to differ.
    2 points
  18. I think considering his own sister has struggled with this very concept, makes it fair enough to have an opinion and champion this cause. I'm just happy someone is. I still dislike Brock immensely.
    2 points
  19. Is this brain dead bogan now the AFLs version of Oprah?? Why does he need to have an opinion on everything and who cares about his opinion anyway? I was very happy when he donated money to the club but his on the couch form means for me that I would be happy to never hear about him again.
    2 points
  20. I think a big step in right direction to accept a person's sexuality is to allow gay marriage.
    2 points
  21. That's great and if the whole of society had your attitude we wouldn't need to bring it to peoples attention tbh because if people didn't give a stuff then there wouldn't be all the stigma attached to it. I think it's more about educating the wider community rather then having one sole role model and if you have an influential organisation the message gets to the masses. It's all good and well, I could start a campaign myself but my message would take a lot longer to get out there, so if you can use an organisation like the AFL to educate then where is the harm in that. To build that society we speak of we need to educate the youth, they are our future.
    2 points
  22. In terms of Dawes. Someone has to get a higher pay. We need to pay a certain percentage in the cap. If we paid our players on their merits there would only be a handful who deserve their coin and we would be way under the cap. Yes it's overs we paid for Dawes but that is what we had to do. No one will come to us for any other oppurtunity other then dollars at the moment. Hopefully that changes in time.
    2 points
  23. mmm ok , belt me if you like , whatever , its seems to me that there is lots of love for our brock , the same dog who got my club and yours , well some of you , in to the most damaging controversay in years , yet you all are bowing to the common sense he sprouts ? big deal his sis is gay , who really cares , i dont , i have no prob with gay people , until they hit on me , and it does happen , dont deny that , i must admit that i am a lesbian trapped in a mans body , but thats beside the point , , this love for mclean , brock , is just perverse , , get over ya selves and grow some , stick up for your club and let no one take us down , , i will go off when jv runs thru that dog , cheers
    1 point
  24. Bravo Robbie, Bravo. The Bare Bones 1. This is about workplace equality 2. A community organisation has a responsibility to be inclusive. None of that has anything to do with any of the hot button issues of the day. It's the 21st century - homosexuality is not a hot button issue A Digression ** The actions of Brock McLean, the potential impact of AFL action, and the brave players that will one day eventually 'come out' will be really significant events. It says 'you're welcome in this community' and provides examples of support. LGBT (youth in particularly) feel the burden of suicide more greatly then the broader community. This surely has something to do with a feeling of not belonging. There's space for meaningful gestures. I cannot understand those who argue against multiculturalism, nor do I believe that their arguments hold much water - but if the AFL had a 'rainbow round' or something like that, it would have more in common with the 'indigenous round' and I think we'd struggle to find a half-dozen who opposes that recognition [multicultural rnd is about inclusion too, but we tend to celebrate the more established immigrant communities rather than those just begining their australian journey].
    1 point
  25. This is absolute [censored]. To draw a line between sexuality and AIDS in this day and age shows exactly why we need social awareness campaigns. The majority of people with AIDS are poor Africans with little to no education. It's not 1983 anymore. And this whole argument about the 'majority of the actual public' is proven to be untrue as well. On last count 60% of the Australian population supported gay marriage, one of the highest approval ratings in the world. Seriously, if you're going to speak you might want to think first.
    1 point
  26. In no way was the Losers Finals going to count for the draft. It'll be 9-16 a it finished after rd 23.
    1 point
  27. The AFL committee that determined our compensation for losing Rivers and Moloney as free agents (combined value = 3rd round pick) probably answered the question better than anything else.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Well, in the end, I didn't need to start a fight with those young GCS punks to create a distraction from the tanking rubbish. One of them was able to do it all by himself - Young Gold Coast forward Jacob Gillbee charged with drink driving. Blew half of what Liam did over in Adelaide which shows that these Gold Coast lads still have a fair way to go . Incidentally, spare a thought for Redleg who decided to stay on the Gold Coast for a few more days to enjoy the brilliant sunshine up there. I left on Thursday and the sun was shining but it hasn't stopped p1zzing down ever since. I think it might even be too wet for him to post on the site.
    1 point
  30. Doubt it mate. If the bloke could play footy the club wouldn't give a siht. It's the media circus it would unleash thats the fear. Until a player decides he want to be a gay posterboy it ain't gonna happen.
    1 point
  31. Have him in a heartbeat, compliment our midfield tanks beautifully
    1 point
  32. That's some slippery logic you're using right there, Jose. By that token no-one is in a satisfactory position to answer anything unless they have multifaceted and in-depth experience of every side of a particular issue. And you talk about pointlessness! It is perfectly reasonable to assume in today's society that a member of the gay community moves in circles where there are more openly lesbian people than you are or I have in ours. As such, they are far more likely to by privvy to the thoughts and experiences of said lesbians. Argument won.
    1 point
  33. Yes exactly, I can only tell it from my side of the story and from what others have told me... hence giving more of a personal recount of how it felt for me. And each persons case is different, you'll have people come out at a very young age, happily and accepted, you'll have ppl like me who struggled with it for years and came out later in life, I mean it's a tough one and can only give my opinion based on my experiences, correct. Hence my response was very shaky at best anyway because as if I could tell exactly what it's like for every person who comes out.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Everyone knows the names Dawes, Petersen, Rodan, Byrnes etc. and other clubs have good young players coming onto their lists as well. In that respect, we are as well known as any other team.However, IMO we're embarking on 2013 with so many unknowns at play. We don't know how much the constant off field drama, outside criticism and the changes brought about by the new coaching regimen including the revamp of the leadership group affected overall team performance last year but it's fair to say that the impact of these things was negative. However, so much has changed and with many of the more poorly performed members of the list falling by the wayside in turning over one third of the list, with so many players appearing fitter and better prepared and with the possibility of younger players ready to take some big steps forward, we just don't know exactly how everything will gel together in 2013. So while I'm optimistic about things, I think the use of the word "unpredictable" is most apt.
    1 point
  36. is anyone else as pathetic and tragic as I am, that you watch replays of last years games, even the ones you know we were pathetically awful in (which was nearly all of them) just so you can remind yourself first-hand of exactly how bad we were/are? I am watching one now, with my head in my hands cursing at the ineptitude. I am also noting that every second bloke that has the ball is no longer at the club. This is closely linked with a hunger to see some more footy.. no matter how painful it may be. Anyone else like to torture themselves?
    1 point
  37. To answer your first question, anyone who reads this is a MFC tragic, therefore is by necessity a masochist :-)) Just put it all behind you and look forward to a massive improvement in 2013, now that Neeld, Missen and Craig have had a year to stamp their authority, purge the list and bring in people of character with strong bodies and minds.
    1 point
  38. Agree Cowboy and what made it even worse was the train ride home during which I encountered the only Brisbane Lions fan I know and he was so bloody patronising, I nearly jumped off the train between stations. He did mellow towards the end of the ride when he conceded the conditions favoured his team because they trained in the heat all the time and that Simon Black was in outstanding form in the middle all day but yeah ... the writing was on the wall early for us and it foreshadowed the early end to any chances we had for the season. We have to be at the absolute top of our game in round one this year and we must give Port an absolute bath. Being the eternal optimist, I reckon we can do it.
    1 point
  39. Round 1 2012 haunts me and will for a long time. I thought we would be up for the game with all the motivation needed and the fact we were playing Brisbane at the G. That one hurt a lot. Probably because it was made crystal clear that we suck. I fear for my mental health if we go down to port round 1. I have children MFC and a wife who all need my pay cheque. For the love of god get it done.
    1 point
  40. Only Lynden Dunn could cop an elbow to the head and be blamed for it.
    1 point
  41. I'm going to have to buy a footy record in round one!
    1 point
  42. I like a lot of what we did. After five seasons of beltings, we have to start winning games or at the very least start earning respect on the field. We needed big bodies and we needed leadership and I think Neeld succeeded in injecting some of both into the club. Will all of them fire? Probably not but I wouldn't be surprised to see Rodan, Byrnes and Pederson keen to impress in new colours. All of them can play in my opinion. What I really liked was the boldness of our entire trading/drafting period. The willingness to go full hog with the slash and burn and not do things in half measures. The off season call I liked most was the decision to move Gysberts on. It was understandably unpopular with many supporters, it may even backfire on us ... but it was donefor the right reasons. We cannot tolerate anyone going half-arsed in their approach to footy anymore, no matter how talented.
    1 point
  43. Should have been rubbed out for three (years). This man has made a living out of lying and coaching young men to lie and should've been made an example of.
    1 point
  44. G'day WYL. To quote Andy Dufresne in The Shawshank Redemption ... "Easiest time I ever did". Thanks moite. Certainly appears that way. That he goes by the moniker 'Rhino' is a bit ironic given that that mammal has one of the thicker hides in the animal kingdom. How about a Watts poll instead? Or a poll to guess the first poster to mindlessly call for Neeld's head? (Hardnut the short priced favourite). Cheers DD36 ... but I don't know who this YzeMagic is. Sounds like a kindred spirit! Thank you BBO. Cleancut Daisy-C got sin-binned? Well I'll be. Things got all sensitive there for a while during the post-season gnashing of teeth. New season though now. Neeld has cleaned house and re-loaded. How good is it to be a Dees fan at this time of year? Zero losses on the board, full of hope!
    1 point
  45. I don't know WJ, given the choice between being surrounded by fire or the Casey locals I'd have to give it some thought.
    1 point
  46. The fact that the T$ deal was never looked at even though all parties have said it happened outside the allowable window is simply a disgrace. Blucher is parasite of the highest order.
    1 point
  47. "Where are the Judean People's Front?""He's over there!"
    1 point
  48. its all about history and the nature of the human species
    1 point
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