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Game Plan


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I have asked this before on another post, WHAT GAME PLAN? I have been to 6 games live this year and i am buggered if I can figure out this mysterious "game plan".

I not having a go at it as I dont know what I am supposed to be seeing. Everybody on this site keeps refering to this game plan but can somebody please explain it to me. If I can understand what we are trying to do then I can hopefully see us working our way there over the rest of the year.

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I have asked this before on another post, WHAT GAME PLAN? I have been to 6 games live this year and i am buggered if I can figure out this mysterious "game plan".

I not having a go at it as I dont know what I am supposed to be seeing. Everybody on this site keeps refering to this game plan but can somebody please explain it to me. If I can understand what we are trying to do then I can hopefully see us working our way there over the rest of the year.

Who is this guy? Who recruited him & why do we have to live with this rubbish?

Any fool can see that he has not been able to work with the playing group to get things happening. The game plan - yes, you're right - not quite sure what this is - seemed to work against geelong and GUESS WHAT - everything was OK for a week, cause the pressure eased, they did OK at Skilled.

Did OK? THEY LOST BY 6 GOALS - a few years ago, this would not have been acceptable.

Loosing by 6 goals at Skilled is OK at the moment,

You've gotta be joking.

The club has recruited a rookie coach with bugger all skill and ability to work with the players.

Get real, time to get rid of him,

This is embarrassing & as a North Qld'er now, I'll not be renewing my membership next year & wish that I could get a refund on this year. It's a joke.


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The gameplan is rubbish, we don't have the players to suit it. It's a gameplan built for a list that has quick runners (that we don't have) and no forward line (that we do have).

This is a carbon copy of early 07 with Daniher. The wrong gameplan for the wrong players.

What do you want to do?

a. Wait 5-7 years for the players to regenerate to suit the gameplan (and believe me it'll take that long)


b. Modify the gameplan to suit the advantages we have.

The players have faults, collectively and individually, without doubt. All bar one AFL side have the same problems with their players. Ours are being made more pronounced because players drafted and developed to play a certain way and being instructed to play a completely foreign way. The reason some players work at some clubs and not at others is that they suit the style in which one team plays.

Bailey needs to make a decision and he needs to make it quick, either he modifies the gameplan (not throw it out the window, but modify it) or he starts us on a long process of regeneration that he won't be around to see the end of (because no club will wait seven years for something to happen).

---edit: I'll rephrase something I said at the start - the gameplan isn't rubbish, as a gameplan it works for certain clubs that have the players to do it (Port, West Coast), it's rubbish for us, who should be modeled on quick long movement forward to multiple forward targets. Which ironically, is what we did when we last played finals, with pretty much the same list.

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This is embarrassing & as a North Qld'er now, I'll not be renewing my membership next year & wish that I could get a refund on this year. It's a joke.


The only thing that's embarrassing is your complete inability to see beyond your anger.

Bailey may be a rookie senior coach, but he has plenty of coaching experience and he is no fool. Every great coach was once inexperienced you know.

To blame Bailey for what is happening is to sweep the main problems under the carpet... again.

The PLAYERS are the problems, the players that Bailey did NOT choose, but was unfortunate enough to receive when he took the job.

The game plan which everyone is jumping up and down about, is very simple. The idea is to move the ball quickly to give our forwards the best chance of a one-on-one contest. That our forwards can't win a one-on-nobody contest is not Bailey's fault. That our midfielders can't kick the ball or hit a target by hand is not Bailey's fault. Do you honestly think he tells his players to not his targets?

A bunch of monkeys can follow the actual game plan, sadly our execution is pathetic and that has to do with our sub-standard skills and application.

Just because you can't put an IKEA chair together, doesn't mean the instructions are wrong.

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The only thing that's embarrassing is your complete inability to see beyond your anger.

Bailey may be a rookie senior coach, but he has plenty of coaching experience and he is no fool. Every great coach was once inexperienced you know.

To blame Bailey for what is happening is to sweep the main problems under the carpet... again.

The PLAYERS are the problems, the players that Bailey did NOT choose, but was unfortunate enough to receive when he took the job.

The game plan which everyone is jumping up and down about, is very simple. The idea is to move the ball quickly to give our forwards the best chance of a one-on-one contest. That our forwards can't win a one-on-nobody contest is not Bailey's fault. That our midfielders can't kick the ball or hit a target by hand is not Bailey's fault. Do you honestly think he tells his players to not his targets?

A bunch of monkeys can follow the actual game plan, sadly our execution is pathetic and that has to do with our sub-standard skills and application.

Just because you can't put an IKEA chair together, doesn't mean the instructions are wrong.

Thank God you are here Jaded!

I am not responding to her, because you have managed to tap into my head and have done it for me!

One of the greatest posts I have read this year! Make that since joining DemonLand!

I can leave the forum and carry on with my Saturday night now, knowing that some people have their head screwed on straight!

Thank God I don't live in Far Nth Qld.....

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The gameplan is rubbish, we don't have the players to suit it. It's a gameplan built for a list that has quick runners (that we don't have) and no forward line (that we do have).

This is a carbon copy of early 07 with Daniher. The wrong gameplan for the wrong players.

2007 and 2008 are completely different.

For one, Daniher's game plan was based, as always, on previous premiership winners. As always, we were nowhere near as good as past premiership teams and as a consequence we didn't go far.

Bailey's game plan is built around where we should be and the way we need to play in order to be successful. We may not have quick runners, but that doesn't mean the competition won't pass us by if we just adjust our game plan instead of finding some runners. Besides, when you get first hands on the ball you always look a lot faster.

And our forward line is a complete joke right now. No matter what game plan you use, neither Neita nor Robbo can create a meaningful contest up forward.

It's easy to blame the game plan, it's harder to look beyond the scoreboard and understand that we don't have the right mix on the field right now. We don't have the players to compete on the same level as the best teams, but Bailey will not compromise his direction just because some supporters can't handle a few losses.

WE CANNOT KEEP MASKING THE PROBLEM FOREVER. I don't want to be competitive, I want to win a goddamn premiership!

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What I'd like to hear Bailey say is: the bucks stops with me. I, as well as the players and other coaches, am accountable

Do you really think that DB does not realise that?

Given the absolute crap that has been served up by the player not once has he publicly slagged or singled any of them for the heat the press love.

He continually reiterated the need to be more competitive. Its a fact that we do.

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The only thing that's embarrassing is your complete inability to see beyond your anger.

Bailey may be a rookie senior coach, but he has plenty of coaching experience and he is no fool. Every great coach was once inexperienced you know.

To blame Bailey for what is happening is to sweep the main problems under the carpet... again.

The PLAYERS are the problems, the players that Bailey did NOT choose, but was unfortunate enough to receive when he took the job.

The game plan which everyone is jumping up and down about, is very simple. The idea is to move the ball quickly to give our forwards the best chance of a one-on-one contest. That our forwards can't win a one-on-nobody contest is not Bailey's fault. That our midfielders can't kick the ball or hit a target by hand is not Bailey's fault. Do you honestly think he tells his players to not his targets?

A bunch of monkeys can follow the actual game plan, sadly our execution is pathetic and that has to do with our sub-standard skills and application.

Just because you can't put an IKEA chair together, doesn't mean the instructions are wrong.

So what's your solution Jaded? We remain winless and uncompetitive for the next 5 years, which is how long it will take to totally regenerate a list capable of following Bailey's game plan.

The list is not that bad. The players are playing reactive rather than instinctive football, and the coach is to blame.

Everything that Hards has written is spot on. Most of you are delusional about Bailey's game plan being the answer to success.

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Bailey needs to make a decision and he needs to make it quick, either he modifies the gameplan (not throw it out the window, but modify it) or he starts us on a long process of regeneration that he won't be around to see the end of (because no club will wait seven years for something to happen).

---edit: I'll rephrase something I said at the start - the gameplan isn't rubbish, as a gameplan it works for certain clubs that have the players to do it (Port, West Coast), it's rubbish for us, who should be modeled on quick long movement forward to multiple forward targets. Which ironically, is what we did when we last played finals, with pretty much the same list.

I think Bailey has made that decision. And I dont believe it takes seven years.

And that game plan that you prescribe to has been picked to pieces by the better teams when we did make the finals. Its not good enough to get us to an ultimate premiership let alone past an elimination final. The concern is that when people believe the plan is rubbish for us fail to recognise that the cattle we have to implement are rubbish. And the calls to have a gameplan suit our list would have to accommodate lazy front running players that are not accountable nor prepared to work hard when the opposition win the ball. And I yet to see any propose a sensible alternative to cater for our "special unique" and rather skilless prima donnas.

The game has evolved and MFC have not and many of the players who struggle with it will be out of AFL within the next 1 to 2 years.

Jaded, I dont think there is too much difference in the basic concepts that Daniher and Bailey are applying. I share your sentiment on the goal. Its even more concerning that two coaches at MFC can see where the game and why the top teams are top yet some supporters.

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The only thing that's embarrassing is your complete inability to see beyond your anger.

Bailey may be a rookie senior coach, but he has plenty of coaching experience and he is no fool. Every great coach was once inexperienced you know.

To blame Bailey for what is happening is to sweep the main problems under the carpet... again.

The PLAYERS are the problems, the players that Bailey did NOT choose, but was unfortunate enough to receive when he took the job.

The game plan which everyone is jumping up and down about, is very simple. The idea is to move the ball quickly to give our forwards the best chance of a one-on-one contest. That our forwards can't win a one-on-nobody contest is not Bailey's fault. That our midfielders can't kick the ball or hit a target by hand is not Bailey's fault. Do you honestly think he tells his players to not his targets?

A bunch of monkeys can follow the actual game plan, sadly our execution is pathetic and that has to do with our sub-standard skills and application.

Just because you can't put an IKEA chair together, doesn't mean the instructions are wrong.

Great post Jaded.

Maybe tha Hawks should have given Clarko the arse in his first year, or the Bulldogs gotten rid of Eade last year, or Bomber should have been shown the door at the cattery a couple of yeras ago.

I get mad as hell when i watch them play as poorly as they do. I thought our first half, bar the last 5 minutes, was some of the worst football i have ever witnessed in the AFL by any team. But, i can't blame DB for the teams inept skills out there on the field. In 3 years time, if they are of the same poor level, i will.

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So what's your solution Jaded? We remain winless and uncompetitive for the next 5 years, which is how long it will take to totally regenerate a list capable of following Bailey's game plan.

The list is not that bad. The players are playing reactive rather than instinctive football, and the coach is to blame.

Everything that Hards has written is spot on. Most of you are delusional about Bailey's game plan being the answer to success.

Interesting and ironic Mo.

You have bagged the game plan and when prompted never put forward a solution. So I will ask again, what's your game plan to accommodate the shortfall and excesses of this team?

As a gauge to the list how many of our list would fit into either the Geelong, Hawthorn or Western Bulldogs sides at the moment. We have poor over the last 2 years and prior to that possessed a brittleness at the business end of the season in 2004-6.

The game has changed significantly in the past 2 to 3 years. Coaches and players are all commenting that. The only thing reactive....is the supporters who have missed the changes.

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Oh ye that have no vision !!!

I do believe Jaded ( and few others ) are onto the dilemma. Quite simply we are mismatched as to players and plan. Oh how obvious you marvellous Bub some deride...but wait..there's more. The real dilemma is that Bails CAN see where the game is going. Even if he could manage to get a coupel of the nongs out there to meld togethre for 5 mins long enough for a few wins' we'd actually be going backewards as the game would be rocketing passed us still !!

Bails, I think , is attempting to instill into the club a game style that wil lset us up for the next 5-10 years. Its a quicker game.. a more possession game. A couple of fudged wins will atually acomplish very little. Anyone with half an eye will realise that only a handful of the current crop will still be around in a few years when we become really competitive.

So ..we chnage our sourse to suit what we have now..and end up beaching the boat eventually..or we continue along and get the crew to do the job.

I know this sounds liek heresy but winnig is irrelevent as such at the moment ...its about getting things right.. about attitude, about following team rules..about aplying for 100% of a game.. These are the foundations upon which any plan is based.. we arent doing too much of any of it.. we arent competitive enough to worry anyone.

Bails has set a task for the Dees.. who can listen ? who can apply ?.. those that pass muster will be there next year.. others will go.

You might as well get used to it some of you..we will win very few if any games this year. What would you prefer..a couple of wins this year with no gain going forward as a team.. or to get it right !!

There's an expression...look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves...


If we look after the basics..and get them right...the wins will look after themselves.

Its not Bails.. its the clowns in red and blue !!...get more clowns..

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The gameplan is rubbish, we don't have the players to suit it. It's a gameplan built for a list that has quick runners (that we don't have) and no forward line (that we do have).

This is a carbon copy of early 07 with Daniher. The wrong gameplan for the wrong players.

What do you want to do?

a. Wait 5-7 years for the players to regenerate to suit the gameplan (and believe me it'll take that long)


b. Modify the gameplan to suit the advantages we have.

The players have faults, collectively and individually, without doubt. All bar one AFL side have the same problems with their players. Ours are being made more pronounced because players drafted and developed to play a certain way and being instructed to play a completely foreign way. The reason some players work at some clubs and not at others is that they suit the style in which one team plays.

Bailey needs to make a decision and he needs to make it quick, either he modifies the gameplan (not throw it out the window, but modify it) or he starts us on a long process of regeneration that he won't be around to see the end of (because no club will wait seven years for something to happen).

---edit: I'll rephrase something I said at the start - the gameplan isn't rubbish, as a gameplan it works for certain clubs that have the players to do it (Port, West Coast), it's rubbish for us, who should be modeled on quick long movement forward to multiple forward targets. Which ironically, is what we did when we last played finals, with pretty much the same list.

I agree with you. Nobody can start with a clean slate, a slate that does not take into account the current players, their skills, abilities etc.

You must adapt, take a long view sure, but work with what you got.

The players on our list are not THAT bad. Whatever is happening at the club has gutted them of confidence and skills.

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So what's your solution Jaded? We remain winless and uncompetitive for the next 5 years, which is how long it will take to totally regenerate a list capable of following Bailey's game plan.

The list is not that bad. The players are playing reactive rather than instinctive football, and the coach is to blame.

Everything that Hards has written is spot on. Most of you are delusional about Bailey's game plan being the answer to success.

I tell you what my solution is not, my solution is not to accommodate inadequately skilled, poorly committed players with a game plan that may see them win some games, but which will NEVER, I repeat NEVER, take them to a premiership.

Either you want to be mildly competitive, or you sit through some poor losses until such a time as the players and the game plan go hand in hand. To keep bending backwards to please some truly pathetic players is not the solution.

It's been happening at our club for far too long, and it is now Bailey's unfortunate job to remove those who cannot work hard defensively, cannot hit a target and who play for themselves above all.

When he does, suddenly the game plan will look simple and everyone will wonder why we didn't employ it 10 years ago :rolleyes:

The Game Plan > The Players

But you keep telling yourself that our players are not THAT bad... that will make everything better.

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Interesting and ironic Mo.

You have bagged the game plan and when prompted never put forward a solution. So I will ask again, what's your game plan to accommodate the shortfall and excesses of this team?

As a gauge to the list how many of our list would fit into either the Geelong, Hawthorn or Western Bulldogs sides at the moment. We have poor over the last 2 years and prior to that possessed a brittleness at the business end of the season in 2004-6.

The game has changed significantly in the past 2 to 3 years. Coaches and players are all commenting that. The only thing reactive....is the supporters who have missed the changes.

I was going to reply in depth, but quite frankly, anyone who raises this old chestnut of "how many players would get a game with blah, blah, blah" is not worth the effort.

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I was going to reply in depth, but quite frankly, anyone who raises this old chestnut of "how many players would get a game with blah, blah, blah" is not worth the effort.

Well done Mo. I did not think you had an alternative.

And its actually a fair question to ask if you think that list is not too bad to ask where our list stands against other leading teams.

But just another issue you have avoided.


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