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He totally disregarded and disrespected the thoughts and feelings of the members and supporters in regards to Danihers position. Said he would consider the opinion of everyone associated with the club except the "fickle" supporters and members. Well Paul, id wise up if i were you because like it or not the opinions of us members will count as we are heading for record low membership next season if Neale is signed up.

I think after last night it became clear to all members that Neales time is up and we all need some assurance and support from Gardiner that they do have a plan for the future but we just arent getting it.

He's quite right. The club has to make a considered decision on the coaching position and it happens to be one of the most important decisions the current Board will have to make. You have to take the emotion out of it and fickle supporters and members usually deal in emotion. This decision is too important to allow that to happen as we've seen at other clubs that it's a disaster.

I'm personally in favour of change because it's been 10 years and we don't appear to be able to go up another level. I'd like to see something different. That said however, I'm glad the decision's not mine and I'll declare here and now I'll never allow myself to fall into the fickle supporter category. That means I'll be at the Dome on Friday, I hope I'm not the lone Demon fan there and I reckon we'll give it a shake!

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In reality it is the ONLY decision the board needs to deal with.. after that only can anything else really be looked at as the primary functionality of the coaching role and personage will have ramifications on all else and sundry.

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He's quite right. The club has to make a considered decision on the coaching position and it happens to be one of the most important decisions the current Board will have to make. You have to take the emotion out of it and fickle supporters and members usually deal in emotion. This decision is too important to allow that to happen as we've seen at other clubs that it's a disaster.

I'm personally in favour of change because it's been 10 years and we don't appear to be able to go up another level. I'd like to see something different. That said however, I'm glad the decision's not mine and I'll declare here and now I'll never allow myself to fall into the fickle supporter category. That means I'll be at the Dome on Friday, I hope I'm not the lone Demon fan there and I reckon we'll give it a shake!

Agree Jack, if Paul G said as described above then I'm happy. His job is to make decisions based on what he and the board believe is the best for the club, NOT what the members demand he do. People seem not to understand this.

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In reality it is the ONLY decision the board needs to deal with.. after that only can anything else really be looked at as the primary functionality of the coaching role and personage will have ramifications on all else and sundry.

Do you mean the only decision or the only football decision? Either way, you'd be wrong, the Board has the ultimate say on evrything although, on most matters it would be guided by football department recommendations. Ultimately however, the buck stops with the Board.

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all football operation s essentially flow or fan out from teh appointee of the coach. That will determine his enterage, and the likley thinki gof trades and drafts and by this the future makeup and emphasis of the team.

Business carries on at a different pace. At present our crisis is the performance of the team and its leadership by teh coach.

I stand by my original stance... The coaching position is the only one to be focussing in on right at this moment.

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Agree Jack, if Paul G said as described above then I'm happy. His job is to make decisions based on what he and the board believe is the best for the club, NOT what the members demand he do. People seem not to understand this.

True, but then why did he say that he'll take the opinions of the players into consideration?

He said that it is very important to him that the players get on with the coach, which in my opinion is absolute crap. They don't need to like him, they need to respect him and work for him and listen to him. He needs to demand all that from them.

And isn't it funny that the only players who have come out in the media and stated that they want Daniher to coach us next year, are those senior players who have had a sweet ride under Daniher and who will no doubt continue to have a sweet and easy ride to retirement as long as Daniher is there! :rolleyes:

They don't want Daniher gone, because they know that when a new coach comes in, their position in the side or even at the club, will no longer be secure.

I was happy with the interview, and very glad to see someone in a senior position at the club come out and take some sort of responsibility and show accountability for what is going on. I wish we got that from our coaches, but we can't have everything.

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His job is to make decisions based on what he and the board believe is the best for the club, NOT what the members demand he do. People seem not to understand this.

Fair comments Nasher. I too agree. My immediate thoughts on this matter( bar the obvious issue of what lay ahead for the club and the board), was with Gardner making the comment regarding the fickle supporter. I trust he had considered the ramifications and possible misirepresentation of his comments. I also trust he had differentiated in his own mind the difference between the emotion driven 'cut snake' supporter and the paid, voting member of the club who has simply had enough of this 10 year roller coaster journey.

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True, but then why did he say that he'll take the opinions of the players into consideration?

He said that it is very important to him that the players get on with the coach, which in my opinion is absolute crap. They don't need to like him, they need to respect him and work for him and listen to him. He needs to demand all that from them.

I don't recall a single one of the players ever saying they "liked him". They said they wanted him as coach. They may've even said they liked him as a coach, but that isn't the same thing as liking him as a person which is what you're talking about. I believe Gardner is correct when he says it's very important for the players to "get on" with the coach. If they don't, you get a situation where they just don't listen to him. Believe me it's no fun playing footy under a coach you think is an absolute dick.

I believe the players do have respect for the coach, though after last night's insipid performance I am starting to have my doubts.

He didn't say it's going to be the basis of his decision but it is something he'll take in to consideration and I think he's 100% correct in doing so.

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He didn't say it's going to be the basis of his decision but it is something he'll take in to consideration and I think he's 100% correct in doing so.

Ummm, token gesture at best Nasher. :rolleyes:

It another interesting comment by Gardner. Going by what he said in the press, he's pretty much already made his decision, wouldn't you think?

"Believe me it's no fun playing footy under a coach you think is an absolute dick"

You're right there. I am sure I saw a bit last night that just helped to reinforce that theory.

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The interview sounds like it was a breath of fresh air.

It has been tough over the past couple of weeks listening to other coaches 'come clean' about their current predicaments. Like Pagan admitting he had made a mistake by trying to get his current group of players to play a negative game style. And Chris Connelly admitting his job was on the line if he did not get the wins on the board by season end.

I WISH we had a coach who would admit his mistakes publicly INSTEAD of blaming everything but the REAL problem.

This years it's been injuries, bad luck and now the players but NO mention of a dumb decision to change a winning game plan and switch the offensive and defensive coaches from last year. :wacko:

Good on you Paul; do the right thing!!

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Havent actually heard ND come clean as yet.. seems its all invariably the teams fault.. That he is in charge of amalgamating that team and preparing it for batle along with its tactics doesnt seem to occur to him to be a contributing factor!!

Me thinks Gardner might be bringing this to his attention

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"We can make no excuse. We entered this season with a style of play they wanted to try ... with people we thought were capable of doing the job and overall, in their own judgment, I think they'd mark themselves a pretty poor return"


President says game plan sucks.

At lease he isn't blaming injuries.

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Paul Gardner made accurate comments about many of the Melbourne supporters. Many leave when the going gets tough (we all know the stereotypical cr@p).

The last time i went to Buller was 10 years ago, when i was a wee boy. I am an optimist, and believe that we will definately bounce back next year. But when Gardner comes out and has a go at the supporters for not turning up, i ask him, why should we when the team gives such an inept performance like Friday night. Why should we go support the team if they will not give a 100% effort? Why should we waste our time watching crap like that against Richmond?

How a team can go from playing such crap football for the majority of 9 rounds, then play 2 great games, and within 1.5 weeks give the worst effort of the season is beyond me. I have never felt so hollow after a loss than i did last Friday night. After building such a promising list then to be let down like we have been in '07 is so far beyond disappointing.

And for the reason of many supporters not turning up, apart from a highly rated team doing so sh!t, 43 years (sorry it will now be 44 years) might have an effect on the commitment of supporters, Paul. Especially when the players aren't willing to give 100% to the club, and most importantly the fans.

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And isn't it funny that the only players who have come out in the media and stated that they want Daniher to coach us next year, are those senior players who have had a sweet ride under Daniher and who will no doubt continue to have a sweet and easy ride to retirement as long as Daniher is there! :rolleyes:

They don't want Daniher gone, because they know that when a new coach comes in, their position in the side or even at the club, will no longer be secure.


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I don't remember Neita coming out and saying "I want Daniher at the club next year".

He may have come out and expressed the opinion of his teammates because he is their leader.

I would think that Neita only wants one thing now, a premiership. If he doesn't think that a new coach can bring success immidately, then he might hesitate on changing the coach.

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"Neale's been fantastic at the Melbourne footy club, he's been fantastic with me," he said.

Hmmm... I won't say a bad word about our captain, as he is a champion of the MFC and has never put in less than 100%.

But you know where I'm going with this one...

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yeah i see your point, i just don't beleve neitz has been given a cushie ride by daniher or that his future would be uncertain if a new coach came in as you earlier put it

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The fact of the matter is that Gardner shouldn't be alienating any of our supporters. Yes, fair enough, don't let emotion or fickle supporters dictate what the board does - that doesn't mean you have to say it! But all in all, I think the Board is across the issues, and speaking to a prominent board member after the game, I'm satisfied that they will take the right course of action.

And as for the players, seriously they should stay out of it. It smacks of unprofessionalism. If they want to support Neale, then put your bodies on the line and don't dish up the turd we saw in the first half last week. The players have a very specific role, and that should be their focus. The Board has a different function, and should be left to focus on that without pressure of players seeking headlines.

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"Neale's been fantastic at the Melbourne footy club, he's been fantastic with me," he said.

Hmmm... I won't say a bad word about our captain, as he is a champion of the MFC and has never put in less than 100%.

But you know where I'm going with this one...

Yep...certainly do..

but I ask...why is no one above reproach ? Not saying a bagging.. just a reasoned and thoughtful review of where and what anyone stands for.

This is to me part of the systemic problem with Melbourne...we enshrine everything.

Just because he's the captain, to me doesnt protect him from our normal observations. Yes he's a brillaint club champion but he's far from perfect. far from all knowing.

I'll say it if no one else will...he ( as nay of the players should do ) ought to shut the ***k up and get on with it..do what he does best play footy. He obviously has far too much of an emotional connection with Daniher to offer an unbiased cooment.

My rational for this is he's too close to see it in the bigger context. Neeta will be in perfect position to ofer observation of Neale as a person and we can take much from that.

Comments like these ( Neitz's) possibly ring the bell of captaincy ?

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If they want to support Neale, then put your bodies on the line and don't dish up the turd we saw in the first half last week.

Well said Choko. Actions speak louder than words. There's always plenty of players talking it up at the MFC but it is very rarely backed up in actions on the field.

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Well said Choko. Actions speak louder than words. There's always plenty of players talking it up at the MFC but it is very rarely backed up in actions on the field.

Yeh, none more apparent than the players talking about ifnals when we won 2 games. Idiots.

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"We can make no excuse. We entered this season with a style of play they wanted to try ... with people we thought were capable of doing the job and overall, in their own judgment, I think they'd mark themselves a pretty poor return"


President says game plan sucks.

It's completely understandable that you and Clint are unhappy with our poor execution of our new gameplan. I'm not too happy with our season either.

But note that Geelong and West Coast have the lowest kick to handball ratio in the AFL at 1.2 and are placed 1 and 2 on the ladder.

Geelong are 2nd in handballs per game and 12th in long kicks per game. Geelong have gone from 1.5 kicks per handball in 2006 to 1.2 in 2007. They've made a change in gameplan. We were never going to progress beyond the 4th-8th ceiling without making a change and I strongly support that. Just because we have been unable to get it right doesn't mean it's a bad idea.

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