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Gardner on SEN


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He totally disregarded and disrespected the thoughts and feelings of the members and supporters in regards to Danihers position. Said he would consider the opinion of everyone associated with the club except the "fickle" supporters and members. Well Paul, id wise up if i were you because like it or not the opinions of us members will count as we are heading for record low membership next season if Neale is signed up.

I think after last night it became clear to all members that Neales time is up and we all need some assurance and support from Gardiner that they do have a plan for the future but we just arent getting it.

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I didn't hear the interview. As for his comments, I hope that was not the case. As he is the President of our great club and the mouthpeice of the current board, he can ill afford to alienate the supporter base. On further thought, I can't understand why he would say something like that. Disappointing.

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He totally disregarded and disrespected the thoughts and feelings of the members and supporters in regards to Danihers position. Said he would consider the opinion of everyone associated with the club except the "fickle" supporters and members.

IF he said that, then that is terribly disappointing. I know some die-hard, so-called "fickle" supporters - regulars of the dark period in the '70s and '80s, when there was virtually nothing to look forward to and who still go today - who say that "Daniher has to go".

Supporters need to make their feelings known after the game when the players leave the field by the "few" still attending that what we are witnessing at the club is unacceptable. Then it is hard for him to categorise disgruntled regulars attending in lean times into the "fickle" category, if he indeed say it as stranga helpfully relayed it to us.

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fickle supporters are those who wanted daniher as coach last week and dont want him as coach this week. THAT IS FICKLE!!!

i, however, have always thought that 10 years as senior coach without a premership is enough. last week i believed this and this week is remains true.

i dont think they should sack him mid year. what good would that do. NOTHING! daniher has been a great servant of the club. let him bow out at years end with dignity and we'll start afresh next year with a new coach.

guy Mckenna for coach

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fickle supporters are those who wanted daniher as coach last week and dont want him as coach this week. THAT IS FICKLE!!!

Sylvinator, I agree with your take on 'fickle' mate. I would like to know if thats what Gardner was implying. As I said earlier in this thread, I didn't hear the interview. Does anyone here have a transcript of what he said?

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His definition of fickle supporters was those who don't make the effort to get along to games when the going gets tough. By definition all those that were at the 'G' last night are worth listening to. He is right about our hard core group, the smallest in the comp... and have been since the 70's.

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I heard the entire interview and he did not say that ALL Melbourne supporters are fickle, but there is no doubt that outside the core diehards we don't have enough people attend games.

Paul handled himself extremely well and was frank in his comments which included;

- I have always said a decision would be made on the coach when the season was done and dusted

- When questioned he admitted that it would be fair to say that we are done and dusted now

- Clearly stated that he is not a football expert, however believes that players will now be playing for their spots next year

- Believes that we need to consider going with the kids now that finals are out of the question.

It was the first time that Gardiner has even remotely given the impression that Daniher will not be coaching at Melbourne next year.

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I just read the article. Im heartened to hear gardiner finally come out and say something critical about the football department, players and coach.

He has managed the finances of the club so well since he has come on board, but its long overdue that he puts the 'kosh' on the players and coach.

Lets hope that last night is the nadir and that we are ready to clean out some people from the place and begin to move forward. Right now, the whole club stinks of complacency and inaction in the face of disgraceful performances.

Daniher must be close to the longest serving coach without a premiership in the history of the AFL/VFL. He has never had a plan B on game day and has never been able to produce a structure where we can win without neitz.

More that just Daniher, i think we need a change of on field leadership. A big name needs to go. The players are all far too comfortable and complacent. Change is needed.

Its time. Its way over time.

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Just get a coach who doesn't allow his players to treat clubs lower on the ladder than Melbourne like a joke..

If we get done next week badly against Essendon, its time for ND and the board to conduct an official press conference next weekend announcing that ND's contract will not be nenewed for next year, but he is able to see out the rest of the year. The 2007 circus has to stop. Give the club and its supporters some clarity on next year.

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I didn't hear the interview. As for his comments, I hope that was not the case. As he is the President of our great club and the mouthpeice of the current board, he can ill afford to alienate the supporter base. On further thought, I can't understand why he would say something like that. Disappointing.

I'm not surprised by Paul Gardiner's words. He has a horrible way with them. Best he not alienate the members of this club, otherwise it would spell disaster.

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Just get a coach who doesn't allow his players to treat clubs lower on the ladder than Melbourne like a joke..

If we get done next week badly against Essendon, its time for ND and the board to conduct an official press conference next weekend announcing that ND's contract will not be nenewed for next year, but he is able to see out the rest of the year. The 2007 circus has to stop. Give the club and its supporters some clarity on next year.

Completely agree Powelly!!!!

I wouldn't wait until after next week though.

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Don't let the Gardner smoke and mirrors show blind you to the fact that he was on the board under Szondy when they lost 2 mil.

We are better off financially now since Szondy but that's only because the AFL are propping us up each year by giving us hand outs.

A couple of weeks ago Gardner came out in the press to say we would make a million dollar profit this year which was the million from the AFL. A week or so later he changed that to maybe $700,000 or less profit. Will this figure change weekly for the rest of the season? So many say we can't afford to get rid of Daniher but can we afford to keep him if gate receipts and other financials for the club fall away the longer the season goes on?

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"We can make no excuse. We entered this season with a style of play they wanted to try ... with people we thought were capable of doing the job and overall, in their own judgment, I think they'd mark themselves a pretty poor return"


President says game plan sucks.

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Thanks for the heads-up on the article Seddo.

My take on the article as far as Gardner's position on the coaching issue is one of resignation and acknowledgement that there has to be action.

"I think last night has just about dusted it. It was probably done a few weeks ago, if you're honest about it.

"In many ways the situation for discussing it more seriously is certainly upon us."

I also feel for Sickto and his points. I firmly believe the responsibility lay upon the whole club, which needs to continue to improve.

He said the team was performing in stark contrast to Melbourne's off-field record, where it had become financially stable with a strong administration and was looking forward to a new Olympic Park headquarters.

I don't want to see a finger pointing exercise occur within the club. IMO Gardner needs to accept his fair share of accountability. He should not be (esp publicly) distancing himself from the football dept as he appears to be in this article.

He talks of complacency. Lets not see the current board fall into that trap either. Its easy to do. Their job is far from finished.

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Apart form the obvious , there is one marked difference between clubs such as say Collingwood and say.......... us !!

Could you imagine Eddie sitting back and not saying..THINGS WILL CHANGE !!. He would not allow the current situation we experience. hate him as we will, but he is a FOOTY President.. who wants FOOTY success.

I appreciate Gardner may have his style.. but Im wondering if he has the 'ticker' !!

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I'm not surprised by Paul Gardiner's words. He has a horrible way with them. Best he not alienate the members of this club, otherwise it would spell disaster.

I just heard the re-run of the interview on-line Mfc. I can't help but agree with you. That comment, and the context in which it was pitched, was disappointing. I'm sorry to say this, but I fear his wish of having a few xtra scarves come monday just may come true.

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Don't let the Gardner smoke and mirrors show blind you to the fact that he was on the board under Szondy when they lost 2 mil.

We are better off financially now since Szondy but that's only because the AFL are propping us up each year by giving us hand outs.

A couple of weeks ago Gardner came out in the press to say we would make a million dollar profit this year which was the million from the AFL. A week or so later he changed that to maybe $700,000 or less profit. Will this figure change weekly for the rest of the season? So many say we can't afford to get rid of Daniher but can we afford to keep him if gate receipts and other financials for the club fall away the longer the season goes on?

very strange post for a first post up. the financial year ends next weekend so its fair to say that the profit margin for the season would be now pretty much settled. we had budgeted for a 1 mil profit, but i now looks like 700G for a number of reason. the poor crowds to our first 6 home games were well under budget and cost us over 100G. the injuries to senior players who are on a straight per year contract has forced us to play players on performance based contracts. this has resulted in our football spending being over 100G more in the first 11 rounds of the season than we budgeted for. i dont think they are unreasonable explanations for the change in predicted profit.

yes the profit we are predicting includes the adl CBF. but what you need to remember is that we didnt get money to splash around at optus oval for redevelopments. we dont get revenue from reserved seats at kadinia park, aami stadium, or subiaco. we dont get millions to play a couple of games in tasmania, we are not the only team in the state looking for sponsors like brisbane and sydney. teams have their only little niche advantage. we dont seem to have one atm, and this is why the afl give us the CBF.

we have nearly payed off our debts and are about to move into a new home. why do you have a problem with gardner and his board?

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Deanox, I'm not sure he Sickto does. I can't speak for him. He makes a valid point. THe footy dept. is crucial in the business plan and the long term financial future and security of the club. We can't afford to neglect it. Gardner needs to be accountable.

Just my interpretation mate.

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Deanox, I'm not sure he Sickto does. I can't speak for him. He makes a valid point. THe footy dept. is crucial in the business plan and the long term financial future and security of the club. We can't afford to neglect it. Gardner needs to be accountable.

Just my interpretation mate.

no worries. but this poster hasnt attacked the footy dept, he has attacked gardner. and from what i can tell gardner and his board seem to be doing well. we have a new home lined up and we are going to finish the season in the black. the discrepency mention is easily explained, as i did. do you think garnder hasn't been accountable? sickto didnt suggest that he just used a vague post to discredit gardner. i would like to know WHY he doesnt rate gardner and what gardner needs to do to improve. and i would be interested to know if he has any ideas to make us as profitable as the big clubs so that we dont have to rely on the CBF.

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I can see that Gardner does feel accountability. Its what transpires over the next week or to I suggest that will dictate how we see him as an instigator for change.. I dont need him to join in any chorus of "snow bunny fever" . What he might want to understand in that light is it is actually PREFERABLE to possibly 'enjoy' oneself somewhere else as opposed to soem week in week out sado masochistic journey to pay to watch insipidness !!

He after all is in the business of supposedly understanding the world of consumerism and sport spectating is nothig different to that. He deals with products with brand loyalties etc. he should be well situated then to understand if you have a shonky product people will leave in droves.

a quote from an article


"The adman and AFL club chairman on why there's more to life than football.

There are many things about the world that worry Paul Gardner. One might expect that, as chairman of AFL football club Melbourne, his team's dismal performance this season might be top of the list. Not so.

As we settle into a wide-ranging conversation at the advertising agency Grey Global, of which Gardner is also chairman, it is immediately clear that his world is by no means defined by kicking a piece of pigskin or flogging nappies to consumers. "

I would ask that Mr Gardner choose his alliances and targets better. Seems it may be all well land good for him to have football as only part of his life...and ffs he heads up the Oldest Footbal club going here, but if we choose a similar attiude we're fickle.

No Mr Gardner, possibly just like any consumer we are able to make choices. Pain isnt high on my list !

If you are judgig us in the outer, i can assure you we will be judging you over the oncomig months. You seem like a capable sort; don't let us down. Footy's fickle yeah !! :-)

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...Seems it may be all well land good for him to have football as only part of his life...and ffs he heads up the Oldest Footbal club going here, but if we choose a similar attiude we're fickle.

you make a good point here. but i think it must be mentioned that gardners job is run a business (the football club) and make it profitable. while he is responsible for on field performances eventually, it is not his role to be tackling that during the season. i am sure post season he will review the footy dept but at the mome i think it is best that the footy dept runs the footy dept. otherwise you get instability ala st kilda.

i havnt read his comments regarding fickle supporters, but i believed that fickle meant inconstant or changeable loyalties. he hasnt shown that at all. he has been behind daniher for this season the whole way. the 'fickle' supporters are the supporters who when we win want to keep him, when we lose want to sack him. who when we win praise godfrey, when we lose blame his poor disposal. that 'bandwagon' sort of behaviour is what i would assume he is talking about. it is not necessarily about whether you go to games or not, but about being consistent in your beliefs. i believe he was probably saying that we cant response to the irrational outcry of a vocal 'fickle' group after an emotional game like last night, where we get smashed.

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