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We are f*****g Melbourne!

Jaded No More

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This is a great post. Here here Jaded.

Today, i think we all felt the passion!

I know i i've never felt more glad to hear "Grand Old Flag" than when the siren rang today! (i probably have, but it's been a long time coming this year)

To condemned 84: I've got a couple of tatts too (not a lot, but a few), but too am waiting for that flag for a new one on my arm. Hopefully it says "MFC 2008"

Felt truly proud to be a part of the MFC today, and like everyone else here, will be for the rest of my life.

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Don't be too hard on the slightly less passionate supporters Jaded, good on you for your passion and sentiments, but boy if you have followed the club as long as I have your passion and loyalty would be sorely tested. How about 23 years straight without even a finals appearance, let alone grand final spot. The last 10 years have been much more successful. Great last 5 weeks by the dee's (apart from one letdown) but this is what we want to see week in week out. Then I will take up membership again every year and start going to games when I can (not easy when 3 hours away)

Great win though Dee's, a well deserved reward for effort

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great thread this :)

i sadly couldnt go to the game today because work wouldnt let me take it off :angry: ...and it was the first victorian game i havent gone to all season... so im cut i wasnt there at all but especially when i final siren went....thats the moment ive been waiting for all season

but even before we hadnt won i was still really excited to go watch the boys play

i really hope we go out there and give it a real shot next week at QB and hopefully more of our supporters come out and make some noise.


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I share and love your passion Jaded.

My Heart bleeds Red and Blue !

We are fortunate to be a club with the name of the sporting capital of Australia, Know throughout the world

I think the board needs to capitalize on this. I believe we have the potential to be the biggest club in the AFL.

The Club needs to push the theme that it doesnt matter where you live in the suburbs you are in Melbourne and therefore should barrick for the best and oldest club. What other club can do this.

Ive also thought that maybe we dont have the best Mascot ( Demons) ( Note: I Love the mascot ! )

However young kids watching tv seem to be drawn towards Magpies etc. Do you think this may effect new fans that are new to the AFL ?

I have brain washed my nephew who is 5 to be a Dee and he loves Davey, but he also likes the Power (Because of the Name ) eg> Power Rangers etc. I would be interested to see if anyone else thinks things like this has effect on new young supporters, specially ones that dont have family members to guide them that Melbourne is the best.

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Oooooh yes.... as I said in another thread, I was going to get on and denounce these clowns in Frawley and Taylor... And it's almost a GOOD thing having no-brain clowns like these two try and criticise and diagnose a club... They know little... and what they do know is usually off the mark. BT is a great caller, but is a sensationalist off air. Frawley.... well... all I can say is I hope his nephew is only like him on the field.

He is a clown. Simple answer BT. The dees fans are not [censored] weak. There are just LESS OF THEM than Pies fans. Lourd it over other clubs all you like Brian. Your club's reckoning is close at hand. Within your lifetime, the sands of time will pass and Collingwood will, through one way or another, fall by the wayside. It is arrogance of "football personalities" like you that seal their fate. NO-ONE will step in and feel sorry for them, as they have shown little or no sensitivity to the plight of other clubs.

If you claim to know what is going on that's wrong at MFC, go down to the club and find out the situation. Maybe help out a little? If you can bring success to a club so far behind the others in resources, then you TRULY ARE a great football identity. As it is you are a clown. You were traded, you are a traitor, and you are a leech... a hanger on to a club that through numbers pushes around the other clubs, greedily gorging itself on all that footy has to offer.

The only thing he had to say that was pertinent was to do with Gary... If the club is in dire straits, why don't you go down and help... Gary's answer? "People are allowed to say no in this world. They're allowed to say they don't want to."

No-one's telling you to coach gary. What we want to know is WHY NOT!!!! Get off the fence!!! Because at the moment it seems you perhaps resent the club a little for never supplying you the means to win a flag. Call me a liar!

As for you BT.... You go on making an absolute tool out of yourself you arrogant, conceited, narcissistic DOG! That's right Brian DOG!!! I can't wait for the opportunity to kick you and "your club" when it's down. I will enjoy it.

Congratulations. You have made it easier for the deomons to come out next week and SHOW you the meaning of good footy. And you've provided the demons crowd the inspiration to turn up in droves and yet again make a fool out of you...

Keep up the good work.

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As I was driving to the game today, I was nearly in tears.

Not because I thought we'd lose, not because we're 0-9, not even because my car was making strange noises up Punt Road.

The reason why I was so devestated, was because on the radio, they were calling this club and us, the supporters, '[censored] weak'.

Except I'm not a [censored] weak supporter, I buy a membership every year, I go to every single game played in Victoria, and I bleed for and with this club. So why was I so upset? Because the moron who was saying all this stuff, was not entirely wrong.

Those supporters who call themselves supporters because they drive around with a Melbourne sticker on their car, or because they turn up to the Queen's Birthday match once a year, don't deserve to associate with those of us who care so deeply about this club, and who will do anything to see this club where it belongs, on top.

WE, while in the minority, are passionate. We ARE Melbourne, because we love this club even when they lose, even when they struggle, even when everyone is telling us that we are [censored] weak, and that nobody cares about our club.

Guess what, I care, and so do all the Melbourne supporters I know, and everyone who has come and gone and posted on this website.

We love this club, and if there are only a few thousands of us, so be it. Just please, please don't let the moron who was calling ME and YOU '[censored] weak', be right. He isn't.

And so, before I go and ban myself for swearing, let me say this... We are Melbourne, we are THE original and THE best and if we ever accept anything else, or let anyone make us think otherwise, we don't deserve to support this great club.


*Edit: Title edited. Sorry if anyone was offended.

Quoted your whole post Jaded because I loved it and I heard you stick it up BT, well done.

Next time you get to speak to him perhaps ask him about my memories of his football career. If he really wants to unsult Melbourne supporters as a whole then we shouldn't balk at getting personal.

Career of BT from diesels footy almanac:

Fat & slow one dimensional Under 18 forward at Richmond who was NEVER going to get into the side with Roach at FF. Went over to Collingwood who were a complete rabble throughout the 1980's until the year after BT retired when they coincidentally went on to win a flag. Go figure! Gone on to have a career as a football commentator and most easily recognised for being loud.

Its been great for BT that he has gone on to have a more substantial career off field, employed by former teammate Gary Pert at MMM and no doubt given a leg up by McChins at 9.


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Quoted your whole post Jaded because I loved it and I heard you stick it up BT, well done.

Thank you for the support, but I assure you I didn't ring and speak to him.

If someone else did and said the same thing, well then, they are right.

I actually had to turn it off, it was upsetting me that much.

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I'm sure Fitzroy fans were just as passionate before their club was relocated. Truth is, if we all don't turn this passion into assistance for the club, then there will be dire consequences. What happens in the next ten years will determine whether our club flourishes or dies. So the question is, how can I assist the club more then I currently am? I turn up to every game, I bleed for the club like others here, my right shoulder is dedicated to the club in permanent ink, but clearly that is not enough. As I have no time to help volunteering for the club, the best I can do is keep working towards Richard Pratt's model of financial stability for a football club.

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I do not - seriously - my daughter reads this and it is offensive. Happy with the sentiment though!

Bah, swearing is as offensive as bloody use to be in the 20's, kids of 5 these days know it and use it, most are just smart enought to know not to use it around adults.

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The only thing he had to say that was pertinent was to do with Gary... If the club is in dire straits, why don't you go down and help... Gary's answer? "People are allowed to say no in this world. They're allowed to say they don't want to."

No-one's telling you to coach gary. What we want to know is WHY NOT!!!! Get off the fence!!! Because at the moment it seems you perhaps resent the club a little for never supplying you the means to win a flag. Call me a liar!

Perhaps you were blinded by your disgust at BT but Lyon did said why not ;)

Lyon also said that he wouldn't work as an assistant while working in the media because he felt it put you in an absurd position, and he said commented on other assistants working as special comments men etc. He cited the year 2000, when I think he was working as our forward-line Coach. One example was grand final week, when and knew Bruce(?) wouldn't play on the Tue night but had to pretend he was throughout the week. He also cited another example where he was working as a special comments man on a MFC game but knew all our plays. He said this wasn't fair on anyone - Club, his broadcasting employers, etc.

With regards senior coaching, Brayshaw asked Lyon if he would coach MFC next year if they came to him and gave a blank cheque and the freedome to get whoever he wanted to help him. Lyon said he had spoken to Silvagni and read the Roos piece and accepted that if he were to Coach he'd need to do an 'apprenticeship'. Lyon explained that he'd been out of the game too long and would not coach MFC next year.

I think Lyon presented some very honest answers as to why he wasn't working as an assistant coach and why he wouldn't be a senior Coach next year - he explained why MFC could find a better man for the job as he wasn't ready. Fwiw Lyon also said that he'd always say yes to 'lending a hand' when the Club wanted it in the future, and had done so in the past.

i couldn't make the game today but i watched it on t.v... and it sounded like our supporters were more vocal than i've ever heard before...

i seriously think it even affected a few umpiring decision, and certainly inspired the players to go in harder...

great stuff to all those supporters at the ground...

i was wondering if supporters noticed the noise difference at the ground? what was the official crowd attendence

I was at the game and it didn't seem that way to me. Perhaps the effects mic was turned up louder than normal...

PS. I'm pretty shocked that anyone could get so upset at BT's comments - some people are taking his opinions way too seriously.

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Perhaps you were blinded by your disgust at BT but Lyon did said why not ;)

Lyon also said that he wouldn't work as an assistant while working in the media because he felt it put you in an absurd position, and he said commented on other assistants working as special comments men etc. He cited the year 2000, when I think he was working as our forward-line Coach. One example was grand final week, when and knew Bruce(?) wouldn't play on the Tue night but had to pretend he was throughout the week. He also cited another example where he was working as a special comments man on a MFC game but knew all our plays. He said this wasn't fair on anyone - Club, his broadcasting employers, etc.

With regards senior coaching, Brayshaw asked Lyon if he would coach MFC next year if they came to him and gave a blank cheque and the freedome to get whoever he wanted to help him. Lyon said he had spoken to Silvagni and read the Roos piece and accepted that if he were to Coach he'd need to do an 'apprenticeship'. Lyon explained that he'd been out of the game too long and would not coach MFC next year.

I think Lyon presented some very honest answers as to why he wasn't working as an assistant coach and why he wouldn't be a senior Coach next year - he explained why MFC could find a better man for the job as he wasn't ready. Fwiw Lyon also said that he'd always say yes to 'lending a hand' when the Club wanted it in the future, and had done so in the past.

I was at the game and it didn't seem that way to me. Perhaps the effects mic was turned up louder than normal...

PS. I'm pretty shocked that anyone could get so upset at BT's comments - some people are taking his opinions way too seriously.

Exactley Rogue. The media just love kicking a club when it's down. Flavour of the month I think its called. It was only a couple of weeks ago that Geelong were getting the size 10"s. Femantle seems to get a bit of action too. Dwayne Russel even had a bit of a go as well. Personally I don't give a s#@t what pencil necks like Hutchison, Carolyne(take your mouth gaurd out)Wilson, Tony Jones, Mike Sheehan, Robert Walls, Gerard Healy and most of the others write about because most of what they do is crap. Honestly that old chestnut about Melbourne supporters going to the snow, makes me vommit.

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PS. I'm pretty shocked that anyone could get so upset at BT's comments - some people are taking his opinions way too seriously.

I take it seriously because his comments were directed at me.

As a supporter, and more importantly paid-up member who goes to every game and is proud to be a Melbourne supporter, I don't take kindly to being called [censored]-weak, and being categorised with those who are only Melbourne supporters because they have a red and blue sticker on their car.

My original point was, that while we do have a lot of supporters by association, that is people who don't really actively support this club, we also have a lot of fans who passionately put their hearts and money on the line for this club every year. We are in the minority, and that pains me because we are a great club, with a wonderful history, and we deserve better.

I know that not everyone is as passionate as I am, not everyone bleeds for this club in the same degree, but to generalise all Melbourne supporters into the one, offensive category, is just not right. There are plenty of people who do care and do love this club, and this website is the greatest example of that.

We used to be THE club way before I was born, and I hope above all else, that before I die, we can restore the glory that rightfully belongs to this great club of ours.

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It was a fair generalisation if the consensus on here is to be believed - you seem to read most threads on here so cast your mind back a couple of weeks to threads on this very forum making generalisations about the snow season and fair weather supporters etc etc.

Regardless, I still don't 'get it' - but I don't 'get' idolosing Melbourne players - or other sports people, actors, singers, etc - as people simply because they're talented at their profession either ;)

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It was a fair generalisation if the consensus on here is to be believed - you seem to read most threads on here so cast your mind back a couple of weeks to threads on this very forum making generalisations about the snow season and fair weather supporters etc etc.

Regardless, I still don't 'get it' - but I don't 'get' idolosing Melbourne players - or other sports people, actors, singers, etc - as people simply because they're talented at their profession either ;)

I'll say it for the third time, we do have a LOT of supporters by association, rather than active supporters. But at the same time, there are also plenty of us who contribute to this club and do not deserve to be called [censored]-weak. BT said it again and again that ALL Melbourne supporters and indeed the entire club is [censored]-weak. That hurt me, because I don't consider myself, or any of the other Melbourne supporters I know, to be [censored]-weak. Likewise, to call a club which has won 12 premierships, and has actually started this competition [censored]-weak, is a disgrace and shows a clear disregard for the history of the game.

As for the second part of your post, this is not about idolising players. This is about loving something and being passionate about an organisation that brings you joy and excitement. It's about belonging to something that makes you happy.

Players come and go, but true Melbourne supporters stick with the club no matter who is playing. Every once in a while, you'll get a great player who just embodies what your club is all about, people like Norm Smith, Robbie Flower, David Neitz, and they become forever entangled with the club that you adore. But individuals don't make a club, just like individual people who are poor supporters, don't make our club weak.

Football is very similar to religion, it isn't always tengible, but it's there and it pulls at your heart strings and affects you in ways that a lot of other things don't.

Not everyone feels this way though, and for some people this is just a game, and that's fine too.

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Of course there are a hardcore group of MFC supporters, and while BT's comments over time became increasingly exaggerated they effectively mirror what I've been reading on this forum the past few weeks.

Fwiw, to make it extremely clear I didn't say that the issue was about the idolising of players. I was simply stating that just as I don't 'get' fans idolising people because of their talents at say singing or kicking a footy I don't understand why MFC fans would cry - literally - about BT's comments.

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I enjoyed reading this thread.

I am a Melbourne supporter.

I have been a supporter for all 28 of my years.

I became a member as soon as I could afford it.

If it wasn't already a slogan for another club, i'd say i was proud, passionate and paid up.

I can't ski.

I don't own a luxury car.

I recognise the players by face and name and position, in the case of some players where they were recruited from, and not just their number.

I wish our club had more members and supporters who attend matches, but we don't.

I respect that people have plenty of good reasons not to attend games.

I couldn't go to the footy on the weekend.

I was interstate with work.

I sat through the whole game watching Channel ten wishing i was there.

I am furious at the fact i couldn't be there to sing the song at the end of the game.

I am annoyed that i couldn't add one more to the attendance and boost the numbers.

I am just like the rest of you - my heart beats true for the red and the blue.

I don't think our club has a divine right to be successful.

I believe it must be earned.

I did not listen to the radio coverage on the weekend. But...

I will not sit back and have the commitment of our club and supporters questioned by someone who feels the need to constantly revert to stereotypes to try and make himself appear entertaining.

I will be at the Collingwood match.

If I can't get a seat because people jump back on the bandwagon, i won't care, i'll just be happy that we're drawing a crowd.

If Brian Taylor makes jokes about bandwagon supporters putting off a weekend at the snow, I'll change the channel.

I will just be happy to be there.

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The most ironic thing I thought about the programme was that BT was carrying on for about an hour about how nobody cares about us. I was thinking at the time, if nobody cares about us, why are you STILL talking about us after all this time?

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The most ironic thing I thought about the programme was that BT was carrying on for about an hour about how nobody cares about us. I was thinking at the time, if nobody cares about us, why are you STILL talking about us after all this time?

EXACTLY- could not agree more. Very strange

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Currently posting this from a net cafe on Rundle St, as i've gone over to Adelaide to watch Hawks v Port with my girlfriend.

Flew over Saturday night with the Dees scarf on loud and proud, got some really dirty looks from the crows fans, but that was half the fun! I wasn't the only Melbourne supporter travelling over to Adelaide, a young family we sat next to in the departure lounge said that they were going over for the weekend, but their two little girls wanted to wear their Demons jumpers to "rub it in'. I like their spirit.

At the Hawks game, I wore my Dees jacket loud and proud, and when the scores for the Melb/Adel game came up, i stood up, pointed my fingers to the sky, i cheered, i clapped, i shouted, i got called a w*nker and told to **** off back to victoria, i was told i was inbred, i was told to go home, and i loved it.

We are Melbourne and we are proud.

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Currently posting this from a net cafe on Rundle St, as i've gone over to Adelaide to watch Hawks v Port with my girlfriend.

Flew over Saturday night with the Dees scarf on loud and proud, got some really dirty looks from the crows fans, but that was half the fun! I wasn't the only Melbourne supporter travelling over to Adelaide, a young family we sat next to in the departure lounge said that they were going over for the weekend, but their two little girls wanted to wear their Demons jumpers to "rub it in'. I like their spirit.

At the Hawks game, I wore my Dees jacket loud and proud, and when the scores for the Melb/Adel game came up, i stood up, pointed my fingers to the sky, i cheered, i clapped, i shouted, i got called a w*nker and told to **** off back to victoria, i was told i was inbred, i was told to go home, and i loved it.

We are Melbourne and we are proud.

This post captures the essence of this thread-- very proud of you B) :)

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