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19 hours ago, FritschyBusiness said:

Completely agree with you about LLoyd. He has become one of my favorite people to listen to over the last year or so. 

I didn't hear Kane serve Burgess earlier in the year but have heard him praise him very highly many a time this year.
Burgess was at Port when Kane was playing and when they won their flag in 04 

The theme of his earlier comments was that Burgess was good but won't add anything special that others can't. And mentioned the Blues fitness coach as the best around.  It was part of his commentary on the ' times up for delivery' and suspected they may not.

11 hours ago, YesitwasaWin4theAges said:

Im not so sure about Leigh Montagna, he was the first one along with Matt Rendell to realise the Demons potential stating that they could win the flag after round 2-3.

Can't believe Rendell jumped off in the completely after the Prelim, Montagna stayed the course.


Your'e right on Montagna 4th Ages.  but in analysis he was strong on the ' how to stop lever '  theory as if that was the solution to beating the Dees.  Not how good the talent was across the ground, and that nobody had really unlocked the ability to do it anyway.


12 hours ago, YesitwasaWin4theAges said:

It was Andrew Russell who was fitness guru at Port in 04, he followed Clarko to Hawthorn after the 2004 GF win.

You are correct, Burgess joined Port in Oct 2004 after Andrew moved. 

Posted (edited)

Football genius and talent expert Gary Buckenara on Richmond at the end of 2016

I don’t think the list they’ve got right now is good enough to win a premiership.”

Edited by MoeSyzlak
10 hours ago, Dante said:

Lloyd gave his top 20 players for next year the other day and he had 3 Bombers in it and 4 or 5 Demons. Clarrie was number one Tracc was at 4 and May was 20 I think with Lever in there at about 15. Steele was at 2, ahead of Tracc.

It wasn't a bad top 20 list, the Bombers a little high but I thought he rated our demons pretty well.
If Steele was in a good side we would probably see why Lloyd rated him that high. St Kilda are a rabble and Steele puts them on his back every game. 

I think he did that list pre Prelim and grand final, which after that you'd have Trac above Steele now.

Was nice to see some defenders on the list 


Buckenara has no imagination and as a result does not see the forest because the trees get in the way, looking at a team in terms of A B and C never take into account player chemistry where a great player makes others look good when they play the team game.

Our Midfielder Gawn Jackson Oliver Petracca and Viney play as group which makes the 2nd tier midfielder look good when they get their chance.

Teams win Premierships not individuals and as some have said great team will always beat a team of great individuals, this was the mantra for 2021 and beyond because the group now see it works and works well.

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The Essendon team of 2000 was a really great team. Everyone fell into the trap of thinking all their players must be superstars. When that team broke up and players went elsewhere, those players turned out to be good players who played their role. Very much like our ANB, Spargo, Harmes, etc. Champion team beats a team of champions.

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Cant remember where it was from but prior to the season a list of pundits making the final eight predictions.

Out of about a 15 pundits I think only two had Mfc in it and both at number eight.

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Here were the Age "experts" picks for Melbourne at the start of the season:

Jake Niall 11th
Michael Gleeson 9th
Peter Ryan 7th
Jon Pierek 10th
Daniel Cherny 7th
Greg Baum 7th
Sam McClure 12th

The average reader's pick for Melbourne was 12th.

So no-one saw Melbourne's significant improvement.

Most had Richmond finishing top 1-3. Carlton, St Kilda, West Coast and Collingwood were also predicted to be higher than their eventual placing. They all had Sydney much lower, one had them 18th. The teams most got right were at the bottom: Kangaroos, Hawks, Adelaide and the Suns.

By mid-season (July), the same "experts" all had Melbourne in their top 8, but still between 3rd and 6th.

Most experts everywhere tend to put a lot of weighting on the previous season's finish and find it had to see improvement in some teams.

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I looked at the predictions before the season and the people who had opinions then compared the AFL playing careers and found that none had played any sort of football.

In my day I would have shirt fronted all of them and left them on the ground crying for their mummy.

So they journalist and write opinion pieces which suit the AFL, look at the draft in hind sight and see that draft predictions and career are vastly different allowing for injuries. 


Buckenara's assessment of Melbourne is in the Herald-Sun today.

At least he starts off with "... Here is the part where I eat my words. Last year, I made a declaration about Melbourne – and it hasn’t aged well."

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2 minutes ago, BDA said:

The best way to make a fool of yourself is to make predictions

Yes, I never make any. It's like betting ... a pastime for the mathematically innumerate. 🙂


He had 2 A graders in last years predictions so from 2 to 9 alot have improved but he showed his maturity in admitting he was wrong.

He has made a very important point we are no longer the hunter we are the hunted, clubs will set out to anaylse and disect the team to find weakness which they can take advantage of.

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11 minutes ago, durango said:

Clubs will set out to anaylse and disect the team to find weakness which they can take advantage of.

Good luck finding any. They'll have to play above their normal game to beat us.

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5 hours ago, DeesignerAU said:

Well i guss its a mea culpa of sorts.

Still he gets a few wrong:

Tominson C grade. Didn't he only lose 1 one on one contest in his past 15 games?

Pickett? Kicked over 40 goals in possiby the hardest position on the ground. ANd he broings manic pressure. Cyril kicked 40 goals only twice in his career. And he's 20yo He's not a future AB he's a A already "Would walk into any team"





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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Mazer Rackham said:

The Essendon team of 2000 was a really great team. Everyone fell into the trap of thinking all their players must be superstars. When that team broke up and players went elsewhere, those players turned out to be good players who played their role. Very much like our ANB, Spargo, Harmes, etc. Champion team beats a team of champions.

Massive fail for that team to only win one flag. Such a dominant team

Completely stuffed up their salary cap. Giving Mercuri a 5/6 year deal on mega coin and others as well.


Dumping Caracella, Blomfield and Heffernan (to the Dees) because of the cap

Destroyed the fabric of the club.

Well done Kevin.

I hope Melbourne are more well managed than that. Dumping premiership players in that manner is playing with fire.


Edited by jnrmac
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On 9/29/2021 at 5:59 PM, Cassiew said:

Yup that’s the guy. Overrated. 
154 game? Didn’t even make it to 209. 293 goals is good but hardly a huge record in hawthorn considering Dunstall and Hudson. Captained Victoria? If not so what? Virtually any Hawthorn player in that team was guaranteed a premiership with the team they had. All Australian, his teammates made him look good. We would have been on their interchange. There were way better people on his team. He was overrated. 
As for coaching Sydney, they were in the sink at that stage. An Auskick coach could have got the job at Sydney

To be fair, he was the bloke in charge of recruiting when the Hawks put their 2008 list together (Buddy, Rough, Jordan Lewis). He was a poor coach as he was not sufficiently assertive enough, but he was a good recruiter and list manager in his day.

That said, he hasn't done that for quite a while so he may be somewhat detached. 

Posted (edited)

Media person 

Dermott 'dermie' Brereton 


Mercifully only cable television 


Another contentious nominee, with debate amongst the judging panel about his rating - with anywhere between zero and three peanuts being pushed. 

The panel was in furious agreement that Dermie has a long standing axe to grind wit the the MFC. The prototypical ex footballer who thinks he is still playing and as such cannot differentiate between the MFC in 2021and the MFC teams he played against during his career.

And he continued to grind that axe this season. Case in point was his 'special comments' in the first GWS game. Spent the whole game knocking the dees and lauding the Giants.  My oh my.

Not long after that game, as evidence the dees were still a long way from being taken seriously, he was given the opportunity to interview Gus Brayshaw. His hard hitting interview included a joking, not joking, question to Gus asking how Oliver gets away with throwing the ball so often. I can't remember him getting another opportunity to interview a MFC player (though could be wrong).

The panel was also in furious agreement that Dermie has been wrong about the dees this season more often than any other 'expert'. A remarkable level of consistency. There was a short debate asking if his ability to be so wrong, so often was an indication of a brilliant campaign of  Machiavellian misinformation - or all the hits he took as a player and his post match (and career) recovery sessions at Tok H have caught up with him. 

In the end it came down to the question of harm. And once again the panel was unanimous - Dermie is completely harmless. One of the more philosophical members of the panel put it this way - 'if an expert makes a ridiculous comment and no-one hears it, does it matter? If Dermie makes yet another ridiculous comment and thousands hear it, does it matter?

Ultimately Dermie's harmlessness, and almost complete irrelevance, mean that the panel agreed one peanut was an appropriate  score. 

Public Service Announcement 

You may have missed it with the blizzard COVID information, but the Victorian CHO has recently warned football fans with underlying health issues or at high risk of contracting the FEDMHI (Football 'Experts' Do My Head In) syndrome to avoid listening to any pre or post match 'analysis' Dermott 'Dermie' Brereton is involved in.

And as a preventative measure Mr Sutton also recommends avoiding listening to any game 'Dermie' is doing special comments for.  Mr Sutton also mentioned there was some show on Fox Dermie hosts, but he doesn't have any guidance on this as it was deemed too unsafe to ask anyone in his team to view it. However, when pressed, Mr Sutton did say that logic and pragmatism suggests it is best to avoid it at all costs.



Edited by binman
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On 9/29/2021 at 8:48 AM, Lord Nev said:

Meh. Plenty of articles said we would win the flag in 2019. Where's the thread for proving them wrong?

We all make comments and predictions that end up being way off, sadly we don't get paid for it here, but why not just enjoy the good vibes and the amazing team we now have rather than go digging up some space filler articles for hindsight bashing?


Spot on. Even 'list managers' aren't experts about a clubs list when looking from the outside. People can be wrong. 

5 hours ago, binman said:

Media person 

Dermott 'dermie' Brereton 


Mercifully only cable television 


Another contentious nominee, with debate amongst the judging panel about his rating - with anywhere between zero and three peanuts being pushed. 

The panel was in furious agreement that Dermie has a long standing axe to grind wit the the MFC. The prototypical ex footballer who thinks he is still playing and as such cannot differentiate between the MFC in 2021and the MFC teams he played against during his career.

And he continued to grind that axe this season. Case in point was his 'special comments' in the first GWS game. Spent the whole game knocking the dees and lauding the Giants.  My oh my.

Not long after that game, as evidence the dees were still a long way from being taken seriously, he was given the opportunity to interview Gus Brayshaw. His hard hitting interview included a joking, not joking, question to Gus asking how Oliver gets away with throwing the ball so often. I can't remember him getting another opportunity to interview a MFC player (though could be wrong).

The panel was also in furious agreement that Dermie has been wrong about the dees this season more often than any other 'expert'. A remarkable level of consistency. There was a short debate asking if his ability to be so wrong, so often was an indication of a brilliant campaign of  Machiavellian misinformation - or all the hits he took as a player and his post match (and career) recovery sessions at Tok H have caught up with him. 

In the end it came down to the question of harm. And once again the panel was unanimous - Dermie is completely harmless. One of the more philosophical members of the panel put it this way - 'if an expert makes a ridiculous comment and no-one hears it, does it matter? If Dermie makes yet another ridiculous comment and thousands hear it, does it matter?

Ultimately Dermie's harmlessness, and almost complete irrelevance, mean that the panel agreed one peanut was an appropriate  score. 

Public Service Announcement 

You may have missed it with the blizzard COVID information, but the Victorian CHO has recently warned football fans with underlying health issues or at high risk of contracting the FEDMHI (Football 'Experts' Do My Head In) syndrome to avoid listening to any pre or post match 'analysis' Dermott 'Dermie' Brereton is involved in.

And as a preventative measure Mr Sutton also recommends avoiding listening to any game 'Dermie' is doing special comments for.  Mr Sutton also mentioned there was some show on Fox Dermie hosts, but he doesn't have any guidance on this as it was deemed too unsafe to ask anyone in his team to view it. However, when pressed, Mr Sutton did say that logic and pragmatism suggests it is best to avoid it at all costs.



As much as I am somewhat predisposed to being ‘peanut-happy’, and having recently been infected with a spirit of positivity and forgiveness a la binge-watching Ted Lasso, I find myself this time in excited agreement with the panel. I would however bring to the panel’s attention Mr. Brereton’s (or ‘Derm the germ’ as we like to call him) enduringly ‘naked’ sense of self-importance. Thusly, I would urge the panel to consider placing a rider on his single peanut award - that he may in fact be deserving of a NAKED PEANUT. 

No obvious subversive intention is meant by the two kernels on display, only that a single ‘peanut’, once de-shelled, reveals two nuts. 

Thanks also to the panel for iterating Prof. Sutton’s sound advice that all Derm-related content/contact be avoided. 


  • Haha 4
On 10/6/2021 at 12:15 PM, mauriesy said:


Most experts everywhere tend to put a lot of weighting on the previous season's finish and find it had to see improvement in some teams.

It's like weather forecasting before the days of lots of observational data and decent computer modelling.  The best bet was to assume tomorrow's weather would be the same as today.

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On 10/6/2021 at 12:57 PM, jnrmac said:

Well i guss its a mea culpa of sorts.

Still he gets a few wrong:

Tominson C grade. Didn't he only lose 1 one on one contest in his past 15 games?

Pickett? Kicked over 40 goals in possiby the hardest position on the ground. ANd he broings manic pressure. Cyril kicked 40 goals only twice in his career. And he's 20yo He's not a future AB he's a A already "Would walk into any team"

Ironic ...

On 10/6/2021 at 8:24 AM, MT64 said:

Thanks for the link. Very entertaining with a common thread. We are April premiers, full of ourselves, umpire favourites and as for us supporters we are "entitled capitalist twats". Nothing wrong with a few good investments eh? There were 3 or 4 with a balanced view but the rest are fairly bitter.

What about the guy who says “Dees are still sh*it. (Our) 3peat is gonna be epic.” 
There’s nothing like a delusional Richmond supporter. 😆

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