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David King thinks Eagles will Belt Us.


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It's a constant battle for respect and if you read between the lines, King's comments here are somewhat of a compliment.

We played poorly yet won by 6 goals against a top 4 side we have barely beaten in a decade.

A month ago we couldn't beat a top 8 side. We've beaten 4 since, meanwhile Collingwood only just got over the line with the help from umps against a GWS team missing more key players than when we smashed them by 7 goals three weeks ago. 

Eagles supporters are certain of a right old belting, meanwhile Tigers supporters on Bigfooty are praying for a Melbourne win because they're also certain they'll smash us. 

Pies supporters are brimming with confidence, I admit I feel there is something about this Collingwood team and despite being consistently average against top 8 teams they are 1 win away from a GF. Of both them and Richmond I'd actually rather play the Tigers because I don't think we match up well against the Pies, and if they get over Richmond I just can't see them losing the GF.

We now sit as a team having come over two confident and comfortable wins against apparent contenders, and are supposedly the farthest away from the flag. We may well be, and Eagles are rightful favourites this week, but we will give them hell. 

WC hasn't kicked 100 points for 7 weeks. they've played Brisbane, Port, Freo, Melbourne and Collingwood. Barely beat Lions and Power, lost to us, and stumbled over the line against the Pies.

Our formline is better and King is just trying to rev us up. He knows we're much better than we were in the first half on Friday. And we are well within the capacity to not only beat WC, but absolutely smash them.

Edited by praha
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Collingwood are foolish to think they've got form. They only just got home from a very poor fumbling Giants. We crushed them.

Pies will hopefully tire the Tiggies for us.

Dees by 18 over Eagles

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58 minutes ago, praha said:

It's a constant battle for respect and if you read between the lines, King's comments here are somewhat of a compliment.

We played poorly yet won by 6 goals against a top 4 side we have barely beaten in a decade.

A month ago we couldn't beat a top 8 side. We've beaten 4 since, meanwhile Collingwood only just got over the line with the help from umps against a GWS team missing more key players than when we smashed them by 7 goals three weeks ago. 

Eagles supporters are certain of a right old belting, meanwhile Tigers supporters on Bigfooty are praying for a Melbourne win because they're also certain they'll smash us. 

Pies supporters are brimming with confidence, I admit I feel there is something about this Collingwood team and despite being consistently average against top 8 teams they are 1 win away from a GF. Of both them and Richmond I'd actually rather play the Tigers because I don't think we match up well against the Pies, and if they get over Richmond I just can't see them losing the GF.

We now sit as a team having come over two confident and comfortable wins against apparent contenders, and are supposedly the farthest away from the flag. We may well be, and Eagles are rightful favourites this week, but we will give them hell. 

WC hasn't kicked 100 points for 7 weeks. they've played Brisbane, Port, Freo, Melbourne and Collingwood. Barely beat Lions and Power, lost to us, and stumbled over the line against the Pies.

Our formline is better and King is just trying to rev us up. He knows we're much better than we were in the first half on Friday. And we are well within the capacity to not only beat WC, but absolutely smash them.

Great post. A lot of the players (and Goody) lamented our first half in terms of pressure, attack on the ball, tackles and contested possessions.

They won’t make the same mistake next week. In a hostile territory, I suspect we’ll be breathing fire at the bounce.

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Momentum and belief are very valuable commodities at this end of the season. Teams that falter and stutter are getable. 

Hawks this week...Eagles next .

Eagles looked beatable ( still ) against Pies. Filth lacked then ( and last night ) enough avenues to goal. That not currently our Achilles. 

I expect ( oddly ) a very similar result to last time. 

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2 hours ago, praha said:

It's a constant battle for respect and if you read between the lines, King's comments here are somewhat of a compliment.

We played poorly yet won by 6 goals against a top 4 side we have barely beaten in a decade.

A month ago we couldn't beat a top 8 side. We've beaten 4 since, meanwhile Collingwood only just got over the line with the help from umps against a GWS team missing more key players than when we smashed them by 7 goals three weeks ago. 

Eagles supporters are certain of a right old belting, meanwhile Tigers supporters on Bigfooty are praying for a Melbourne win because they're also certain they'll smash us. 

Pies supporters are brimming with confidence, I admit I feel there is something about this Collingwood team and despite being consistently average against top 8 teams they are 1 win away from a GF. Of both them and Richmond I'd actually rather play the Tigers because I don't think we match up well against the Pies, and if they get over Richmond I just can't see them losing the GF.

We now sit as a team having come over two confident and comfortable wins against apparent contenders, and are supposedly the farthest away from the flag. We may well be, and Eagles are rightful favourites this week, but we will give them hell. 

WC hasn't kicked 100 points for 7 weeks. they've played Brisbane, Port, Freo, Melbourne and Collingwood. Barely beat Lions and Power, lost to us, and stumbled over the line against the Pies.

Our formline is better and King is just trying to rev us up. He knows we're much better than we were in the first half on Friday. And we are well within the capacity to not only beat WC, but absolutely smash them.

Kennedy is the one though. He's their Tom McDonald. Completely straightens them up. He barely played in any of those matches.

We're a chance, but I can't see our game holding up enough to restrict their forwardline. We'd have to play better than we have all year. Pressure like we did against Geelong and GWS and convert in front like we did against Hawthorn.

All this is possible, but Kennedy, Darling and their smalls are dangerous. More dangerous than our forwards IMO. My only hope is Kennedy and Darling crumble on the big stage again. I'd back us if it was at the G, but not next week.

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Think of it this way also. Kennedy wasn't playing...so HIS feed wasn't intercepted. He is...and Pig and Frost will. Horses for courses.

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David King is a [censored].

 Was always negative about Paul Roos, then finally jumped on our bandwagon this year because everyone else was.

Now he has jumped off this young team that is set up to have ten years of success, and is probably ahead of the curve at the moment.

A pass mark for these kids would be to make finals.

We have not only made it , but won two!

This is only the beginning and King only savours in the negative and bringing people down . 

Edited by DeeZee
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22 hours ago, KingDingAling said:

David King is right, even if it comes from a place of hurt. King is hurting right now - big time. He is a North Melbourne supporter, and he has had to watch Melbourne collect a raft of quality draft picks (something North didn't do) and march into the finals. But its more than that, he knows we have a dynasty list. This is hurting King really badly at moment. I can see it in his write ups with the little "if Hawthorn had Birchall and co we will be telling a different story". Well David, what about Hogan and Lever? What are they chopped liver?

That been said, King is right. I thought we were pretty ordinary in the first half, and we still have a lot of work to do. Thankfully Hawthorn were as bad as we usually are at converting opportunities to results. 

There's that bathwater word again, dynasty.


here's your real dynasty



the other is just rubbish NOISE.

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On 9/16/2018 at 2:26 PM, Little Goffy said:

We played better in the win over Geelong, for sure. But what we did manage in the win over Hawthorn was sheer weight of effort, and that is what got us over the line.

King didn't say 'Demons will lose to Eagles', he said, in effect: 'Eagles are better than Hawthorn' + 'Demons didn't play their best footy against Hawthorn' = 'Demons will need to play better against Eagles'.

It's not rocket surgery. And it is a fair call. If you added two really strong key forward targets and a truly outstanding centre-half-back to the Hawks line up for the semi, they would've been right in it. Ha ha, bad luck Hawthorn.

Sheppard out is good news for us. And I'll be interested to see who Harmes goes to. Yeo would seem obvious but for all his considerable strengths his disposal is a 50/50 proposition. Wont complain if he stuffs up and hands us another cheap late goal again! I'd expect Harmes would try to clip one of the more tag-vulnerable Sheed or Redden while Viney goes more or less head-to-head with Shuey. Overall, surely our mids will be right on top, unlike Collingwood's which didn't manage to break even overall and got solidly beaten in the last quarter.

I wonder how we'll handle McGovern? McGovern's incredible start against Collingwood was THE reason the Eagles were up a couple of goals at quarter time. His eyes would be lighting up at our wild and crazy inside-50s, it may even be worth putting a full time defensive forward on him. Is this the next test for Weideman?

I think we'll try Hannan on him again. As they said on the commentary the last time around, McGovern doesn't like being turned back, nor does any defender. But you get can him with pace out the back. 

Hannan is a great decoy too, because he's not as important to our connection as Melksham, but we may need to use Jake on occasion too.

Likewise, if the Eagles try to get the McGovern/Weideman match up, then Weideman needs to drag him up the ground to leave space in behind. If Tommy can get Barrass and beat him, I reckon we're a shot.

Edited by A F
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Interesting stat

When WC lose contested possession by more than 11 they are 0-6.  When they win CP or lose by less than 11 they are 17-0. We were +23 last time, average +17.  WCE average +1.

King is right. If we play like first half last week and lose CP we won’t win.  But 2nd half last week we were our normal CP beasts and that is why we won.  WC are not great at CP and I’ll back our mids with Viney to be +30.

Dees by 35 points.


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On 9/15/2018 at 10:33 PM, don't make me angry said:

ALL OF YOU SHEEP that ARGREE WITH KING ARE JUST MFCSS DROP KICKS, THE ONES THAT HAVE TO FIND A NEGATIVE IN EVERY THING THAT GOES GOOD. STAT WATCHERS have no idea about footy, Richmond did not play that much better then us against the hawk, the hawks miss even easier shots against Richmond then against us, but no one is saying they played poorly, and king said we went backwards, so anyone of you who agree with him  agree we took a step backwards, you really  know nothing about football.

our forward line accuracy and efficiency certainly didn't take a backward step, instead very much the opposite

so down in one area but more than compensated by being up in another area

what's to hate about a 34 point win against a top 4 side......fmd  some people just like to grizzle

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David King is a frustrating commentator as times, analytically he can actually be quite insightful but every now and then you wonder whether he’s just saying stuff purely to justify his pay check and his responsibility to sell papers. 

He’s very much using alternative facts as the man with a bronze tan likes to say. We dominated the first quarter but didn’t take our opportunities, with the quarter feeling like we we should’ve been a couple of goals ahead. The second quarter was definitely Hawthorn and they cocked up some really simple chances, we took ours some i would say at half time the time of dominance meant it should be even money or maybe the Hawks marginally ahead. 

The second half was mostly us, save for a few bursts by the Hawks with them in particular getting close in the final quarter we were on top for the most part. 

We were clearly the better team on the night, in fact I would say our style of pressure and chaos suits finals footy and could catch the Eagles out. 

But to say we’ll get belted on the back of beating a top 4 side by 30+ points is just ridiculous and headline grabbing. 

Edited by Pates
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23 minutes ago, Pates said:

David King is a frustrating commentator as times, analytically he can actually be quite insightful but every now and then you wonder whether he’s just saying stuff purely to justify his pay check and his responsibility to sell papers. 

He’s very much using alternative facts as the man with a bronze tan likes to say. We dominated the first quarter but didn’t take our opportunities, with the quarter feeling like we we should’ve been a couple of goals ahead. The second quarter was definitely Hawthorn and they cocked up some really simple chances, we took ours some i would say at half time the time of dominance meant it should be even money or maybe the Hawks marginally ahead. 

The second half was mostly us, save for a few bursts by the Hawks with them in particular getting close in the final quarter we were on top for the most part. 

We were clearly the better team on the night, in fact I would say our style of pressure and chaos suits finals footy and could catch the Eagles out. 

But to say we’ll get belted on the back of beating a top 4 side by 30+ points is just ridiculous and headline grabbing. 


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I’ve seen a number of comments about this, and the number of chances that Hawthorn missed.

But... We had three shots on goal in the first five minutes of the second quarter that we missed, two of which were definitely gettable. If we were seven goals to nil at that stage, would that have put a different complexion on the remainder of the second quarter?


In the end, he says, she says, would’ve, could’ve, should’ve..... We won, and are in a PF, and with a real chance against quality opposition to reach a GF.


Enjoy the moment!

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Like him or loathe him, King has the best read on this club out of all the commentators in the game. 

Once again, he’s bang on the mark. 

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2 hours ago, McQueen said:

Like him or loathe him, King has the best read on this club out of all the commentators in the game. 

Once again, he’s bang on the mark. 

I agree McQ.

King has been close to the mark, more times than most.  Just like us all, he can see real spirit in-play... it's hard to miss, genuine Spirit.

And like today, its easy to see when its missing.

- - - - - -

And we are NOT close to any Dynasty.

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David Kings about the only bloke in the footy media worth listening to.

I remember hating him as he was calling for Mark Neeld to be sacked in his first season.  I defended Neeld and called King ridiculous. Sacking a coach in their first year?  Imagine that?

Best footy analyst by far.

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On 9/18/2018 at 6:27 PM, Pates said:

David King is a frustrating commentator as times, analytically he can actually be quite insightful but every now and then you wonder whether he’s just saying stuff purely to justify his pay check and his responsibility to sell papers. 

He’s very much using alternative facts as the man with a bronze tan likes to say. We dominated the first quarter but didn’t take our opportunities, with the quarter feeling like we we should’ve been a couple of goals ahead. The second quarter was definitely Hawthorn and they cocked up some really simple chances, we took ours some i would say at half time the time of dominance meant it should be even money or maybe the Hawks marginally ahead. 

The second half was mostly us, save for a few bursts by the Hawks with them in particular getting close in the final quarter we were on top for the most part. 

We were clearly the better team on the night, in fact I would say our style of pressure and chaos suits finals footy and could catch the Eagles out. 

But to say we’ll get belted on the back of beating a top 4 side by 30+ points is just ridiculous and headline grabbing. 

Except he was right.

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