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Eddie and Caro


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1 hour ago, Biffen said:

They aren't hazy recollections Stu.

This is something you wrote about Caro.

It was worse than Eddie's comment/s.

You have no moral high ground here .

You did a month for it so I think you remember the comment .

Own up to it .

be genuine for once.


I remember it precisely. Clearly you don't, or worse you're just flat out lying, which I wouldn't put past you.

I won't be repeating what I said and I've already stated what it was about.

You're wrong. That's all there is to it, and you have the least amount of credibility on this site of any poster.


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Meanwhile, in another universe not that far away, Emma Quayle has just been abused on Twitter by a guy (@magpiefanatic = Rod Davies) sending her graphic pornographic images.

Of course, re the subject of this thread, this is just a coincidence.

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1 minute ago, bing181 said:

Meanwhile, in another universe not that far away, Emma Quayle has just been abused on Twitter by a guy (@magpiefanatic = Rod Davies) sending her graphic pornographic images.

Of course, re the subject of this thread, this is just a coincidence.

Don't you know bing, everything is fine with the world, it's all the "lefties" who just complain about nothing...


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35 minutes ago, Ricky P said:

Para 1 - Nope, misogyny is killing a woman because you hate women. You can kill a woman and not hate women. In this instance, you are not a misogynist. Same applies to jokes about the subject.

Para 2 - My argument is that jokes don't have a substantive impact on the level of domestic violence in society. No-one commits an act of domestic violence because they heard a joke about it. Your example is a story about rapists making jokes about rape during and after committing a rape. It doesn't address my argument in the slightest. 

Para 3 - I already clicked on your link to the government's website. In my initial post I mentioned that I didn't agree with the government's view on this. A link to a website containing material I had already found to be unconvincing is hardly likely to make me change my mind. If the link between jokes and domestic violence is so clear then I'm surprised you can't outline it yourself instead of referring me to third party material.  

As I've been saying all day, the notion that off-colour jokes have caused or enabled a single case of domestic violence to take place is laughable. 

Para 1: Yep. A mysogynist can kill a woman, never said all people who kill a woman are mysogynists. Cracking poor jokes about a group of men violently killing a woman is casual misogyny. Take the act of violently killing a woman out of the joke and it's not 'funny'. The fact it was on White Ribbon round is mind blowing.

Para 2: See bing's post below. Where's the evidence to back up your arguement that disrespectful humour towards women has no links to domestic violence?

Para 3: Another dismissal without reason.

Finally, No one has said a person goes out and commits an act of violence against women simply because they heard a joke in poor taste against women. That would be trivialising the complexity of the issue. Eddie's joke helps to normalise disrespect towards women. From a study done at the Uni of Grenada which shows evidence to support this:

"The work proved that those who had listened to sexist jokes were much more tolerant with male battering than those who had not, this is, that this kind of humour favors the mental mechanisms tolerant with violent behaviour towards women." http://psychcentral.com/news/2009/07/03/sexist-jokes-may-be-linked-to-domestic-violence/6898.html

I'll agree to disagree as this is going around in circles. Keep going if you wish Ricky.


33 minutes ago, bing181 said:

There are any number of studies out there linking sexist, misogynist and violence-against-women humour with increased violence against women. If yours is more than a rhetorical remark, I'm sure you can find them. 

You could start here: sexist humour linked to violence against women, where you'll turn up results from studies such as "the participants who read sexist jokes reported a significantly higher proclivity to rape" and "research proved that those who had listened to sexist jokes were much more tolerant with male battering than those who had not"

In short, jokes and humour that trivialise violence against women, normalise violence against women.




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10 minutes ago, bing181 said:

Meanwhile, in another universe not that far away, Emma Quayle has just been abused on Twitter by a guy (@magpiefanatic = Rod Davies) sending her graphic pornographic images.

Of course, re the subject of this thread, this is just a coincidence.

Of course, it's just a joke, right? That makes it ok.

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14 minutes ago, bing181 said:

Meanwhile, in another universe not that far away, Emma Quayle has just been abused on Twitter by a guy (@magpiefanatic = Rod Davies) sending her graphic pornographic images.

Of course, re the subject of this thread, this is just a coincidence.

got a source on that bing? i couldn't find anything on a quick search (not questioning you, just curious on more detail)

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4 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

got a source on that bing? i couldn't find anything on a quick search (not questioning you, just curious on more detail)


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1 hour ago, ProDee said:

I see Wilson as a senior professional.  You see her as a female. 

The comments were not gender specific.  They were about a combative journalist.  A senior journalist. It's a pity you can't see Wilson as a professional first and foremost and have to resort to the type of stereotype that women in the workforce have been fighting for decades. 

An issue for you. 

Grubby journalists are grubby journalists. Sadly, we have a lot of them in Australia. The term 'grubby journalists' doesn't discriminate by gender. Any person with a set of fully functional set of arms and legs can be a journalist in Australia. All they need is a lack of integrity, questionable set of ethics, and a willingness to get their hands dirty (sifting through rubbish bins, etc).

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10 minutes ago, Moonshadow said:

The @magpiefanatic account has been deleted.

Not before he was tracked down, apparently has been reported to police. Perhaps not smart to link your Twitter and Linkedin accounts.

Still, you wonder (or not) how much of this kind of abuse goes on unacknowledged every single day, and just on Twitter. Having to comfort your 18 year old daughter who has just been groped in a crowded train carriage doesn't give me much tolerance for the "it's just a joke" brigade. Respect for women starts with the way we talk about/to them.

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2 hours ago, Chris said:

Except of course that it wasn't Caro who cried foul

Well whoever is the one who cried foul is the one who made it about sex.

its damned if you do and damned if you don't. If the guys on the footy show didn't banter with Bec Madden they would also be called sexist for excluding her from it.


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13 minutes ago, bing181 said:

Not before he was tracked down, apparently has been reported to police. Perhaps not smart to link your Twitter and Linkedin accounts.

Still, you wonder (or not) how much of this kind of abuse goes on unacknowledged every single day, and just on Twitter. Having to comfort your 18 year old daughter who has just been groped in a crowded train carriage doesn't give me much tolerance for the "it's just a joke" brigade. Respect for women starts with the way we talk about/to them.

I remember being slapped on my ass and groped by a group of intoxicated 'Cougars' when I walked past them to get to the bar of a pub during the broadcast of a Sydney v Eagles in 2006. Only being a young fella I was pretty shocked. They all laughed and told me to come back and sit on their knees. It's crazy how people think this is acceptable behaviour.

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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Just now, Ethan Tremblay said:

I remember being slapped on my ass and groped by a group of intoxicated 'Cougars' when I walked past them to get to the bar of a pub during the broadcast of a Sydney v Eagles in 2006. Not very nice at all. 

Has that happened to you regularly?

Did you fear for your life?


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15 minutes ago, bing181 said:

Not before he was tracked down, apparently has been reported to police. Perhaps not smart to link your Twitter and Linkedin accounts.

Still, you wonder (or not) how much of this kind of abuse goes on unacknowledged every single day, and just on Twitter. Having to comfort your 18 year old daughter who has just been groped in a crowded train carriage doesn't give me much tolerance for the "it's just a joke" brigade. Respect for women starts with the way we talk about/to them.

Not sure about Twitter but in terms of domestic violence:

"The ABS Personal Safety Survey showed that...80 per cent of women who had experienced violence from a current partner had never contacted the police" http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-04-06/fact-file-domestic-violence-statistics/7147938

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5 hours ago, jnrmac said:

This part is a reference to bombing as in jumping in the water and making a big splash. You are talking about weapons?

That may be your interpretation of what 'bomb her' means but it is not what Eddie said.  He said:  '...everyone to stand around the outside and bomb her" - nothing about 'jumping in and making a big splash'.  Many (most) people would interpret 'bomb her' as throwing things at her.

I asked the question what he envisaged would be used to 'bomb her' and I'm not sure everyone would agree with your interpretation of rocks, ice, water bombs, sticks being weapons.  They were examples of things that can be thrown (to 'bomb her from outside' the pool).  In truth it doesn't matter what might be thrown to 'bomb her' that he even suggests it, is abhorrent.

Edited by Lucifer's Hero
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If we take the gender issue out of it, at best Ed and his boys are bullies.

It wasn't funny, it wasn't banter it was bullying...

3 goes at an apology and I still don't think he believes he did a thing wrong. What an over inflated DH...

Edited by rjay
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4 minutes ago, rjay said:

If we take the gender issue out of it, at best Ed and his boys are bullies.

It wasn't funny, it wasn't banter it was bullying...

3 goes at an apology and I still don't think he believes he did a thing wrong. What an over inflated DH...

Bully - a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.


Please tell me why Caroline Wilson is cosidered 'weaker'?


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1 hour ago, bing181 said:

Meanwhile, in another universe not that far away, Emma Quayle has just been abused on Twitter by a guy (@magpiefanatic = Rod Davies) sending her graphic pornographic images.

Of course, re the subject of this thread, this is just a coincidence.

Of Eddie and Joffa - now that is disturbing 

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1 minute ago, olisik said:

Bully - a person who uses strength or influence to harm or intimidate those who are weaker.


Please tell me why Caroline Wilson is cosidered 'weaker'?


don't see "weaker" as a prereq here, olisik

gerund or present participle: bullying
  1. use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.
    "a local man was bullied into helping them"
    synonyms: persecute, oppress, tyrannize, torment, browbeat, intimidate, cow, coerce, strong-arm,subjugate, domineer; 
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4 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

don't see "weaker" as a prereq here, olisik

gerund or present participle: bullying
  1. use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force them to do something.
    "a local man was bullied into helping them"
    synonyms: persecute, oppress, tyrannize, torment, browbeat, intimidate, cow, coerce, strong-arm,subjugate, domineer; 
    informalpush around/about, play the heavy with
    "the other children used to bully him"
    coerce, pressure, pressurize, bring pressure to bear on, use pressure on, put pressure on, constrain, lean on, press, push;
    force, compel, oblige, put under an obligation;
    hound, harass, nag, harry, badger, goad, prod, pester, browbeat, brainwash, bludgeon,persuade, prevail on, work on, act on, influence, intimidate, dragoon, twist someone's arm, strong-arm;
    informalbulldoze, railroad, put the screws/squeeze on;
    informalhustle, fast-talk
    "a local man was bullied into helping them"

Your definition seems to imply that they forced her to do something. What did they force Caroline to do?


and how does Eddie have superior strength?

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Just now, olisik said:

Your definition seems to imply that they forced her to do something. What did they force Caroline to do?

not my definition, oli. bullying as in intmidation (see above). hard to defend yourself when someone says he'd pay $50,000 to someone to hold her underwater presumably because he doesn't like what she reported

but i thought you could work that out for yourself

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23 minutes ago, Lucifer's Hero said:

That may be your interpretation of what 'bomb her' means but it is not what Eddie said.  He said:  '...everyone to stand around the outside and bomb her" - nothing about 'jumping in and making a big splash'.  Many (most) people would interpret 'bomb her' as throwing things at her.

I asked the question what he envisaged would be used to 'bomb her' and I'm not sure everyone would agree with your interpretation of rocks, ice, water bombs, sticks being weapons.  They were examples of things that can be thrown (to 'bomb her from outside' the pool).  In truth it doesn't matter what might be thrown to 'bomb her' that he even suggests it, is abhorrent.

I don't think so, that hadn't even crossed my mind. To the contrary, I would think most people would interpret a bomb next to water as jumping in and making a splash.

I've never heard someone use in the context you are referring to. 

Edited by Watts the matter
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