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Footy injury (recovery) question...


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Thanks all for the advice and for the best wishes... really greatly appreciated. I may follow up on your advice It's Time... I might get him down to the local imaging centre in Marrickville to get an MRI and then head over to Nathan Gibbs in Kensington to have it reviewed.

I don't know this for certain but the MRI may be cheaper due to medicare rebates if it is referred by the appropriate practitioner.

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Not really a Dees question, but...

My 13 year old son had the misfortune of getting his foot caught in a hole on the field while laying a tackle and as a result twisted his left knee, tearing the medial collateral ligament.

The doctor in attendance at the hospital simply stated "a few weeks" but he does not specialise in the area so I am asking in the hope that someone here may have had experience with such an injury and be able to give me some indication of an expected recovery time (he has it in a zimmer splint so hopefully recovery won't be hindered by too much unnecessary movement).

I'm trying to give him some hope to hang on to as footy is the one thing he looks forward to each week and there are only a few (possibly 6) weeks left before finals start and his team (Newtown Swans) are sitting at the top of the ladder. So...draws a deep breath...what are his odds of getting back in time (and please don't butter it up)?

G'day Hardtack in my experience as an ex P.E teacher and seeing this kind of thing occur in the age Bracket which your son is in I would suggest the following

  • The Zimmer splint is of some use as it keeps the joint stable but allows some Movement
  • I would not muck Around with local docs but seek out a really good Orthopeadic Surgeon who specializes in Teen Knees!
  • And there are a few about!
  • At this stage and age Knees are extremely "Resilient" and unless extreme trauma has ensued I doubt that here is long term concerns!
  • An MRI scan will reveal the extent of the damage!

If, after following all these suggestions, you still require assistance, I can put you in contact with some top notch knee "Guru's" just let me know!

Hope it goes well


Edited by picket fence
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Medial collateral ligament injuries are often associated with meniscal tears so if he hasn't had an MRI he probably should.

I would also get an opinion from a sports medicine physician to coordinate rehab.

Good luck to your son for a quick recovery.

Agree Chook!

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I don't know this for certain but the MRI may be cheaper due to medicare rebates if it is referred by the appropriate practitioner.

I get my GP to refer for the MRI and I will get him to do a referral to Gibbs as well.

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Thanks Fence! We're in Sydney, so I will be looking around... but so far It's Time's suggestion of Nathan Gibbs seems to be the best.

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I get my GP to refer for the MRI and I will get him to do a referral to Gibbs as well.

Yep, way to go and also Nathan Gibbs?!.. I have heard about but have no "specific" knowledge of!

What I have ascertained is very positive!

Good Luck "Fence"

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Wow all good advice demonland triumphs

Forgot to say hope your son does well

And is reassured by the support of the dland members

He is one amongst us

I'd also say I never was much shakes at any sports but enjoyed them all and still play squash at age 64

My legs were always sound because I rode my bike everywhere in a small country town. Paper rounds and from sport field to sport field. The rest of my life I rode round the bay and on most weekends around the Brunswick velodrome. Look after your legs your on them all your life

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Wow all good advice demonland triumphs

Forgot to say hope your son does well

And is reassured by the support of the dland members

He is one amongst us

I'd also say I never was much shakes at any sports but enjoyed them all and still play squash at age 64

My legs were always sound because I rode my bike everywhere in a small country town. Paper rounds and from sport field to sport field. The rest of my life I rode round the bay and on most weekends around the Brunswick velodrome. Look after your legs your on them all your life

Yeah, it's great to see the support on here... we all have our differences, but when it comes to the crunch, we all get behind each other.

Fortunately my son's a pretty resilient kid and I'm sure he'll be back better than ever... I mean to say, he's a Dees supporter (and member) so he used to set backs.

I try to ride from time to time and do a lot of walking,... being 63, my legs are still keeping me above the ground :-)

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I don't know this for certain but the MRI may be cheaper due to medicare rebates if it is referred by the appropriate practitioner.

If he's insured as a player, wouldn't it be covered by sports insurance? been a long time since i played junior sport.

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If he's insured as a player, wouldn't it be covered by sports insurance? been a long time since i played junior sport.

Actually, that's something I should look into. Thanks for that.

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If a GP requests an MRI you will pay the full fee. If an orthopaedic surgeon requests it you will get a Medicare rebate. Go and see an orthopaedic surgeon. They are the specialists in this area not sports physios or sports medicine doctors. Don't see an osteopath they are quacks.

Edited by Kali
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If a GP requests an MRI you will pay the full fee. If an orthopaedic surgeon requests it you will get a Medicare rebate. Go and see an orthopaedic surgeon. They are the specialists in this area not sports physios or sports medicine doctors. Don't see an osteopath they are quacks.

Osteopaths will song to his knee and place mint leaves onto it. It could work..

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Osteopaths will song to his knee and place mint leaves onto it. It could work..

Already tried that and it didn't work... not sure if it was my singing, the mint, of the fact that I used a mint tea bag. Oh, and coriander doesn't work either... or basil, or thyme (I was told it would take thyme to heal properly).

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If a GP requests an MRI you will pay the full fee. If an orthopaedic surgeon requests it you will get a Medicare rebate. Go and see an orthopaedic surgeon. They are the specialists in this area not sports physios or sports medicine doctors. Don't see an osteopath they are quacks.

GPs can now order rebatable MRIs for those under 16 - it may be quicker to get the MRI done prior to referral.

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GPs can now order rebatable MRIs for those under 16 - it may be quicker to get the MRI done prior to referral.

Yeah, that's what I figured as well. Anyway, I'm taking him in tomorrow morning and will take it from there. He's already feeling a lot better from just having the leg up for the last few days... and the swelling seems to be going down much more quickly than the week to a week and a half the doctor had estimated (maybe the singing and mint tea bag did work after all)..

Edited by hardtack
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Good luck to your son in his recovery; hopefully it's quick. Sitting on the sidelines instead of being out on the field is incredibly tough to do.

You're not wrong... particularly when I had him in me ear every second day from end of season last year telling me he wished the footy season would start soon. Heartbreaking actually.

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Actually, that's something I should look into. Thanks for that.

I looked into it for my son. No joy. The Club's insurance wasn't any use to us. Can't remember the details of why but it was very limited.

Another suggestion is if you are going into your GP see if he does the concussion test. My son was knocked out in a game last year and was badly effected with concussion for five weeks. I of course being a deeply caring father told him to grow one and toughen up. When I finally took him to a concussion specialist because he was still so crook on the Monday, (at the medical centre at the SFS, does the Waratahs so figured would know a thing or two about concussion) she put him to bed with absolutely no brain stimulus. Had to lie there for two days in a dark room staring at the ceiling or sleeping. Not even any music.

She did the standard concussion test on him which is quite a detailed series of tests which included bizarre things like saying the months of the year in reverse order, repeat an ever increasing list of numbers and words etc etc. To be honest with you I tried to do them as he was going and I reckon I would have failed it too. Maybe says more about me than the test, they might just have put me in a padded cell with my results. I figure everyone who plays a sport like AFL ought to do this test when they aren't concussed so it can be used as a baseline if they ever do get concussed and need to be tested. So if your GP does them and you're going in with him anyway I would strongly recommend it.

My son recovered just in time for the finals and went on to play in a very unlikely U17's Premiership win against the side that was at least 40pts better than every other team in the Comp. It was his last game for the Club so a great way to go out. Incidentally my son's knee at around the same age as your son's recovered within a few weeks. Of course depends on severity of the injury etc but hopefully your son will end up having the same season as mine last year as long as it's not against the Doggies.

Edited by It's Time
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Already tried that and it didn't work... not sure if it was my singing, the mint, of the fact that I used a mint tea bag. Oh, and coriander doesn't work either... or basil, or thyme (I was told it would take thyme to heal properly).

yes, but THEY say, thyme is off the essence, HT

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Yeah, that's what I figured as well. Anyway, I'm taking him in tomorrow morning and will take it from there. He's already feeling a lot better from just having the leg up for the last few days... and the swelling seems to be going down much more quickly than the week to a week and a half the doctor had estimated (maybe the singing and mint tea bag did work after all)..

swelling lessened, gotta be better for the imaging?

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I looked into it for my son. No joy. The Club's insurance wasn't any use to us. Can't remember the details of why but it was very limited.

Another suggestion is if you are going into your GP see if he does the concussion test. My son was knocked out in a game last year and was badly effected with concussion for five weeks. I of course being a deeply caring father told him to grow one and toughen up. When I finally took him to a concussion specialist because he was still so crook on the Monday, (at the medical centre at the SFS, does the Waratahs so figured would know a thing or two about concussion) she put him to bed with absolutely no brain stimulus. Had to lie there for two days in a dark room staring at the ceiling or sleeping. Not even any music.

She did the standard concussion test on him which is quite a detailed series of tests which included bizarre things like saying the months of the year in reverse order, repeat an ever increasing list of numbers and words etc etc. To be honest with you I tried to do them as he was going and I reckon I would have failed it too. Maybe says more about me than the test, they might just have put me in a padded cell with my results. I figure everyone who plays a sport like AFL ought to do this test when they aren't concussed so it can be used as a baseline if they ever do get concussed and need to be tested. So if your GP does them and you're going in with him anyway I would strongly recommend it.

My son recovered just in time for the finals and went on to play in a very unlikely U17's Premiership win against the side that was at least 40pts better than every other team in the Comp. It was his last game for the Club so a great way to go out. Incidentally my son's knee at around the same age as your son's recovered within a few weeks. Of course depends on severity of the injury etc but hopefully your son will end up having the same season as mine last year as long as it's not against the Doggies.

Maybe if they had known, the would have recommended a BEX, & good 48Hr Lye down... in the mush room .

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I looked into it for my son. No joy. The Club's insurance wasn't any use to us. Can't remember the details of why but it was very limited.

Another suggestion is if you are going into your GP see if he does the concussion test. My son was knocked out in a game last year and was badly effected with concussion for five weeks. I of course being a deeply caring father told him to grow one and toughen up. When I finally took him to a concussion specialist because he was still so crook on the Monday, (at the medical centre at the SFS, does the Waratahs so figured would know a thing or two about concussion) she put him to bed with absolutely no brain stimulus. Had to lie there for two days in a dark room staring at the ceiling or sleeping. Not even any music.

She did the standard concussion test on him which is quite a detailed series of tests which included bizarre things like saying the months of the year in reverse order, repeat an ever increasing list of numbers and words etc etc. To be honest with you I tried to do them as he was going and I reckon I would have failed it too. Maybe says more about me than the test, they might just have put me in a padded cell with my results. I figure everyone who plays a sport like AFL ought to do this test when they aren't concussed so it can be used as a baseline if they ever do get concussed and need to be tested. So if your GP does them and you're going in with him anyway I would strongly recommend it.

My son recovered just in time for the finals and went on to play in a very unlikely U17's Premiership win against the side that was at least 40pts better than every other team in the Comp. It was his last game for the Club so a great way to go out. Incidentally my son's knee at around the same age as your son's recovered within a few weeks. Of course depends on severity of the injury etc but hopefully your son will end up having the same season as mine last year as long as it's not against the Doggies.

Thanks for all of the great info/suggestions. re the last line, we don't play your mob (been a couple of seasons since the last time)... instead they send us to places like Baulkham Hill, Penant Hills, Narabeen etc. One of my son's old team mates started at Easts last year... he was a nice kid and a great player (named Marco), but had a bit of a soccer mentality when it came to getting hit (would go down like he'd been shot).

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I woke up at Meredith music festival a few years ago with a knee that wouldn't work and a campsite in absolute shambles. No one knows what happened but the doc sent me straight for a xray and ultrasound. The results were a medium tear, I could even see it in the xray. That was it, he told me it was torn.

4 weeks later whilst getting my back worked on by the osteo I mentioned it and she asked how the rehab was going. Rehab? Doc never mentioned it. Lots of painful rubs, lots of squats and strengthening exercises with those giant rubber band things I was back running around about 6 weeks later. Still hurt to kick around the body for many months later though

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