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The Jack Viney bump that never was!

Matt Demon

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Why does the AFL use an SC (Barrister) and the player uses Iain Findlay who is not an SC????

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:40, sydneydee said:

He better get off or I will end up breaking something

As long as it's not Lynch. He's had a bad enough week already.

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:36, Axis of Bob said:

You called him a bozo. What is he supposed to do? In your world:

Gleeson: "I refuse to prosecute this case because I think he's innocent"

Demitriou: "You're fired"

oh i see > Im supposed to justify his ridiculous stance by proffering another.

He in my humble opinion, has failed to provide a 'reasoned" argument. Argument s are supposed to be defined by logic and validity.

Go on, show me where he had any ?

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:37, I Give a Gawnski said:

If Gleeson thinks a footballer can, in 0.5 of a second, change direction sufficiently to avoid a collision then he's probably not that smart.

No, I think the point is that if 3 ex-footballers accept that ludicrous argument and declare Viney guilty, there's something seriously wrong with the system that goes beyond "smart" or not.

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:42, Demon_spurs said:

This is more tense than the last few minutes on Saturday

nice av :)

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:39, Axis of Bob said:

Well the jury has been out for a while, so maybe his case isn't as bad as you think.

It takes 0.3 of a second just to react, which leaves 0.2 of a second to get his body out of the way. Simple cognitive neuroscience and physiology says his case sucks, but then it is the AFL so granted that may be irrelevant.


Looks like we've put a very strong case. Mind you, I thought that about the Trengove tackle, but still.

First strong argument - he did not elect to bump. I think that's pretty decent for us, he didn't 'elect' to do anything in that split second, it was reactionary, and even if he did 'elect' to do something, it was an election to brace for impact, not to bump. That should be sufficient to dispense with things.

Second strong argument - he did not have any reasonable alternative to what he did. A point to be remembered - it is a focus on reasonable alternatives. So, theoretically, he maybe could have pushed off one foot and spun out of the way, but is that a reasonable alternative? Of course not.

I really cannot see this charge standing based on the way the Chairman framed the issue to the jury and the facts.

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:40, jnrmac said:

Why does the AFL use an SC (Barrister) and the player uses Iain Findlay who is not an SC????

Could be money. Could also be that Findlay doesn't need to be a QC in order to be qualified. Could be that Gleeson does a lot of the AFL's other work anyway.

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:39, Axis of Bob said:

Well the jury has been out for a while, so maybe his case isn't as bad as you think.

The longer it goes, the more nervous I get.

Doesn't mean Gleeson's case is any good though; it's not (not from what has been made public so far). We've seen the jury come to some relatively baffling decisions in the past, so I wouldn't put it past them from happening again.

  On 06/05/2014 at 08:40, jnrmac said:

Why does the AFL use an SC (Barrister) and the player uses Iain Findlay who is not an SC????

Should use Luke Darcy. He repeatedly beat charges at the tribunal representing himself.


They cant be too hasty. The AFL wont put on a show like this without final dramatic effects. They have media obligations.


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