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In reading a number of the posts here it appears to me that a reminder of the Sites Code of Conduct is required by certain members

Code Of Conduct

The Demonland Code of Conduct covers all matters relating to the posting of messages on DEMONLAND Forums. The Code of Conduct is not designed to be a negative "don't do this, don't do that" statement, but rather a guide for which all members of Demonland abide by, in the interests of the well being of the Forum.

Demonland encourages its members to put forth their opinion, but in doing so asks all members to be considerate of other people's opinions. Football brings about high emotions, and members will have differing opinions over a variety of issues. In order to allow all people to have their say and debate to take place in a sensible manner, Demonland asks all its members to keep a cool head and remember that above all we all support the same team, and all want to see that team succeed.

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In reading a number of the posts here it appears to me that a reminder of the Sites Code of Conduct is required by certain members

With regard to posts on the Demonland Forums, the Demonland Administrators and Moderators reserve the right to edit and/or remove posts that are considered to be:

  • Acts of personal abuse
  • Slanderous
  • Indecent
  • Knowingly false information
  • Any other matter deemed inappropriate

On those points:

  1. I think we see very little of what could be called "personal abuse" in the footy related threads (political threads seem to be the place for that)... but, I suppose personal abuse is defined by how thick skinned we are (or are not).

  2. I certainly do not see anything slanderous... an interesting one, because can calling people on here out be considered slanderous when we are all hiding behind avatars (although I have chosen to use my actual photo for my avatar) and assumed names... the players, club/afl admin and Scully's father are the only people likely to be on the receiving end of slanderous comments.

  3. Indecent... nothing - but I suppose that comes down to each individuals' moral threshold.

  4. If we were to really police knowingly false information, that could see the end of the rumours thread, because you can be almost certain that much of what appears in there was pulled out of thin air in the hope that the person making the call can attain some bragging rights.

  5. As for any other matter deemed inappropriate, that is a catch-all that parallels the AFL's bringing the game into disrepute clause or a govt's state of emergency act - it is necessary, but very rarely acted upon.

Anyway, I believe what we have here is a storm in what is, for the most part, a very placid tea cup.

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I often approach the keyboard in full army regalia and a smear of black paint across both cheeks. It's warfare man.

I agree ,it's a jungle out there .

Some of the name calling and insults on here are pathetic.

What is worse are the little beatches that throw grenades and then go running to the mod squad.

I have been banned on here several times by pathetic little people crying after I've called them out for racist,ignorant or twerpy posts.

RTG , I think we need a big boys room where sophisticated ,otherwise normal people can go and insult and character assassinate with impuntiy.

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The "lads" don't really go for the combover.

Comb over? I reckon it has a bit of the old "Haircut 100" about it myself. It's just so 80's!

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Yet you still seem to find time for multiple posts across almost every open thread.

There is a wonderful button called "follow this topic" I have a half dozen on there certainly not "almost every open thread". What I said was I don't scroll back through 200+ messages to see if its been said before. I have you people to remind me of that!

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On those points:

  1. I think we see very little of what could be called "personal abuse" in the footy related threads (political threads seem to be the place for that)... but, I suppose personal abuse is defined by how thick skinned we are (or are not).

  2. I certainly do not see anything slanderous... an interesting one, because can calling people on here out be considered slanderous when we are all hiding behind avatars (although I have chosen to use my actual photo for my avatar) and assumed names... the players, club/afl admin and Scully's father are the only people likely to be on the receiving end of slanderous comments.

  3. Indecent... nothing - but I suppose that comes down to each individuals' moral threshold.

  4. If we were to really police knowingly false information, that could see the end of the rumours thread, because you can be almost certain that much of what appears in there was pulled out of thin air in the hope that the person making the call can attain some bragging rights.

  5. As for any other matter deemed inappropriate, that is a catch-all that parallels the AFL's bringing the game into disrepute clause or a govt's state of emergency act - it is necessary, but very rarely acted upon.

Anyway, I believe what we have here is a storm in what is, for the most part, a very placid tea cup.

In regards to point 4, isn't everything on here rumour until it becomes fact? Things you hear from people you see every day is all rumour, until we see it actually reported in the news or on MFC website. We're just saying don't shoot the messengers! And if in this instance you are just referring to me, well as I said, I only report what I hear. Enough has been said about this, and it has made people think, hopefully for the better. Now roll on the draft because I obviously have no idea who we are going to get! But I'm still excited about 2014 and beyond! Go Dees!

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We're just saying don't shoot the messengers!

This is a load of rubbish.

If I was to post a link to a video that a friend of mine sent me, and that video happened to be of 3 naked people beating a child with a corpse, what do you think would happen to me? What would the reaction be?

By passing on the information (the 'message') you have made a conscious decision to do so. If people tell you that your rumours are rubbish and that you are a tool for posting them, then they are completely within their rights to do so. By doing the sort of stuff you have been doing, you invite scorn upon yourself.

This is a community of people. I will treat everyone with respect until I deem them not worthy of respect, and this is the same online and in the physical world. If you're a tool, you'll be treated as if you're a tool.

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This is a community of people. I will treat everyone with respect until I deem them not worthy of respect, and this is the same online and in the physical world. If you're a tool, you'll be treated as if you're a tool.

Hey, I saw a guy in a commercial for ColourBond the other night... he was making all kinds of furnishings, decorations and accessories using ColourBond fencing materials... he described himself, saying: "I am a tool"... but I still respect him for his creativity.

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one of the boys BBO?


Justin Ba Baa.

Get it.

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This is a load of rubbish.

If I was to post a link to a video that a friend of mine sent me, and that video happened to be of 3 naked people beating a child with a corpse, what do you think would happen to me? What would the reaction be?

By passing on the information (the 'message') you have made a conscious decision to do so. If people tell you that your rumours are rubbish and that you are a tool for posting them, then they are completely within their rights to do so. By doing the sort of stuff you have been doing, you invite scorn upon yourself.

This is a community of people. I will treat everyone with respect until I deem them not worthy of respect, and this is the same online and in the physical world. If you're a tool, you'll be treated as if you're a tool.

There are always ways to do things,cordially! Rumours are rumours until fact. I hope in future you only post fact by your overeaction! Just because someone hears something and it doesn't happen, doesn't mean machinations weren't there in place to make it happen and it all fell through. An example just for you: a week before Jack watts 3 year contract was announced I posted it. My info was it would be announced on the footy show. They announced it the following Tuesday. Last minute tweaking maybe. I don't care. That is the way the world works!

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This is a load of rubbish.

If I was to post a link to a video that a friend of mine sent me, and that video happened to be of 3 naked people beating a child with a corpse, what do you think would happen to me? What would the reaction be?

By passing on the information (the 'message') you have made a conscious decision to do so. If people tell you that your rumours are rubbish and that you are a tool for posting them, then they are completely within their rights to do so. By doing the sort of stuff you have been doing, you invite scorn upon yourself.

This is a community of people. I will treat everyone with respect until I deem them not worthy of respect, and this is the same online and in the physical world. If you're a tool, you'll be treated as if you're a tool.

And I believe that may just be an extreme example, and nothing to do with what we have said. But if you did post something like that, you would deserve to be hounded, but not by us - by the authorities!

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I know I'm setting myself up here, but Bitty as your dear friend once said "please explain".

Now now Moonie - I'd never take advantage of a much lesser intellect's ignorance. But, surely you have heard the (very unfunny) joke - "go to Bunnings, buy a bag of cement and HTFU!"

Happy to assist in your education!

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Now now Moonie - I'd never take advantage of a much lesser intellect's ignorance. But, surely you have heard the (very unfunny) joke - "go to Bunnings, buy a bag of cement and HTFU!"

Happy to assist in your education!

Your second sentence disproves the first Bitty. At your age you should give up the dad jokes.

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Your second sentence disproves the first Bitty. At your age you should give up the dad jokes.

Nah! Poor comeback Moonie - you need to let your creative juices (thin and watery as they are) simmer for a while.

However, this thread is showing promising signs. Let's hear some vitriol, hurt and frustration!

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An example just for you: a week before Jack watts 3 year contract was announced I posted it. My info was it would be announced on the footy show. They announced it the following Tuesday. Last minute tweaking maybe. I don't care. That is the way the world works!

And in my opinion that didn't actually happen. I think you have no information and are just an attention seeker. You relayed a rumour and, after a positive reaction, you are trying to keep riding that wave of self worth. But you have nothing and your rumours are getting worse and worse as you try to scrape the barrel of attention.

And I believe that may just be an extreme example, and nothing to do with what we have said. But if you did post something like that, you would deserve to be hounded, but not by us - by the authorities!

Hey, don't shoot the messenger.

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