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You don't have to be a lunatic but it helps (apparently)

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I think we also have the most fickle supporters out of anyother club.

Actually I think its the exact opposite.

We have the highest retention year to year of existing members of any club in the comp. The STORY about us is where fickle but its just not what I see. Not just that but whenever I get to talk to a dee, or run into one that I didnt previously know...there's immediate rapport. Although of all the clubs we're the only one where the supporters get bagged constantly along with the players.

Something about all the bashing makes me MORE passionate.......I want them all to eat there words. Of course I may have to wait...and wait....and wait...and.......well theres nothing I can do about it anyway. Im a dee. If ether ever was a choice it got made 40 years ago.

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Actually I think its the exact opposite.

We have the highest retention year to year of existing members of any club in the comp. The STORY about us is where fickle but its just not what I see. Not just that but whenever I get to talk to a dee, or run into one that I didnt previously know...there's immediate rapport. Although of all the clubs we're the only one where the supporters get bagged constantly along with the players.

Something about all the bashing makes me MORE passionate.......I want them all to eat there words. Of course I may have to wait...and wait....and wait...and.......well theres nothing I can do about it anyway. Im a dee. If ether ever was a choice it got made 40 years ago.

Very true re the bashing, I feel the exact same ;)

But I can’t help but think that we have the greatest number of non-member supporters, but one of the lowest memberships.

We are some of the most passionate supporters, but have a rubbish turn up rate to the games.

This is what I mean by fickle supporters (non-members AND members).

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Actually I think its the exact opposite.

I agree with this
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I cannot believe you are a day over 40, BBO. You look great on your avatar for a man of 60. What's the secret?

I actually started as a Tigers supporter at age 4 cause I liked the tigers at the zoo. My grandfather was a lifelong dee supporter, so is my father. At around age eight I found myself on the edge of my seat at Melbourne games and not particularly interested in Tigers matches. After declaring to all my friends at primary school that I was converting to a Demon supporter, I got repeated beatings - there were NO other Melbourne fans at school. Must be in my genes. My 4 yr old is now declaring she supports Melbourne, but doesn't quite know what the game is about or what the big deal is. She'll learn.

Edited by Moonshadow
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I started following in 1965 (doh !)when I arrived in Australia I was given a Golden Fleece "I follow ST Kilda with Golden Fleece" I hated the colours and swapped with my mate for a Melbourne one, I've been a Dees fan ever since...Oh and my mate still follows St Kilda...(What a choice I had)

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I cannot believe you are a day over 40, BBO. You look great on your avatar for a man of 60. What's the secret?

I actually started as a Tigers supporter at age 4 cause I liked the tigers at the zoo. My grandfather was a lifelong dee supporter, so is my father. At around age eight I found myself on the edge of my seat at Melbourne games and not particularly interested in Tigers matches. After declaring to all my friends at primary school that I was converting to a Demon supporter, I got repeated beatings - there were NO other Melbourne fans at school. Must be in my genes. My 4 yr old is now declaring she supports Melbourne, but doesn't quite know what the game is about or what the big deal is. She'll learn.

The secret is having a moral and upright lifestyle.

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But I can’t help but think that we have the greatest number of non-member supporters, but one of the lowest memberships.

We are some of the most passionate supporters, but have a rubbish turn up rate to the games.

This is what I mean by fickle supporters (non-members AND members).

You'll be thrilled to know the truth is the total opposite! In both membership and attendance, Melbourne has the BEST conversion of supporters to action.

Estimates based on Roy Morgan surveys over the 2000's have or 'supporter' population at around 200,000, creating 35,000+ memberships in 2012, and most notably, growing consistently over the past five years of horror.

Here's one relevant article - http://www.roymorgan.com/news/press-releases/2012/1807/

It is very obvious from these tables that 'saying you are a supporter' is very different from 'actually doing anything'.

If you think through the implications, the idea that Melbourne's games can draw crowds even vaguely comparable to those of St Kilda or Richmond is a tribute to our devotion as a supporter group.

To put it another way, if those 'passionate and devoted' Collingwood fans turned up to games at the rate Melbourne supporters do, then in the middle of rubbish years there'd be 80,000 of them turning up to games against Fremantle. Most recent comparison would be round 18 2005, when they got 26,000. Now that's fickle, two years after a couple of Grand Finals.

Burn it into your brain - Melbourne supporters are THE MOST ACTIVE AND RESILIENT supporters in the AFL. Never let anyone say otherwise.

You don't support Melbourne because it's the easy option, do you?

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You'll be thrilled to know the truth is the total opposite! In both membership and attendance, Melbourne has the BEST conversion of supporters to action.

Estimates based on Roy Morgan surveys over the 2000's have or 'supporter' population at around 200,000, creating 35,000+ memberships in 2012, and most notably, growing consistently over the past five years of horror.

Here's one relevant article - http://www.roymorgan...ases/2012/1807/

It is very obvious from these tables that 'saying you are a supporter' is very different from 'actually doing anything'.

If you think through the implications, the idea that Melbourne's games can draw crowds even vaguely comparable to those of St Kilda or Richmond is a tribute to our devotion as a supporter group.

To put it another way, if those 'passionate and devoted' Collingwood fans turned up to games at the rate Melbourne supporters do, then in the middle of rubbish years there'd be 80,000 of them turning up to games against Fremantle. Most recent comparison would be round 18 2005, when they got 26,000. Now that's fickle, two years after a couple of Grand Finals.

Burn it into your brain - Melbourne supporters are THE MOST ACTIVE AND RESILIENT supporters in the AFL. Never let anyone say otherwise.

You don't support Melbourne because it's the easy option, do you?

YES! ...everything I was trying to say earlier but with more facts and better worded. Can you get a job in the media somewhere? Preferably replacing Greg Denham or one of the coulda beens?

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I'm not a noted thread starter (for obvious reasons some will say). However, the more I read and follow "Demonland" I have to ask the question about the connection between lunacy and supporting the Melbourne Football Club.

I am 60 years old so I can remember the glory day of Neil Crompton - there is some excuse for me. But what attracts young supporters? We have basically had shite since '64.

Since I've joined demonland I've participated in or observed some wonderfully vitriolic debate. I continually ask myself how can such diverse individuals support the same club?

Current threads, for example, speculate about what position to play players we haven't even signed yet. Or, where players will end up who haven't been delisted yet.

It's crazy stuff to have such passionate supporters of one the worst performed clubs in living memory. Our membership has increased in recent years. Why do we do it?

What makes you a Melbourne supporter? (Or is that Melbourne Tragic?) Are we different to those who support " successful" clubs?

Loyalty to a fault.

Some may say masochistic.

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Used to go to games at 3/4 time in the very early 50's - when you could get in free. Liked the look of the jumper and started supporting the dees. Two years later they won the flag and I was hooked. Saw 5 premierships in 9 years and thought that was the norm.

The years 1965 - 2012 have shown me it was not. One of my best mates at the time picked the scum.

We've both enjoyed 6 premierships since we made our choices.

Yet he seems much more sanguine with his football life than I.

Go figure.

edit - typing

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My Dad gave me 2 choices. I gave my kids the same choice. Follow the Dee's or go live in a dumpster. There are times I wish I had have picked the dumpster

Same thing happened to me.

Never worried me much until the last few years with my own kids and especially after chatting about the latest GF with the old man.

Told him I was hoping the Dawks won as there are a few mad swans at work I didn't want to hear from but very few dawk supporters.

He told me he was going for the swans who his father followed.

"How did you end up following Melbourne then?" I asked.

"Ah dunno , the swans just weren't me."

Then I thought about his age.

Born in '47 ....... Hes jumped onto the superpower side of the time as an 8 year old.

Lost abit of respect for him right then and gave him a mouthful for what he's put me through.

Edited by My TD
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I started in 1947 and took up MFC because they were at the bottom of the ladder.

I am an under dog man.

Lo and behold look what happened.

I was born in QLD and played Rugby League and Rugby Union as a kid, when I moved to NT I was introduced to AFL as the playing seasons for each code are opposite each other it was easy to Be ablet to enjoy the different codes. When I was living in Darwin I supported the local NTFL teams in particular Darwin Buffaloes and this was sufficient for me. In 1997 I moved to Perth and thought it was time to choose an AFL team as it was the dominant code in WA. Like Skills I am an underdog man and when Melbourne secured the wooden spoon in 1997 I thought they were the side for me. I have never looked back or wavered of my support for the Dees and I will never change my allegiance because once I have made up my mind that's it. I am really stubborn I know but I think supporting a team is basically a very easy choice either you do or you don't. No matter what happens I will always find it easy to say I do because as much as there are hard times the joy of the good times will be that much sweeter when they come because of this pain.

Edited by Felix da Dee
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Arrived in Australia late 60's and lived in Sydney for the first 12 years or so. Hadn't seen Aussie Rules previously but when I saw it on tv I had to have a team so picked the one with the city name. Came to live in Melbourne in 1980 and started attending a few games, not a pleasant experience at the time :mellow: Have been a member from 1987 onwards and always will be. Love my Dees... and like every other Dees supporter I keep hoping... maybe next year! At least my Dees are still around, the team I followed in Rugby League, North Sydney Bears got thrown out of the competition. I have followed Manchester United all my life (with all their success) BUT my No.1 sports team is the MIGHTY MELBOURNE DEMONS!!! Go Dees!

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I'm 25 and I get asked why I support the Dees a lot seeing how i'm an American based fan. When I went about picking a team, I kind of created a formula. I didn't want to pick a team, because they were good or popular, or a consistent winner. I looked at history of clubs, their fan bases, players on the team, and the future of the team. Honestly, the Demons weren't my first choice to support. I bounced around from North Melbourne, the Bulldogs, and St. Kilda but for some reason, For the first two or three years I regularly followed AFL, I didn't have a team to support. I was leaning heavily towards St. Kilda for a while (and to be honest, they kind of still have a soft spot in my heart) but something kept pulling me back to the Demons. I absolutely loved the club history, and loved watching Liam Jurrah play. So, as i've said before on this board I picked the Dees as my team last season (right before we got thrashed by West Coast actually) and I haven't regretted it. Yeah they're not great right now, there have been a lot of tough games but I like having actual reasons why I picked the Demons instead of most American footy fans that support whoever won the last GF. (Or oddly Collingwood. IDK why but most the people i've met here who are fans support those ferals.)

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I'm not a noted thread starter (for obvious reasons some will say). However, the more I read and follow "Demonland" I have to ask the question about the connection between lunacy and supporting the Melbourne Football Club.

I am 60 years old so I can remember the glory day of Neil Crompton - there is some excuse for me. But what attracts young supporters? We have basically had shite since '64.

Since I've joined demonland I've participated in or observed some wonderfully vitriolic debate. I continually ask myself how can such diverse individuals support the same club?

Current threads, for example, speculate about what position to play players we haven't even signed yet. Or, where players will end up who haven't been delisted yet.

It's crazy stuff to have such passionate supporters of one the worst performed clubs in living memory. Our membership has increased in recent years. Why do we do it?

What makes you a Melbourne supporter? (Or is that Melbourne Tragic?) Are we different to those who support " successful" clubs?

jit just proves what ive been saying for years , "the world if full of nutters "
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My dad, who was born in England and supports Liverpool, took me to my first AFL match in 1987 where the Demons thrashed West Coast and I was hooked. Little did I know at the time that it was West Coast's first year in the comp!

25 years on, my QLD born wife and three children all support the Demons because I do and are just as passionate. In the bath, my kids use the Demons facewasher to smother the toy Lion and shout 'Go Demons, boo lions'. My two year old son dresses himself in his guernsey more often than anything else and our supporter flag hangs on the wall next to the family portrait.

The way I look at it is that the Demons are a part of our family... You wouldn't turn you back on your kids if they had a run of bad years, so you stick with the Demons the same way.

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My whole family have always been demon supporters, although i don't remember ever being forced to barrack for them. I'm 17 and as long as i can remember i've always gone for them and i guess its because my whole family does but none of them are even close to how dedicated to them i am! For example, my dad is a "fair weather" supporter, meaning he only supports the dees when we're actually doing well, any other time he barracks for Geelong! :o

I'm a dee till i die! :)

Edited by young dee enthusiast
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When I was 4 my dad told me to barrack for Melbourne or get out of the house, seeing I didnt have my degree and only a limited vocabulary I decided it was best for me to stay at home and support the dees.

18 years on im a one eyed melbourne supporter who has been dubbed 'a collingwood supporter in disguise' which I like. Other notable quotes from my friends are ' I now hate melbourne because of you'

Go dees

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You'll be thrilled to know the truth is the total opposite! In both membership and attendance, Melbourne has the BEST conversion of supporters to action.

Estimates based on Roy Morgan surveys over the 2000's have or 'supporter' population at around 200,000, creating 35,000+ memberships in 2012, and most notably, growing consistently over the past five years of horror.

Here's one relevant article - http://www.roymorgan...ases/2012/1807/

It is very obvious from these tables that 'saying you are a supporter' is very different from 'actually doing anything'.

If you think through the implications, the idea that Melbourne's games can draw crowds even vaguely comparable to those of St Kilda or Richmond is a tribute to our devotion as a supporter group.

To put it another way, if those 'passionate and devoted' Collingwood fans turned up to games at the rate Melbourne supporters do, then in the middle of rubbish years there'd be 80,000 of them turning up to games against Fremantle. Most recent comparison would be round 18 2005, when they got 26,000. Now that's fickle, two years after a couple of Grand Finals.

Burn it into your brain - Melbourne supporters are THE MOST ACTIVE AND RESILIENT supporters in the AFL. Never let anyone say otherwise.

You don't support Melbourne because it's the easy option, do you?

YES! ...everything I was trying to say earlier but with more facts and better worded. Can you get a job in the media somewhere? Preferably replacing Greg Denham or one of the coulda beens?

Never been so happy to be proved wrong - great read and start to the morning!!

Thanks Goffy and Wells!

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I grew up in a family of Hawthorn supporters. My grandfather would take me off to Glenferrie Oval to watch the Hawks get pumped week after week. In 1962,at the age of ten, I asked myself, "Is this what you want to be doing for the rest of your life?" "Hell no!" I answered. I liked the colours of the demons and they were doing pretty well at the time so I made the switch despite the howls of protest and threats of exclusion from the family. My mother was the only one who really supported me. She even knitted me a Melbourne jumper. In 1964 I was ecstatic and gave it to the rest of my family like there was no tomorrow. I've paid for that a few times since and have learned about humility.

Now, fifty years later, do I regret the decision? Not for a minute. It's been challenging but rewarding. I believe it's made me a stronger person and given me incredible resilience. That's not to say I don't get disappointed. I do, but I get over it and front up next week for another go at it. I start every year with great optimism and a belief that this could be the year. I end most years with the thought that there's always next year. My time will come again before I shuffle off. This I know!

Go Dees!

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We as a family came over from Fitzroy after a year of indecision about the Brisbane so called merger in 1998. We wanted to support a club that represented the city we lived in which was obviously Melbourne. All the other clubs represent suburbs and to be honest we didn't want that. Who in their right mind would want to support a suburb like collingwood. Most of the people that support collingwood have never been near the place and if you gave them a map and a compass they still wouldn't be able to find it.

I'm a gold Trident member now and i've never looked back. And yes I maybe a lunatic but in my heart I reckon success and strength is coming to the team in the red and the blue.

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