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Tom Scully in September ...

Grandson of a gun

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This rat has been swimming back to the ship...

I still can't see Scully leaving.

It just doesn't make sense.



Given Tom Scully's year is over, how do we rate his performance in 2011?

I've most games in Melbourne and only seen moments of his good stuff this year, balanced by him being brushed off the ball or opposition too easily (he's not alone in this dept)... He's been a consistent trier, running all day, yet seemed more damaging last year...



Paul . If anyone other than Scully I think most might surmise as a pretty average year with few highlights marred by injury. Absolutely nothing to write home about or mention in dispatches . A whole lot of not much really. But hey it's Scully .. So there were glimpses etc etc :rolleyes:


Given Tom Scully's year is over, how do we rate his performance in 2011?

I've most games in Melbourne and only seen moments of his good stuff this year, balanced by him being brushed off the ball or opposition too easily (he's not alone in this dept)... He's been a consistent trier, running all day, yet seemed more damaging last year...


It's hard to rate, as he has clearly been playing injured or not quite right.

His stats look ok - good. But if you watch him closely in games he lacks determination to chase hard and do the 1%'s.

I put it down to injury myself.

I honestly don't really care if he stays or goes now. Two first extra first round picks next year would be great.

Depends how bad his knee is. And no one on here knows so its all pure speculation and guesswork.


Didn't sheeds say he secured one of three players out of Pendles, Swan and Thomas.

Obviously even Sheedy doesn't know what's going on inside his club.


Now let me see. That leaves them with Sheedy, Choko Williams, Phil Davis and ...

You forgot Gubby Allen. :P

P.S- and Israel Folau, who according to sheedy the best talent in AFL :P :P :P :P


I hope we belt the crap out of GWS twice in 2012,13,14,15,16,... irrespective of dear Toms decision.

Don't mind GC, can't stand GWS...


and the more and more others dont sign....leaves power to speculate as to whos left !!! There will be some going.


Have It on very good authority he is not leaving and the soreness is in fact a really bad quad. From the source I heard it actually seems to some it may be the dreaded ostetiatis...

He copped a pretty bad bump last week which looked like it corked his leg or reinjured his knee he hobbled for a bit the went off the ground he came back on later but didn't have much effect. It wouldn't surprise me if his exclusion is legitimate and I'm still willing to back the club and the kid on this one.


Our club is fractured at the minute. IT's troubling.

It's not reason enough to leave if he ends up doing so.

I still don't know what he will decide, and I am still uncomfortable with us disparaging him while he is still a Demon. Albeit an injured one.

We will find out soon enough...


Callum Ward, Jonno Patton and a crowd full of tumbleweed?

and a million dollars a year.....poor bloke.

Guest Gareth Keenan

Callum Ward, Jonno Patton and a crowd full of tumbleweed?

You don't happen to mean Callan Ward..?


Our club is fractured at the minute. IT's troubling.

It's not reason enough to leave if he ends up doing so.

I still don't know what he will decide, and I am still uncomfortable with us disparaging him while he is still a Demon. Albeit an injured one.

We will find out soon enough...

Is someone able to enlighten me as to what has transpired that our club is fractured, I was overseas when all this blew up with only irregular access to a computer and though I've been back 3 weeks i'm still struggling to get an understanding of it all. You here the typical negative comments on the radio & in the press but nobody actually states what the problems were (are). I thought the Stynes administration was supposed to get rid of all this divisiveness


Part of what has transpired seems to be that Schwab and connelly were pushing the "premiership model" too fast/hard and off-sided the senior players, who complained to the board just prior to the Geelong game. They then got belted by a record margin by Geelong and the board sacked Bailey (who it seems these players had no problem with...), and Viney took over...



Part of what has transpired seems to be that Schwab and connelly were pushing the "premiership model" too fast/hard and off-sided the senior players, who complained to the board just prior to the Geelong game. They then got belted by a record margin by Geelong and the board sacked Bailey (who it seems these players had no problem with...), and Viney took over...


I don't know that it was because the premiership model was being pushed too hard/fast - that doesn't make a lot of sense; you'd have thought that the players would want a premiership tomorrow if it could be done and that nothing was "too fast". It would seem that Connolly, Schwab and Bailey were all at the centre of the "fracturing" though, but I doubt we'll (rightfully) ever know the details, and I for one will never again feel 100% comfortable until all three have left the room.


Excusez-moi. (from Paris )

Would it be fair to say that a strong and determined coach should have an influence on how things evolve with Scully's re-signing (resigning?)?

How far along that track might we be?


Je Pense Jamais

J'espire a plus tard


I cant believe this thread will soon be over .

Never before has so much data been wasted by so many

for the benefit of so few


Excusez-moi. (from Paris )

Would it be fair to say that a strong and determined coach should have an influence on how things evolve with Scully's re-signing (resigning?)?

How far along that track might we be?

Does the strong and determined coach have $300k a year in his bank account to make up the difference?

I hope there's a second version of the banner at the top of this page so that $cully can be removed ASAP once he stooges us.


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