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Green on the Outer

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This article was touched on by Caroline Wilson of FC tonight. Interesting to see he isn't contracted after this season.

Green on the Outer

I think giving the captaincy to someone else next year may take some pressure off him and hopefully he can get back to playing consistent footy. James Frawley gets my vote for captain 2012 and onwards.

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Green ...without the load of captaincy ought to provide some good value...OUGHT TO... its all up to him. Stil lif he didnt opt to continue it would make a mockery of the seeming unhapiness at Juniors departing.

I think Brads getting a bit of a wake up.. its how we deal with these things thats a measure of your character.

Much has changed since Bailey has left... the comfort zone has disappeared. That..is a good thing. We're now seeing the fallout of this event. Probably more to come.

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This article was touched on by Caroline Wilson of FC tonight. Interesting to see he isn't contracted after this season.


I think giving the captaincy to someone else next year may take some pressure off him and hopefully he can get back to playing consistent footy. James Frawley gets my vote for captain 2012 and onwards.

There seems to be a lot of toing & froing at the moment all over with us, and no doubt at other clubs as well. IMO it has a lot to do with GWS and the new players agreements.

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Wouldn't be sad to see him go after the shite we've put up with this year.

I thought he was better than this. Never expected us to be talking about a new captain so soon after he was appointed. Oh well.

I think he is better than he's shown this year and he would probably be a loss to us as a player but not as a captain, it seems to have altered his game and the way he approaches it.

Put him in the forward line with a run in the midfield to keep him fit and tell him that he has to do more than just spectate as he has been doing this year.

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But as BRFE said---Green wont accept the contract.

Based on his 2010 form, Green is better than what he ahowed in 2011. He wont be captain and at 30yo you cant trade off history for too long when your form has been poor. The credits he duly earned up to the end of 2010 have been well and truly cash in.

And if you are 30yo leader whose leadership is questionable and form is worse then your criticisms of others within the Club will leave you vulnerable.

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I think for stability reasons it would be important to offer him a 2 year deal. After the fall out from Junior, it can only be compounded by finishing up another player early (if only his peers see it as early). All the clubs extend the contract of some older players, in my opinion to ensure that all the 28 / 29 yo players don't pack there bags thinking there time is close to over at the dees so lets go somewhere I can play until i am 32, 33, 34.... We must sign him on two years.

Forget the captaincy, that will take care of its self and should be up to the playing group. If he is seen by his peers as the best leader he will get it again. I doubt he will get the captaincy though, as better options are beginning to come of age and maturity.

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But as BRFE said---Green wont accept the contract.

Based on his 2010 form, Green is better than what he ahowed in 2011. He wont be captain and at 30yo you cant trade off history for too long when your form has been poor. The credits he duly earned up to the end of 2010 have been well and truly cash in.

And if you are 30yo leader whose leadership is questionable and form is worse then your criticisms of others within the Club will leave you vulnerable.

Unfortunately you are correct.

It will be sad if he goes.

He has given his all in some fairly trying times.

I feel very sad for him it is never good to see a good player go out this way

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I don't think Green will go, he is loyal to the club that's one of the reasons why he was made captain in the first place.

I also don't think they will strip Green of his captaincy entirely. One option is to introduce a co-captain scenario, with possibly Moloney, Rivers and Grimes/Trengove. I've previously been opposed to the co-captain system but I think it might be a good initiative considering that we lack serious leadership on field. Also in terms of football politics, this would be a better move as well; it shows the club still has faith in Green as the captain but accepts he needs support and this is more likely to provide some appeasement during contract negotiations.

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2 year deal. Captaincy for one more then a handover to someone else for his final season.

There are a couple of reasons why i think this may be close to the mark.

Green's last couple of contract discussions have been protracted by his management IIRC. Like Cam Bruce, the bag will be only half full, take it or leave it.


MFC doesnt give Captaincy or Coach for one year, right or wrong.

MFC would be mauled by the press for not sticking fat with Green during this last year. Notwithstanding some journos need for a headline, they would turn pretty damn quick.

I dont see a clear alternate at this stage, meself.

I hope he can turn it around.

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I don't think he will go anywhere.

He doesn't deserve the captaincy for another year and it should be given to another - the LG should be given to the talent that we hope will get us somewhere.

Brad should stay and he should realise that the future of the club does not have his face.

It is difficult to come to terms with, but the truth is the truth.

He can ride the wave if his form holds but we as a club have to move on and not be held to a poor decision just because it 'will look bad' if we reversed it.

New Coach:

Sell a future, put that future in charge, tell the 'senior' players that that future will take them to heights if the future is empowered now.

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There are a couple of reasons why i think this may be close to the mark.

Green's last couple of contract discussions have been protracted by his management IIRC. Like Cam Bruce, the bag will be only half full, take it or leave it.


MFC doesnt give Captaincy or Coach for one year, right or wrong.

MFC would be mauled by the press for not sticking fat with Green during this last year. Notwithstanding some journos need for a headline, they would turn pretty damn quick.

I dont see a clear alternate at this stage, meself.

I hope he can turn it around.

You mean the press could be worse than this year!

Perhaps a large part of the problem at the MFC is we are not ruthless.

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Now this thread is a real surprise... not!! Demonland posters having Green with one foot out the door and off down the road.

If my memory serves me well (and it occasionally does), Green was adamant he would be a one club player and I am pretty sure that the Dees will be doing all in their power to ensure that that is the case; we are already very thin on the ground when it comes to experienced/mature players.

I think you will find that Green will be relieved of the Captaincy (more than likely with his own blessing) and that he will be offered a fair and reasonable contract (to compensate) that will see him play out his career at the Dees.

It is obvious to even Blind Freddy and his dog that the Captaincy has had a big affect on his game, on the back of one of his best seasons in 2010; without the burden next year, he will quickly regain his mojo.

Edited by hardtack
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Perhaps a large part of the problem at the MFC is we are not ruthless.

What does "ruthless" mean? In regard to list management I think MFC have been and there are a number of current and ex senior players that have felt the sting.

We were always a press target when we had a coach in his last year, a CEO making public statements that did represent support and had our marquee young player Scully subject to GWS poaching.

MFC have done a good job though throughou the year to give the press fodder both on and off the field.

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We treated him badly on Saturday. In fact as an supporter I was embarrassed at how we treated him.

I agree his form has been such that he is struggling to get a game but you dont put your captain in a vest on the bench on 1 hours notice.

Declare him injured and unable to play. Not injured but ok to play a quarter go sit on the bench in a fluoro vest. Whoever made that decision Lyon or Viney was wrong.

Someone should apologise to him and we move on.

What is of concern is it reinforces what happened at the end of last year to Mc Donald, again a situation badly handled by the club.

I think he is a required player next year and if played in the right way could be very dangerous.

I also want to see a loyal clubman play out his days at the dees and nowhere else.

If that means joint captains as Sydney did then I am all for that.

As far as I am concerned Brad has given his all to the club and we should honour that. Of course that does not mean he is a shoe in to play each week but I think he is still good enough to be in our best 22 next year if the cards fall his way a bit more.

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What does "ruthless" mean? In regard to list management I think MFC have been and there are a number of current and ex senior players that have felt the sting.

We were always a press target when we had a coach in his last year, a CEO making public statements that did represent support and had our marquee young player Scully subject to GWS poaching.

MFC have done a good job though throughou the year to give the press fodder both on and off the field.

As a club we are way to nice.

It starts at supporter level and goes all the way to the top.

Essendon,Carlton, Hawthorn and Collingwood would be screaming the house down if they were in our position.

The airwaves would be full of members demanding action.

They expect success, demand it and in the end get it.

We hope it all works out and give our club years and years to get it right.

result we never do.

when has one MFC person publically told GWS to [censored] off!

Eddy does on our behalf how poor is that.

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We treated him badly on Saturday. In fact as an supporter I was embarrassed at how we treated him.

I agree his form has been such that he is struggling to get a game but you dont put your captain in a vest on the bench on 1 hours notice.

Declare him injured and unable to play. Not injured but ok to play a quarter go sit on the bench in a fluoro vest. Whoever made that decision Lyon or Viney was wrong.

Someone should apologise to him and we move on.

What is of concern is it reinforces what happened at the end of last year to Mc Donald, again a situation badly handled by the club.

I think he is a required player next year and if played in the right way could be very dangerous.

I also want to see a loyal clubman play out his days at the dees and nowhere else.

If that means joint captains as Sydney did then I am all for that.

As far as I am concerned Brad has given his all to the club and we should honour that. Of course that does not mean he is a shoe in to play each week but I think he is still good enough to be in our best 22 next year if the cards fall his way a bit more.

I really dislike your attitude here.

Green to be given the 'soreness' excuse and be dropped? Yeah, I am sure he will take that well too...

'I also want to see a loyal clubman play out his days at the dees and nowhere else.'

I want to see him play for the Dees but I am not about to let his position as Captain, a position he has held awfully, to stop a message being sent throughout the club that what has gone on is not good enough.

Isn't it funny - we are all happy enough to sack a bloke who is The Coach, but we are stroppy about giving a vest to The Captain.

And we honour what Brad does by paying very well. And we honoured him by giving him the Captaincy...

We have to stop honouring tenure...

Sometimes dishonouring 'loyal clubmen' is something a club has to do.

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We treated him badly on Saturday. In fact as an supporter I was embarrassed at how we treated him.

I agree his form has been such that he is struggling to get a game but you dont put your captain in a vest on the bench on 1 hours notice.

Declare him injured and unable to play. Not injured but ok to play a quarter go sit on the bench in a fluoro vest. Whoever made that decision Lyon or Viney was wrong.

Someone should apologise to him and we move on.

What is of concern is it reinforces what happened at the end of last year to Mc Donald, again a situation badly handled by the club.

I think he is a required player next year and if played in the right way could be very dangerous.

I also want to see a loyal clubman play out his days at the dees and nowhere else.

If that means joint captains as Sydney did then I am all for that.

As far as I am concerned Brad has given his all to the club and we should honour that. Of course that does not mean he is a shoe in to play each week but I think he is still good enough to be in our best 22 next year if the cards fall his way a bit more.

It was a match committee decision. Throwing mud Lyon and Viney's way based on an assumption is low.

It astounds me the mentality of some supporters. He was still in the 22, and a green vest should not be viewed upon as some "dunce hat". Since when did supporters and the like consider the green vest to be frowned upon in such a manner when the skipper is given it ? You're still part of the 22.

Supporters need to toughen up themselves and understand what the club is now about. There is no free ride. Your job is to play committed football for your club and concentrate on your objectives. If you're the captain, you lead by example.

This situation is considered "handled badly" by those who think the green vest is some form of inferior badge of honour.

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As a club we are way to nice.

It starts at supporter level and goes all the way to the top.

Essendon,Carlton, Hawthorn and Collingwood would be screaming the house down if they were in our position.

The airwaves would be full of members demanding action.

They expect success, demand it and in the end get it.

We hope it all works out and give our club years and years to get it right.

result we never do.

when has one MFC person publically told GWS to [censored] off!

Eddy does on our behalf how poor is that.

Yes yes we all went to public schools, have patches on our elbows and call out go on No 31!

FMD, the last place I would ever measure the demographic is in regard to the mainly rancid wingnuts the clog football talkback with their stupidity.

Success is just not created on expectations. Its built a number of important stepping stones.

I telling GWS to publicly [censored] off is cheap fodder for commercial radio ratings but does not deal with the substantive issues. And for what its worth Eddie has done a fabulous job in the role of President of CFC. People often let his radio exposure colour the facts.

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I think you will find that Green will be relieved of the Captaincy (more than likely with his own blessing) and that he will be offered a fair and reasonable contract (to compensate) that will see him play out his career at the Dees.

fast forward to end 2011 early 2012 - he won't be relieved of the captaincy - he will relinquish it (behind closed doors pressure duly exerted)

"I have found my form has suffered with the extra burden of the captaincy and with this bright brigade of well credentialled youngsters that ooze leadership, I have decided that is in the best interests of the club and getting myself back to my best form that I relinquish the captaincy and pass it onto .......(insert your favoured choice here). I am fully committed to this club and see our future blah blah ....."

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