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Strauss gets Didak

You might be right, but that makes me nervous. I'm reminded of Belly v Didak nightmares. I think Didak might be finally getting over his pec injury and may be due for a very good game.

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Whether people on here like it or not, Bartram will be selected if fit. He is undoubtedly highly rated by the selection committee, and one of the first chosen each week. Strauss got the gig in place of the injured Barty. He did pretty well last week, but he will make way.

Luke Tapscott WILL NOT play. There is NO such thing as a 'less than 3 week hammie', except in elimination type finals.

Ricky Petterd was dropped for Howe. Howe was excellent, therefore Petterd will not displace him. I like Petterd, and I think he will be a successful part of our future, but it will not be this week. Unless.......

Gawn came in for Newton, and to cover the 3 bomber talls. Now this is where it will be interesting to see how they go. If it is felt that we don't need the extra tall against the Pies, then he will make way. Again, it's no slight on big Maximus, he did quite well, but this may be better for team balance. But for who? Of those who were in the best for Casey, it probably has to be Petterd, and possibly as sub. As much as I want to see Blease, it won't be this week, on account of balance. Tom McDonald would be a chance maybe, for some more height options in the backline?

I'm tipping, Out: Strauss, Gawn.

In: Bartram, Petterd.

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Jetta seems to have a bit of love around here. Never been a fan of him and struggle to see him play well on the big stage - he's never done it.

We know Petterd played well vs Pies both times last year and his most up to date form (VFL) was far beyond VFL level. Petterd is an AFL player. A key marking target in our F50 and can be hard to match up on.

Seems Sylvia will play but not Bartram, so...

IN: BLEASE (debut), Petterd

OUT: Jetta, Evans

Neville's mum here, the big stage was last Friday night, I thought Nev went all right, as another poster said the longer this thread goes the more ludicrous the suggestions get.

Without naming names and yours not included in this observation, I think either some people don't watch the game or they need to drink slightly less when they do

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for all you dropping the big fella

I think gawn must play.

His lack of mobility in the forward line straightened us up completely. Was fantastic to watch!

allowed Jurrah and green to run rings around him and up around CHF while he rested in the forward line.

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Neville's mum here, the big stage was last Friday night, I thought Nev went all right, as another poster said the longer this thread goes the more ludicrous the suggestions get.

Without naming names and yours not included in this observation, I think either some people don't watch the game or they need to drink slightly less when they do

Hi Neville's mum.

Sorry but my opnion remains unchanged as I do not think your boy can perform on the big stage being the Queen's Birthday and I feel more experience is needed vs Collingwood (i.e. Ricky Petterd).

Please understand that not everyone in the world will want Jetta in the side and not everyone in the world has identical opinions.

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I'm tipping, Out: Strauss, Gawn.

In: Bartram, Petterd.

Sorry to break it to you... but Bailey has already stated Gawn will play this weekend unless he gets injured at training.

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Hi Neville's mum.

Sorry but my opnion remains unchanged as I do not think your boy can perform on the big stage being the Queen's Birthday and I feel more experience is needed vs Collingwood (i.e. Ricky Petterd).

Please understand that not everyone in the world will want Jetta in the side and not everyone in the world has identical opinions.

Personally I think enthusiasm will beat experience, I would be surprised if Bailey makes any changes for the sake of it, if Sylvia comes up we should be unchanged, you have 22 blokes who gave their all on Frdiay night, what do you do to reward them by dropping them....I don't think so, momentum and confidence is a wonderful thing....by the way I have spoken to Lynette (Nev's Mum) and I am pleased and honoured to be associated with her, although she might not feel the same........she really knows her footy

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Why drop Strauss?

I predict he'll be the best CHB since G .Jakovich or Harry Taylor .

At 185cm he'd have to be the shortest CHB of all time!

Half back flank will be his position I reckon, with he and Tapscott bringing the ball out of our defence for years to come hopefully our kick out worries may become a thing of the past in time.

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Jetta seems to have a bit of love around here. Never been a fan of him and struggle to see him play well on the big stage - he's never done it.

We know Petterd played well vs Pies both times last year and his most up to date form (VFL) was far beyond VFL level. Petterd is an AFL player. A key marking target in our F50 and can be hard to match up on.

Seems Sylvia will play but not Bartram, so...

IN: BLEASE (debut), Petterd

OUT: Jetta, Evans

Petterd only played against Collingwood once last year in round 2 where he was out best with 4 goals. Played that defensive forward role on Shaw brilliantly! However he did his shoulder in round 6 and didn't play again after that.

With a forward line already consisting of Watts, Jurrah, Green & Howe, Petterd's going to have to string several good games together with Casey and hope for either an injury or form slump to one of the others to get a role back in that forward line.

As for Jetta, while I don't think he's the most talented player there is going around, he works bloody hard and is a good tackler (somthing Maric, Morton, Petterd & Wonna need to do more of), so Jetta holds his place more mine.

Petterd has a big role in Melbourne's future, but I reckon really making him earn this recall is the best thing we can do not only for him, but for the club also. I'll note I reckon it's already had a good effect judged on the fact that Petterd laid 8 tackles for Casey last weekend. Somthing he isn't noted for!

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Whether people on here like it or not, Bartram will be selected if fit. He is undoubtedly highly rated by the selection committee, and one of the first chosen each week. Strauss got the gig in place of the injured Barty. He did pretty well last week, but he will make way.

Luke Tapscott WILL NOT play. There is NO such thing as a 'less than 3 week hammie', except in elimination type finals.

Ricky Petterd was dropped for Howe. Howe was excellent, therefore Petterd will not displace him. I like Petterd, and I think he will be a successful part of our future, but it will not be this week. Unless.......

Gawn came in for Newton, and to cover the 3 bomber talls. Now this is where it will be interesting to see how they go. If it is felt that we don't need the extra tall against the Pies, then he will make way. Again, it's no slight on big Maximus, he did quite well, but this may be better for team balance. But for who? Of those who were in the best for Casey, it probably has to be Petterd, and possibly as sub. As much as I want to see Blease, it won't be this week, on account of balance. Tom McDonald would be a chance maybe, for some more height options in the backline?

I'm tipping, Out: Strauss, Gawn.

In: Bartram, Petterd.

Two points.

1: If Gawn doesn't play, who is our 2nd ruck option?

2: If Strauss doesn't play who becomes our designated kicker out of defence? Especially seeing as Tapscott's at least 1 week away.

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At 185cm he'd have to be the shortest CHB of all time!

Really? At that height he would have been first ruck in some sides.

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Really? At that height he would have been first ruck in some sides.

Not factoring in fact people are taller now then once were possibly I should have amended that statement to "He'd have to be the shortest CHB in the last 20 years!"

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As Bailey virtually said in his interview. NO CHANGE!

The team played well with no poor performers on the day.

If Sylvia is unable to play (which i doubt) bring in pettard.

All those saying Bartram in, if you listen to Bailey it seems that no one is coming back from injury this week.

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Don't think Nicholson replaced Fitzpatrick did he? Thought Nicho and Evans replaced Grimes and Spencer. I could be wrong.

I sure it was Fitzpatrick. I makes sense too.

The club was worried about the ruck situation and wanted to have a guaranteed pathway for Campbell to play whenever he was fit; who saw Martin's form coming? By placing Nicholson on the list to replace Fitzpatrick, it also gives them an option to continue to play him once the point in the season is reached where you can play a, I think it is only one, rookie with out need of a LTI. It used to be Round 12, but with the byes, I don't know specifically when it is this year; it is before Fitzpatrick is allowed back.

Just on Martin, don't you love the way he is starting to channel Jimmy Stynes and becoming an extra mid-fielder once the ruck contest is complete.

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Personally I think enthusiasm will beat experience, I would be surprised if Bailey makes any changes for the sake of it, if Sylvia comes up we should be unchanged, you have 22 blokes who gave their all on Frdiay night, what do you do to reward them by dropping them....I don't think so, momentum and confidence is a wonderful thing....by the way I have spoken to Lynette (Nev's Mum) and I am pleased and honoured to be associated with her, although she might not feel the same........she really knows her footy

Perhaps you should be made aware of the point that any one team must be chosen that will be BEST placed to counter the specific opponent in question's structures (i.e. going in taller vs Dons or smaller vs Blues, as examples).

Of course minimal changes should be made... but there may be the feeling that, against the Pies, Bailey feels we'd be two players too short (as an example).

Choose a team based on how the opponent structures up - we all know that.

Unfortunately, I had Jetta dropping out for this week. And that's NOT to say he is omitted due to poor form! He's simply unlucky and that happens in footy. Hell, it may be Strauss that drops out if Bailey wants to debut another youngster (Blease!!) or if Clint is fit.

Each to their own, really...

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Gawn came in for Newton, and to cover the 3 bomber talls. Now this is where it will be interesting to see how they go. If it is felt that we don't need the extra tall against the Pies, then he will make way. Again, it's no slight on big Maximus, he did quite well, but this may be better for team balance. But for who? Of those who were in the best for Casey, it probably has to be Petterd, and possibly as sub. As much as I want to see Blease, it won't be this week, on account of balance. Tom McDonald would be a chance maybe, for some more height options in the backline?

Bringing in Gawn for Newton wasn't 'going tall' to cover the Bombers trio, it was simply maintaining the status quo.

If we dropped Newton/Gawn and didn't replace them with a tall we'd be 'going short' - and with no decent second ruck option.

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Bringing in Gawn for Newton wasn't 'going tall' to cover the Bombers trio, it was simply maintaining the status quo.

If we dropped Newton/Gawn and didn't replace them with a tall we'd be 'going short' - and with no decent second ruck option.

True - but I think the fact it was Max Gawn meant that we went tall.

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Bringing in Gawn for Newton wasn't 'going tall' to cover the Bombers trio, it was simply maintaining the status quo.

If we dropped Newton/Gawn and didn't replace them with a tall we'd be 'going short' - and with no decent second ruck option.

spot on

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Yeah why is that mate???why was my contention that petterd shouldnt have been dropped in the 1st place the most wrong post of the year?? Dont rubbish other peoples opinions when youre not prepared to back it up..... you will lose any credibility you may have very quickly

I thought it was obvious. But OK:

Petterd's form, prior to being dropped, was pathetic. He wasn't chasing hard enough, he had bad body language, he wasn't getting involved in the play enough. Generally in shocking form. And we had Howe at Casey playing well (and just to top it off, we swapped Petterd for Howe, and Howe proceeded to play a great game, showing the running, work ethic, and skill that Petterd didn't).

It's OK to have your opinion. I'm just letting you know that I couldn't disagree more. Literally. So that's why I said that was the most wrong post of the year. Which it is.

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Guest DeesPower

No changes for mine.

As far as our back line goes.

Rivers gets Dawes,

Frawley gets Cloke,

MacDonald gets Brown,

Bennell gets Kraouker,

Strauss gets Didak

and in the midfield the only tag we have to run with Swann & Thomas out is Morton on Pendlebury.

We're a real chance for this match!

Who of our mid field will be tagged. My guess is it will be Scully, Trengove and Maloney. This still leaves Gysberts, Mackenzie, Sylvia and Jones to cut them up.

It is a real advantage them having Swann and Thomas out. Our midfield IMO is now superior to theirs. Let's hope we can exploit it.

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Guest DeesPower

I agree that Bartram is a going to find it tough but we need a list of 35 good options to win a flag .

Bartram tackles well so he will be around but his kicking is suspect .

We have a lot of outside players so i worry about having too much class on the ground and not enough pawns .

i wouldn't care if Jord Mac couldn't kick either (but he can).

Why drop Strauss?

I predict he'll be the best CHB since G .Jakovich or Harry Taylor .

Grimes shouldn't be loose man back next year .

Flash shouldn't kick across goal or back and across goal .

We need defenders like Strauss because he has been raised to think defense first ,same as chip .

If we stop this trendy mistake ridden ,flirty crap then we will win most games .

Short handpassing is a disease we need to lose .

Flash at forward pocket next year . Scully .Trengrove ,Gysberts ,Martin and Mackenzie- on ball

Forwards are Jurrah ,Flash ,Watts ,Howe ,Grimes and Bate

Bail ,Macdonald ,Bartram and Jones get games on their effort alone.

All of them can play but not all can tackle every week .

Sylvia, Maloney??? I don't think Bate will be around next year. IMO he will be traded along with Dunn. I don't think in any case either of them are in our best 22, especially if we play the Russian in the goal square for 50-60% of the game.

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Guest DeesPower


Jetta seems to have a bit of love around here. Never been a fan of him and struggle to see him play well on the big stage - he's never done it.

We know Petterd played well vs Pies both times last year and his most up to date form (VFL) was far beyond VFL level. Petterd is an AFL player. A key marking target in our F50 and can be hard to match up on.

Seems Sylvia will play but not Bartram, so...

IN: BLEASE (debut), Petterd

OUT: Jetta, Evans

You may be right. Certainly I have heard Malthouse mention Petterd on more than one occasion when he discusses Demon's better players and he certainly played well in both games last year. Jetta though is very well respected for his tackling and speed, both of which Ricky lacks, and Jetta was by no means our worst last week. Maybe they might play Petterd as a pinch-hitter as the 22nd man as they did against the Swans with outstanding success.


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