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Fev to GWS rumour (in todays AGE)


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It's only poison when you are unaware or unwilling to see what he is/is not... He comes with baggage and won't be captain. The club consists of adults... the poison line implies we're asking the devil into hang out with a bunch of 12 year old children...

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I'm not suggesting Fev is a fast track to a flag. However, as a fan i want to be entertained and to enjoy watching Melb play the next 59 games prior to the magic of 2014. If Fev helps us knock off the Blues , Dons, Pies or Hawks in the next couple of years then fantastic. If he stops Dunn getting a run too bad.

Come on Melb toss us fans a bone while we wait another 3 years...

I love to be entertained by MFC.

I remembered being highly entertained by Tiger Crosswell, Crackers Keenan and Mark Jackson. Loads of entertainment. Didn't bring us any enduring success. Playing Fev means we are not getting game time into some else with a bigger future. I dont give so much weight to beating sides like the Blues, Dons, Pies or Hawks in years where it does not really count if it compromises our chances when we are seriously challenged.

And then there is all the stuff.....

It's only poison when you are unaware or unwilling to see what he is/is not... He comes with baggage and won't be captain. The club consists of adults... the poison line implies we're asking the devil into hang out with a bunch of 12 year old children...

The club consists of adults but Fevola has shown habitually than he cant act like one. And his experience at 2 clubs and post that time has shown himself a seriously malignant element and influence. He is proven poison and an unnecessary sideshow distraction from the long term aims of this Club.

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I too loved being entertained by some better Melbourne teams..or at least performances. I dont see Fev as any great bonus fo rus. Hes a pleasant enough diversion for the Scorps and in some ways he might actually show the kids a thing or two and thats where I think we leave his benefit.

I probably wouldnt mind a Jacko or Crackers in our team right now.. They certainly beleived in what they might achieve and imposed themselves on games ( at the very least ) our memories for sure..lol

Fev's not quite the 'individual' we seek :rolleyes:

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It's only poison when you are unaware or unwilling to see what he is/is not... He comes with baggage and won't be captain. The club consists of adults... the poison line implies we're asking the devil into hang out with a bunch of 12 year old children...

read my post again....I said "might be"

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HS has a pissy little snippet today about Morton being out of favour because shock horror he is a young player being made to work on his game, but he is out of contract so he's apparently gonna leave :rolleyes:

Maybe GWS were scouting Morton.

Let the rumours and panic begin.

Green, Maric, Martin, Newton, Scully, Sylvia and Aussie are all out of contract at the end of the year too. Haven't heard much about any of them going anywhere (apart from Scully to GW$)

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Paul does have something here. Not saying he's right or wrong. However.....

Fev is such an emotional viewpoint for most followers of the AFL. He's an enigma for sure and what's happened to him (to himself) has been somewhat tragic....so far.

I also believe he wouldn't be playing again if there wasn't something there in terms of him turning this around for himself. Then again, he's had many chances. I realise where he's at, and that most have given up on him and the reasons why etc.

However, hypothetically speaking .... (Rhino...go take a hard shot of somethin off the top shelf before you read this...and go off!! :)) ....

Surely a winning culture within ANY club has to be better for a group of younger developing players than a perpetual losing one. And by that i mean losing more than you win ratio wise (eg., only wining 30% to 40% of games on average over a development cycle).

Lets just say Fev comes in. Everything clicks (Fairytale i know). Lets say we were to improve our win/loss ratio to something like 50% in the next 12 - 18 months as a result of his inclusion and our younger brigade coming on nicely, with a further improvement thereafter. And cutting our losses from abysmal (as many are at the moment) to something more along the lines of being what you would expect from an improving AFL team vying for a position in the top 8 and climbing the ladder (like the cream is coming to the top whether we win or lose is what i'm trying to say). Surely that has to be a better feeling/culture for the newbies as they develop? To offer them an improved environment/culture moving forward to 2013/2014 when we aim for the big one.

BTW I hate dialing up years like that. If someone can predict the year in which we'll win the big one can they please let me know lol?

And no, I don't think Fev IS the answer medium to long term either (gettin a bit long in the tooth anyway lol). However, wouldn't it be somewhat foolish of the FD/MFC to dismiss it outright, without giving him at least some consideration?

Now, again hypothetically speaking. Lets say he has an amazing remainder of the year at Casey kicking bags and starring (this includes putting massive forward pressure on opponents inside 50 like he was able to at times when he was in great form). And you take a look at him and think...hmmm...maybe he's turned this around. He's on track again.

IF you were gonna take a punt with Fev. Is there any possibility we could sign him as a rookie/veteran (for next year) and have him on a rolling VERY short term STRICT performance contract? Maybe 3 or 6 months. That way he could be axed without much notice if he does end up going back to his old habits or we have a problem with him re: other SEVERE team discipline issues etc etc. He will also then know he has to perform and that we want results on the field....otherwise

Big risk for sure. But....i guess what i'm saying is....there just maybe...some potential significant upside going into the 2nd half of this year were he to star at Casey. And just maybe, if we protect our butts with a short term rolling performance contract.

Afterall, it's not every day a proven power forward is floating around who can (potentially, if all goes right... and yeh alot would have to go right lol!) kick a bag of goals for us over the next 2 -3 years and help us win more games and maybe, just maybe, help push us into the finals. Finals experience is what our boys would need and crave at some stage in the next few years if they're going to take the next step up i would have thought. And with that experience and development, with or without Fev, bring home our 13th Flag shortly thereafter.

Not saying you don't have good points either Rhino re: 5 goals is not much in the Magoos and should be performing better regardless etc. But like anyone coming off a downer, he may need a little more time to assist with fitness, confidence and just game time on the park to get things right. And if he does? .....just putting this out there.

Edited by Rusty Nails
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RN I agree re estimating a date of a GF win, impossible!

However if there is a fortune teller amongst us can they please

tell me when the current agony ends?

Then if I could Ski I would go!

However It could be a ways off, I might have time to take lessons.

My learning to ski might happen first!

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I too loved being entertained by some better Melbourne teams..or at least performances. I dont see Fev as any great bonus fo rus. Hes a pleasant enough diversion for the Scorps and in some ways he might actually show the kids a thing or two and thats where I think we leave his benefit.

I probably wouldnt mind a Jacko or Crackers in our team right now.. They certainly beleived in what they might achieve and imposed themselves on games ( at the very least ) our memories for sure..lol

Fev's not quite the 'individual' we seek :rolleyes:

Our young forwards are already going well with Fev down there. He's helped Juice, and is looking out for Bater, and Howe went relly well last week with Fev there. When we take our tall forwards out, Fev remains a staple for Casey. Pretty handy I would have thought.

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Thanks RN. I have to laugh when you talk of a winning culture with Fev's name posted to it. What has done over 12 years at 2 clubs that has contributed to a winning culture? And any game time you give Fev means you are not giving it a recruit with a potentially better and longer future. I dont care if he kicks bags of goals at Casey, I would not take him. Actually I do care. If he is kicking bags of goals then our other forwards are being starved of opportunities to do likewise.

I love stories of redemption but Fev is far from it. While its hard to see where his personal life is from the self created trainwreck, his footy is at such a low ebb. MFC have a broader long term plan to develop and nurture a group of talented young recruits so that they peak together in order to maximise the outcome. If its to make finals then that group needs to achieve it on its credentials. We dont need a cheap scrotum tickle like Fev. And for that matter neither do GWS if they really want to taken seriously in the AFL.

Our young forwards are already going well with Fev down there. He's helped Juice, and is looking out for Bater, and Howe went relly well last week with Fev there. When we take our tall forwards out, Fev remains a staple for Casey. Pretty handy I would have thought.

At best that claim is circumstantial and has no basis whatsoever. Newton and Bate are still fringe forwards in their 7th year in the AFL. Howe went well because we beat an opposition for 3 quarters not because of Fev. And if you take the 3 tall forwards you talk about out of the Casey, Casey would have Cook who could develop but there is Fev... MFC had a similar problem with Saunter at Sandy. Can you name any forwards at Carlton or Brisbane that developed or bloomed as players while Fev was there? He is a one man show who iced those around him and too often got besotted with ME rather than team.

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RR what would you do if the FD in a drunken moment drafted Fev?

I know the quick answer is it will not happen.

But what if?

would you return your membership?

Follow the pies?

or just carry on as a dees Man?

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RR what would you do if the FD in a drunken moment drafted Fev?

I know the quick answer is it will not happen.

But what if?

would you return your membership?

Follow the pies?

or just carry on as a dees Man?

This will be good!.....

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No one can deny that a Brendan Fevola with a perfect attitude and more intelligence would be EXACTLY the type of player we could use right now.

It's a shame that he's got an IQ of 4

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No one can deny that a Brendan Fevola with a perfect attitude and more intelligence would be EXACTLY the type of player we could use right now.

It's a shame that he's got an IQ of 4

Nicely put Sylvin. Oh btw, you aren't a Silvagni fan are you?

Lol at WYL. Yep. Lookin forward to that. I'd suggest you duck O.D!

Rhino i'm dissapointed mate. You didn't take that stiff drink before answering :wacko:

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We dont need a cheap scrotum tickle like Fev.

I don't know about you Rhino but I don't mind a cheap scrotum tickle every now and then. Would easily beat what we've been served up this year so far...

Edited by PaulRB
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Thanks RN. I have to laugh when you talk of a winning culture with Fev's name posted to it. What has done over 12 years at 2 clubs that has contributed to a winning culture? And any game time you give Fev means you are not giving it a recruit with a potentially better and longer future. I dont care if he kicks bags of goals at Casey, I would not take him. Actually I do care. If he is kicking bags of goals then our other forwards are being starved of opportunities to do likewise.

I love stories of redemption but Fev is far from it. While its hard to see where his personal life is from the self created trainwreck, his footy is at such a low ebb. MFC have a broader long term plan to develop and nurture a group of talented young recruits so that they peak together in order to maximise the outcome. If its to make finals then that group needs to achieve it on its credentials. We dont need a cheap scrotum tickle like Fev. And for that matter neither do GWS if they really want to taken seriously in the AFL.

At best that claim is circumstantial and has no basis whatsoever. Newton and Bate are still fringe forwards in their 7th year in the AFL. Howe went well because we beat an opposition for 3 quarters not because of Fev. And if you take the 3 tall forwards you talk about out of the Casey, Casey would have Cook who could develop but there is Fev... MFC had a similar problem with Saunter at Sandy. Can you name any forwards at Carlton or Brisbane that developed or bloomed as players while Fev was there? He is a one man show who iced those around him and too often got besotted with ME rather than team.

No. What I'm suggesting is simply his presence didn't hinder them. They haven't caught the pox, or anything else since he's been there. He seems to be looking out for them.

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Morton? They were scouting Morton??? A top 20 pick and you have a deal GWS!!

Morton has been a serious disappointment. Talented footballer, but that is all at this stage.....

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No one can deny that a Brendan Fevola with a perfect attitude and more intelligence would be EXACTLY the type of player we could use right now.

It's a shame that he's got an IQ of 4

Being a bit simple or naive + simple, is no indication of IQ. It simply is a state of arrested development, or a learning difficulty.. Some extremely intelligent people are quite simple, and many are introverted and shy types who are intimidated by people. Others, (nerds) find their own community niche.

Fev is quite intelligent, But doesn't show it.

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No. What I'm suggesting is simply his presence didn't hinder them. They haven't caught the pox, or anything else since he's been there. He seems to be looking out for them.

Now your becoming like WYL! :lol: You claimed Fev was a positive for our forwards and I challenged you that it was circumstantial at best. Now you are claiming he is not a negative for them. Its two different opinions.

Our young forwards are already going well with Fev down there. He's helped Juice, ...

Fev is quite intelligent, But doesn't show it.

That's gold. One of the quotable statements of the year. :lol:

I don't know about you Rhino but I don't mind a cheap scrotum tickle every now and then. Would easily beat what we've been served up this year so far...

You should seek that satisfaction from more appropriate providers.

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Now your becoming like WYL! :lol: You claimed Fev was a positive for our forwards and I challenged you that it was circumstantial at best. Now you are claiming he is not a negative for them. Its two different opinions.

Don't Put me in the Fevola Camp Rhino.

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Given Fev is available at a discount next year, is playing in our reserves where we can have a very close look at him (i.e. have our players and coaches train and play with him) and given our forward line lacks a big FF with presence and impact it would be derelict of the MFC not to seriously explore how we could bring him onto our list (while ensuring we can sack him if he stuffs up, on or off the field).

Last time I looked footy club are about fielding the best team to win games of footy, now.

Given we can bring Fev on while still building the mythical A-team to dominate in 2013+ we should.

Have we simply replaced tanking to get draft picks, with losing in the name of development? Maybe the club preference to build and develop for the glory years to come, at the expense of wining games today, is confusing the team and fans..?

Good and proven match winning players are not often on the market. Its a sad acknowledgement of the limitations of the MFC culture, coaches and playing group to argue they couldn't manage Fev, and delusional to say he wouldn't add ALOT ot our forward line if fit and focused.

Edited by PaulRB
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Its a sadder reflection of other "more successful" or "richer" Club cultures than tried and could not control or gain positive contribution from a footballer that "has the lot" in over 12 years of football. And given MFC young list there is a greater caveat on introducing culture stains.

The Club has been clear and consistent in its communication of what it is trying to achieve. Supporters need to have the patience to see it through and not go high risk quick fixes offering false dawns that would be contrary to interests of developing both a winning side and a successful culture. Stynes and co are smarter than to do that.

And the last I looked, Casey is not our reserves team and if it truly was Fevola would not be part of it. Hmmmm.

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No offence but it always ammuses me , the argument that we cant divest ourselves of anyone as we've invested in them.

We invest in everyone. We pay them, we train them and on and on. ANd after all is said and done if they arent 'repaying " us to the level we wish then despite any investment we need to move on.

Cale is without doubnt talented. That alone isnt enough. He doesnt impact on games. Im happy for another ( team ) to have a go and pay us f or the priveledge.

We are still too soft as a club...and hang on to players too long...Clever clubs spot shortcomings and trade whilest not everyone realises what theyre getting. In some instances new clubs bring out a player.. always to the chagrin of the club they left.

Id be happy to get a decent pick...and at same time bring someone else on

But sometimes it is a mistake selling/trading when the market ofeerings for such product is poor (ie someone running around at Casey).

There's no denying, Cale is seriously out of form, but there is also no denying that he has serious ability. What is it costing us if we hang on to him for a couple more years? More to the point, if we get offered a poor deal this year, is it really worth taking?

I look at it from the terms of how a player would go at another Club. There would be some real concerns for me that Cale would become a very good player somewhere else, where Bate on the other hand, I think we would struggle to get a game in any team. That's my attitude at the end of the year (with delistings and trades). I use the examples of Bruce, Cheney and Miller. 3 players who I wasn't sad to see leave, knowing that their impact at a new club wouldn't hurt us in anyway. What I am disappointed about is the fact that we only got 1 draft pick out of the 3 of those guys leaving (from memory! Can anyone tell me if that's true, and if so, who did we draft?).

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