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Brendan Fevola


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It will take more than that to axe fevs contract. If yhey tried, the lions would be eaten alive by any decent lawyer.

The only winners out of this will be the bookies. Fev will get payed out and there will be a series of big whale bets going around for a few months. The best the club could do for him is to pay off his creditors first before he gets the balance.

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What about innocent until proven guilty???? What about giving the bloke a break. Yeah he may be a [censored], a gambler etc but would prefer him in a side next to me than a team mate i couldnt trust eg Gilbert or some of the players done for assault. There were thousands of others arrested on NYE. No doubt he was a little pissy but would have copped [censored] from morons all night. Anyways, again just my opinion!!!

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Even if he is guilty, it's a fairly small issue in my opinion.

It's not like it was the night before a game - the bloke was out having a drink for new years.

In my experience, drunk blokes his size attract a lot of attention from the cops, not always fairly.

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There is a difference this year - he could still go to another club as their "after the NAB Cup" rookie.

Why would this happen, and how could it be effected?

Let's assume that even the most rabid Lions fan will now conceed that they have no chance of a flag in the next 3 or four years. So many players leaving, rotten coach, rorted drafts. Since the only reason for getting Fev was that Voss thought he might help them to a flag, they would now love a chance to get rid of the embarassment if they could only avoid the $2 million payout of the contract.

So they find a club that really thinks they have a chance in 2011/12/13, but lacks a spearhead. There is always at least one club dellusional enough to think this, and to think they can set someone like Fev straight. And the Lions offer to pay the idiot $750,000 in 2011 and $250,000 in 2012. Stupid club then only has to pay Rookie money plus appearances for Fev in 2011, and (if everthing is going well) maybe $500,000 in 2012. Might even get away with less if Fev is desparate for the gig.

So Lions halve their money exposure to Fev, and a stupid club gets what they think will be a bargain, a salvation, a silver bullet.

I don't guarantee that the numbers above are the final answer, nor can I say it would be a good thing for Fev or the club that took him, but if they started working on it now I reckon it could be done in time for the late rookie pick.

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Interesting that there's all this talk of termination when there's very little information on what he did. He was taken in for obstructing police and refusing to move on when ordered to do so. That doesn't sound like an earth-shattering incident. They probably had very little tolerance for his behaviour because he's Fev and has a reputation. I'm very curious to know what it was he actually did.

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There is a difference this year - he could still go to another club as their "after the NAB Cup" rookie.

Available rookie spots (for 2011 at least) are Hawthorn and Richmond.

Not sure what the go is with GWS ie spots or eligibilty to add to their rookie list prior to end of year.

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Available rookie spots (for 2011 at least) are Hawthorn and Richmond.

Not sure what the go is with GWS ie spots or eligibilty to add to their rookie list prior to end of year.

GWS is an excellent suggestion.

Fev would fit in well with the bogans and yobbos at Blacktown.

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Certain people have been predicting this outcome for some time.

When a player is forced to live and play in a different state to his wife & kids, it always manages to have a seriously adverse affect.

I think BF is doing the best to see out his contract (he needs the money) but will be back in melbourne the second his contract runs out (whether prematurely or not).

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What did Fev do?

So according to this he was walking on the road and when told to get back onto the footpath shouted at the police and offered to fight them if they'd take of the uniform. He then put his hands in his pockets to make it harder to cuff him. It's idiotic and entirely typical of him, but I don't think it's the disgraceful and sacking-worthy offence many have made it out to be.

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What did Fev do?

So according to this he was walking on the road and when told to get back onto the footpath shouted at the police and offered to fight them if they'd take of the uniform. He then put his hands in his pockets to make it harder to cuff him. It's idiotic and entirely typical of him, but I don't think it's the disgraceful and sacking-worthy offence many have made it out to be.

Knowing cops, I am surprised five cops didn't try to shoot him 7 times each. :blink:

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What did Fev do?

So according to this he was walking on the road and when told to get back onto the footpath shouted at the police and offered to fight them if they'd take of the uniform. He then put his hands in his pockets to make it harder to cuff him. It's idiotic and entirely typical of him, but I don't think it's the disgraceful and sacking-worthy offence many have made it out to be.

I think the incident in itself is only minor, but it is an indication of the bloke's state of mind.

I feel sorry for him, as much as you can feel sorry for a bloke paid millions of dollars to play a game...

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Interesting that there's all this talk of termination when there's very little information on what he did. He was taken in for obstructing police and refusing to move on when ordered to do so. That doesn't sound like an earth-shattering incident. They probably had very little tolerance for his behaviour because he's Fev and has a reputation. I'm very curious to know what it was he actually did.

Sounds like drunk & disorderly, nothing major.

But a big drink problem, "comin on"! I think I get it Now!

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I think the incident in itself is only minor, but it is an indication of the bloke's state of mind.

Exactly. As I said in my earlier post - he doesn't think about the consequences of his actions and IMO it's only a matter of time before he does something worse. Ticking time bomb...

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Exactly. As I said in my earlier post - he doesn't think about the consequences of his actions and IMO it's only a matter of time before he does something worse. Ticking time bomb...

The only thing making his time bomb tick are the people trying to bring him down.

Without this extra pressure, he might be able to focus on his family issues & his poor inebriated behaviour. But with others pushing the media steam roller along, he won't be able to self reflect with so much hostility & vitriol.

Rebuilding someones life in a rehab type of culture takes some time,,, & a lot of care & understanding, to get the person out of a defensive frame of mind.

People who are constantly watching their backs,,, don't have the available focus to invest in looking inside, to see & understand how they got to where they are,,, & how to change direction, amongst the confusion of the train wreck.

All this head hunting will only serve to make things worse.

But maybe thats what some want, in some perverse way, just to prove themselves correct, or right, or be self indulgent.

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This is only backyard DIY psychology, but I think he doesn't want to be aware of the consequences of his actions, or rather he is subconsciously aware of them and acts accordingly.

I think he's stuck in a cycle of self-destruction, brought on by self-loathing from all his indiscretions, and addictive personality and depression.

The guy is in a serious rut & I honestly hope he manages to get out of it.

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This is only backyard DIY psychology, but I think he doesn't want to be aware of the consequences of his actions, or rather he is subconsciously aware of them and acts accordingly.

I think he's stuck in a cycle of self-destruction, brought on by self-loathing from all his indiscretions, and addictive personality and depression.

The guy is in a serious rut & I honestly hope he manages to get out of it.

Thats true of most people, who have grown up avoiding some sort of pain, and learning other skills of self distraction, to avoid the inner pain.

Thats becoming aware that we have an issue firstly, then making the decision to face the problem. Some fall here trying to do it all themselves without excepting help.

The "prouder we are, the harder it is. The so called 'tougher' we like to think of ourselves, the more we dislike the idea of needing help.

It's almost a surrender thats needed, to let go of that control we hold ourselves with, that gets in the way of undoing the negative strategies first,,, so there is fistly room & need for new more sound strategies to take there place. And then after that, we have to stick to those with self discipline. That same self discipline & control/determination, that Fev would have used when learning how to kick accurately.

But changing ones personal inner workings is a very difficult & humbling thing to do. Some with Big ego's struggle with this. It takes a lot of inner honesty about ones self, in a self deprecating way.

Some,,, argumentative types have similar traits to narcisism. > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder

I've met Fev briefly, and by one small fait of genorosity, showed what he is underneath all that bravado is a caring & sharing person, hidden by a screen.

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What juvenile types like him need is a good strong woman to get them back in line. Someone to cut down his rampant machismo. Don't know much about his wife but she seems to be an attention seeker herself. Always getting her face in the media and the party pages of the news.

I used to be bit like him. Too many vices, parties, drinking, trouble on trouble and destructive relationships. Finally met the right woman and she changed my life. No shrink neccesary.

Edited by america de cali
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Some,,, argumentative types have similar traits to narcisism. > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder


Did you get that from the Bruce thread?

Anyway, the bloke has had enough chances and second chances. Time to sort out his life away from football.

I really hate the 'he needs football' argument. That isn't an argument for him staying in football, it's an argument for kicking him out and forcing him to develop as a person in what the non-footballer citizenry like to call 'reality.'

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Thats true of most people, who have grown up avoiding some sort of pain, and learning other skills of self distraction, to avoid the inner pain.

Thats becoming aware that we have an issue firstly, then making the decision to face the problem. Some fall here trying to do it all themselves without excepting help.

The "prouder we are, the harder it is. The so called 'tougher' we like to think of ourselves, the more we dislike the idea of needing help.

It's almost a surrender thats needed, to let go of that control we hold ourselves with, that gets in the way of undoing the negative strategies first,,, so there is fistly room & need for new more sound strategies to take there place. And then after that, we have to stick to those with self discipline. That same self discipline & control/determination, that Fev would have used when learning how to kick accurately.

But changing ones personal inner workings is a very difficult & humbling thing to do. Some with Big ego's struggle with this. It takes a lot of inner honesty about ones self, in a self deprecating way.

Some,,, argumentative types have similar traits to narcisism. > http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissistic_personality_disorder

I've met Fev briefly, and by one small fait of genorosity, showed what he is underneath all that bravado is a caring & sharing person, hidden by a screen.

I think you could be right.

I'd also like to add that I met Fev briefly on the international rules tour of ireland in 2006.

He was a great bloke, fun & caring, seemed to love a good time.

The issue with him was when to stop.

Late in the day he & Barry Hall had a HUGE win on the horses (we were all at the Galway races) and that kicked it up a gear.

They all started to drink more & he gradually become more of a smart arse. Some people are bad drunks & he seems to be one of them.

I saw him about an hour before he put that bartender in a headlock and he wasn't far from being ready for bed.

It's a real Jekyll & Hyde thing with Fev.

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Did you get that from the Bruce thread?

Anyway, the bloke has had enough chances and second chances. Time to sort out his life away from football.

I really hate the 'he needs football' argument. That isn't an argument for him staying in football, it's an argument for kicking him out and forcing him to develop as a person in what the non-footballer citizenry like to call 'reality.'

It's got nothing to do with football,,,, but rather keeping his life together as it is, career 7 earning capacity to pay the bills that have built up around that capacity. Not putting more load onto the sufferer.

To keep things as much together as possible, so they can learn & recover. Pull the rug, & the mess could end up anywhere.

However I do think he needs to be back near his families, wife & kids, but also his parents & any siblings & other loved ones.

I hope he can pull through all this mess, as the knives are out, yet again.

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I think you could be right.

I'd also like to add that I met Fev briefly on the international rules tour of ireland in 2006.

He was a great bloke, fun & caring, seemed to love a good time.

The issue with him was when to stop.

Late in the day he & Barry Hall had a HUGE win on the horses (we were all at the Galway races) and that kicked it up a gear.

They all started to drink more & he gradually become more of a smart arse. Some people are bad drunks & he seems to be one of them.

I saw him about an hour before he put that bartender in a headlock and he wasn't far from being ready for bed.

It's a real Jekyll & Hyde thing with Fev.

I've got a friend like that,,, & when he gets drunk, he's great & fun. Fun also when sober, & you can have a morr serious conversation then. (I get the feeling he cares so much, he likes to get rolling [censored] to get out of that sensative mood). BUT,,, when he's been drinking for, or, 3 HRS or so, that fun, turns to obnoxious,,, loud & domineering, almost intimidating. But I can see he's still aware of not (pushing me too much, only what he knows he can get away with). He's lost all desire to control himself, except for his safety.

He's 6' 2" & still plays footy till recently, & formerly @ afl list level.

From what I can see, after observing him for a few years, is that 1) he's very insecure personally. 2) he uses alcohol to be loud enough to get attantion. 3) He's an extrovert, even though he's shy. (Forced extrovert to overcome his shyness/insecurity)... But a heart of gold. And still single. Can't committ. An alcoholic. Hides behind the grog, & in the stupour...

This I think is where Fev is,,, probably a boy brought up with good family values, only to be bullied for all of those values... So, what does a little kid do? He says to himself, I cann't beat them so I'll join them. And so becomes a loud monstous Oaf, and geting on the [censored], with the other Bullies, Joining them.

Before he knows it, that little boy with good old fashioned values has faded out of view, & the bigger bolder Fev has emerged..............

How does he get back those humble, old fashioned values he sacrificed, because they caused him to be a target in the first place?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Now he finds he's still a target.............. An in dangered target, of self harm,,,,,,,,, like the old farmers in drought...........

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It's got nothing to do with football,,,, but rather keeping his life together as it is, career 7 earning capacity to pay the bills that have built up around that capacity. Not putting more load onto the sufferer.

To keep things as much together as possible, so they can learn & recover. Pull the rug, & the mess could end up anywhere.

However I do think he needs to be back near his families, wife & kids, but also his parents & any siblings & other loved ones.

I hope he can pull through all this mess, as the knives are out, yet again.

I get that he needs some help, but football has not been his friend.

It has given him money (which he loses on gambling), hangers-on (that are a bad influence and get him out there and [censored]), and noteriety (which leads to the knives coming out).

This is a re-occuring theme of Fevola's and he needs to get help (which he is doing), go and see his kids, and re-join reality.

I think he should quit, personally.

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