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An Open letter to the Coach, Players and Demonland.


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I have no doubt in the capacity of our current coach and team to achieve much this year and progress. Actually I believe they can achieve more than the modest aspiration of a handful of wins.

Whilst we plan for the future and that looks bright, talk of the future should now be shelved for the rest of the season as it subtly diminishes our current aspirations and capabilities. Our progress has to start on March 27 and has to continue thereafter week by week.

Pundits, statistical coaches and some supporters these days look at the stats and declare the winner of the flag at the start of the year and even several seasons out based on the draft etc. What a load of BS.

To play at AFL level you are talented.

The true difference between players is one of degree often a very small degree. On any given day almost every AFL player could have a blinder and many do. Teams who shouldn't win do. What is it, an alignment of the moon, abstinence or dumb luck that causes that to happen? Maybe, more likely that player actually realises and releases their underlying abilities. This may be because the coach has awakened their belief of what is possible or a couple of actions early in the game release that belief from within. There is no reason that can't happen every quarter. Of course sometimes when things dont go the right way on the field players drop their heads. What is ignited is the sense of the impossible. Thats just not acceptable for the Dees. This year can only be about what is possible and progression. What is behind is exactly that. What might happen in the future is equally useless. What happens next is all that matters.

Its the untapped potential in our team that can and will win us many games. Its there for the taking. Our coaches and leadership group should have not a moments doubt in the capacity of the current players to realise what they aspire to, winning as many games as they can. Imagine if Mohammed Ali had said "I am the greatest…..but I am not sure I can beat this guy." Why bother to turn up to fight Ali if you thought you weren't in with a chance on your day better to believe: "He might say he is the greatest but I can win this." Truth is as great as Ali was he won some fights only because he thought he could.

Bails doesnt touch the ball what he depends on is his ability to make the players powerful and realise they can play at a different level more consistently. He has to put that belief and fire in their belly every match day every quarter. He must ask himself before every game if he can't see the fire in the players eyes, "What am I doing that my players are not fired up, have I given my players every chance and the responsibility to release their best game today?"

Each player has find that fire within. Do you believe your next touch may be the one that sparks a blinding performance for the rest of the game or even the season? I reckon each of players can do it. If not don't pull the jumper on. Seriously go fishing, anything.

Supporters have a choice of helping our team find the fire and a blinding performance within or running with the stats. Personally I find stats uninspiring and dull. The sweetest victories are those we dont expect. I am not a total optimist however I know every day someone who tries a little harder and has just a bit more self belief will do better than others and will progress.

We have to ask ourselves are we doing all we can to support the coach and team. So here is a challenge to those on this forum can we go a whole week next week with positive analysis only. I dont mean avoid criticism but lets make it really constructive. I expect the coach to be vigourous in demanding the players expose their best. I expect the players to release that potential.

I was going to do a list of players I have seen play a blinder or well above their perceived abilities but let me throw that challenge out to the forum. Who are they? I can list about 18+.

Imagine if only four of those players on March 27 put in another blinder or indeed all of them do it at once.

So here is my guarantee to you. I will support the team with the same fire in my eyes, no excuses.

Bails deliver the guys to the field each and every quarter with a matching desire, no excuses. Inspire them. Demand they show their absolute best, no excuses.

Guys play with the sense that the next touch will be better than the last,anything is possible from one quarter to the next and a desire to show just how underestimated you have been.

Every day someone somewhere is beating the odds.

Go Dees.

Welcome and well said,actually inspirational..- As we all have a right to a say- you have had yours and explained your thoughts, very well indeed. However, in your opening paragraph you state---Actually I believe they can achieve more than the modest aspiration of a handful of wins. I strongly state that this would be insufficient.We could and should have won at least that many last year- excepting -Why & we all know the reasons.If we do not win 7 games- I feel we have gone backwards in some regards and I believe the club would want more than a handful(5) WINS.Have agreat time on the site.

Edited by jayceebee31
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Genuine passion and interest in the Demons is always to be applauded. The most likely way to achieve your aspirations is to continue to recruit players of genuine quality, BOTH on and off the field. (I feel like we are riding Mick's ox.) Gasp!

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Robbie's opening post is passionate & I don't necessarily disagree with anything he said, but it's not exactly groundbreaking.

Do you really think any if what he said hasn't occurred to those running the club..?

If it hasn't then we are already well beyond hope.

Enforcer have I missed your cynicism previously or is someone else posting on your behalf? Lets trawl through the topics you've instigated and judge how 'groundbreaking' they are. Your coming across as a right spoilt little guttersnipe. Contribute constructively or rack off, posts like yours on this thread are dragging this site toward somewhere nobody wants to go.

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Enforcer have I missed your cynicism previously or is someone else posting on your behalf? Lets trawl through the topics you've instigated and judge how 'groundbreaking' they are. Your coming across as a right spoilt little guttersnipe. Contribute constructively or rack off, posts like yours on this thread are dragging this site toward somewhere nobody wants to go.

Not mincing your words fork

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Sorry Roost but I've had a gutfull, for every really interesting, informative post on here theres a growing number of junk posts. I just expect better from Enforcer. My own wee personal mission to up the ante a little. Ante in this equation being upping the think percentage prior to the post outcome.

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Enforcer have I missed your cynicism previously or is someone else posting on your behalf? Lets trawl through the topics you've instigated and judge how 'groundbreaking' they are. Your coming across as a right spoilt little guttersnipe. Contribute constructively or rack off, posts like yours on this thread are dragging this site toward somewhere nobody wants to go.

You haven't noticed I can be a bit of a cynic..?

Either way, I was disappointed by a long passionate post that didn't really bring anything new to the table.

The points raised might not be obvious to some supporters, but to then, in turn, assume that they are not

obvious to the club... I think, is foolish.

Feel free to have your own opinion though fork.

I will.

... but do be careful when claiming to speak for 'nobody' and 'everybody'.

Edited by Enforcer25
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I used to post on here ages ago under a different name, the reason I stopped was the cynicism and negativity that seem to invade every post no matter the subject.

I am all for everybody having a different opinion which should be heard, but negativity for the sake of it is destructive.

The point I was trying to raise is that the players know exactly what is wrong and how to fix it.

Our part is to go and support them whilst they do it, and not bag them unnecessarily, yes I get frustrated with some players during the game but it is only a game, as soon as it's over, it's over.....on to the next one...and a chance for them to improve on the last effort.

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Either way, I was disappointed by a long passionate post that didn't really bring anything new to the table.

The points raised might not be obvious to some supporters, but to then, in turn, assume that they are not

obvious to the club... I think, is foolish.

Feel free to have your own opinion though fork.

I will.

... but do be careful when claiming to speak for 'nobody' and 'everybody'.

I dont pretend to have any unique insight.

I am positive many at the club have thought about it.

I am positive the players have been told this stuff.

The difference is that you have to believe it and act on it.

Think of all the great stories of overachievers.

The underlying aim they have is often obvious.

What is inspiring is they put their belief into action and most people are surprised because we actually dont do that ourselves.

If everyone supporters,coaches act consistently with that belief it is bound to have an effect.

What is I hoped to bring to the table is that everyone has to have the faith and focus in themselves and the next touch.

So I am happy to be foolish or even niave but I do believe we all act consistently with belief in what our players can achieve we might (even after many disappointments) be surprised.

Edited by Robbie57
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I commend you for your positivity & support.

You shouldn't waver on the back of one critic.

Maybe I expect too much of people, but I just didn't think any of that needed to be said; it was blatantly obvious.

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I commend you for your positivity & support.

You shouldn't waver on the back of one critic.

Maybe I expect too much of people, but I just didn't think any of that needed to be said; it was blatantly obvious.

Well said. Maybe Robbie57 felt he needed to get it off his chest.

welcome Robbie57.

fork, E25 is entitled to his opinion and you may not see it, but he did contribute to this thread. I think you're being a bit precious. Perhaps you could contribute to this thread.

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I dont pretend to have any unique insight.

I am positive many at the club have thought about it.

I am positive the players have been told this stuff.

The difference is that you have to believe it and act on it.

Think of all the great stories of overachievers.

The underlying aim they have is often obvious.

What is inspiring is they put their belief into action and most people are surprised because we actually dont do that ourselves.

If everyone supporters,coaches act consistently with that belief it is bound to have an effect.

What is I hoped to bring to the table is that everyone has to have the faith and focus in themselves and the next touch.

So I am happy to be foolish or even niave but I do believe we all act consistently with belief in what our players can achieve we might (even after many disappointments) be surprised.

Ive gotta say, the original post was absolute dribble. Uninspired, boring, and sanctimonious.

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Well said. Maybe Robbie57 felt he needed to get it off his chest.

welcome Robbie57.

fork, E25 is entitled to his opinion and you may not see it, but he did contribute to this thread. I think you're being a bit precious. Perhaps you could contribute to this thread.

spare me mate G to W. precarious to suggest that E25 contributed to a this thread. just because what R57 has said may not be ground breaking doesn't mean he deserves one line tough man spats.

E25 I owe you an apology, I have mistaken you for someone else. you are one of the junk time posters (106am...?) I scroll past time and time again. sorry about the confusion. if attacking first time posters with something positive to say is your thing, knock yourself out.

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spare me mate G to W. precarious to suggest that E25 contributed to a this thread. just because what R57 has said may not be ground breaking doesn't mean he deserves one line tough man spats.

E25 I owe you an apology, I have mistaken you for someone else. you are one of the junk time posters (106am...?) I scroll past time and time again. sorry about the confusion. if attacking first time posters with something positive to say is your thing, knock yourself out.

It's ok Fork.

You're one of the pious, sickeningly positive demonland members whose posts I rarely bother to read myself.

You did help get Liam Jurrah's community get a footy jumper, but beyond that I'm still waiting for a worthwhile contribution from you.

A fear of any criticism or negativity will lead you nowhere.

So will judging a poster based on what time they post.

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Ive gotta say, the original post was absolute dribble. Uninspired, boring, and sanctimonious.

True I can be all those things.

A few drinks help but even then I am no Mandela or Obama.

So whats your recipe?

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Do we all support the same team on this forum, or what? Sure, there will and should be difference of opinions. That is what constructive debate is all about. But R57 made an honest and heartfelt post as his first foray on to the forum as a poster. He should not be criticised for that, even if you disagree.

Play the ball, not the man.

Edited by iv'a worn smith
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Do we all support the same team on this forum, or what? Sure, there will and should be difference of opinions. That is what constructive debate is all about. But R57 made an honest and heartfelt post as his first foray on to the forum as a poster. He should not be criticised for that, even if you disagree.

Play the ball, not the man.

even though the assumption is we all support the same team, I think it's ok to make an observation (as E25 did) that is relevant (even if it is deemed critical); hence a contribution to the forum.

precious petty gripes or attacks whilst not contributing are not kosher as far as i'm concerned. you're spot on regarding playing the ball, not the man , I'va.

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Do we all support the same team on this forum, or what? Sure, there will and should be difference of opinions. That is what constructive debate is all about. But R57 made an honest and heartfelt post as his first foray on to the forum as a poster. He should not be criticised for that, even if you disagree.

Play the ball, not the man.

Ahhh... Yes! But in this case, what exactly is the ball? Or the man?

I'd say the ball is his post or his opinion, whereas attacking the man would be to label him as boring or vacuous, etc.

Either way, I think R57 has proved more than capable of defending his own viewpoint without the need for white knights jumping in to defend all that is true & pure.

Some people need to have thicker skin, or give others credit for having some.

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Ahhh... Yes! But in this case, what exactly is the ball? Or the man?

I'd say the ball is his post or his opinion, whereas attacking the man would be to label him as boring or vacuous, etc.

Either way, I think R57 has proved more than capable of defending his own viewpoint without the need for white knights jumping in to defend all that is true & pure.

Some people need to have thicker skin, or give others credit for having some.

And others need a modicum of courtesy, pure and simple. I am no "white knight", I simply am pointing out that I do not see the point of ridiculing someone for expressing a point of view, even if you don't agree with it.

As for thick skins, some on this forum have the hide of a rhinoceros and some of their posts are just as ugly.

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And others need a modicum of courtesy, pure and simple. I am no "white knight", I simply am pointing out that I do not see the point of ridiculing someone for expressing a point of view, even if you don't agree with it.

As for thick skins, some on this forum have the hide of a rhinoceros and some of their posts are just as ugly.

the white knight reference wasn't to you Iva, but nonetheless I think we have now entered the realm of "going the man"...

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Hey R57 Love your post. I too have been thinking about how far these kids can go this year. Clearly with a third of our squad new they will bring their beliefs into the team and in turn shape the characteristic of our footy team. I like Tom S and Jack T not only because they are talented but because they are relentless and determined. Every team has a characteristic, an ethos or belief about what will take them to the ultimate prize. The question for this new Melbourne team is what are these traits? and how quickly and strongly can the team forge and unite behind them. While the game plan is critical and I'm confident in Baileys ability to design and implement a great one, it is the heart of the team, the camaraderie that makes great teams. So while I want to win footy games this year, I also want to see the team demonstrate their commitment to each other, their heart.

Go Dees

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the white knight reference wasn't to you Iva, but nonetheless I think we have now entered the realm of "going the man"...

How so????? I did not make specific reference to any individual. Anyway, onwards and upwards as they say.


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