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Why does everyone want to drop Bennell and Jetta? - two of the best players on the ground IMO - some sloppy finishing from Jetta but at least they had a crack and where impressive for first gamers.. this reminds me of after round 2 last year and everyone was screaming for Garland's blood!! If you want to drop someone then why not Miller or Bruce? - neither had any impact today whatsoever.

I think everyone agrees that Bennell and Jetta had very good debuts and are definite keepers.

The issue is that although they were good, they are still very raw and have a lot of development to go. Now that they've had a taste of the big time, they've hopefully gained the confidence that they're good enough to play at this level, and learned which areas of their games need improvement.

As such, it might be good for their development to go back to the VFL for a few weeks and work on fixing their games, with the added confidence of having played well at a higher level. As other people have touched on, they'll be playing close to 100% game time in the VFL, which they'd never get in the seniors yet. There's also the fact that their bodies arent yet physically capable of withstanding a whole season of AFL football.

Personally, I think that regardless of form (within reason, obviously) Jetta should stay in the side for the next couple of games: I think he could use a few weeks in the AFL to get used to the pace of the game, and it will work out well for us too, having him in the side while Aussie's out. Bennell should go back to the VFL; he doesn't yet have the body for AFL football and I'd like to see him play a key role at Casey and excel there. It's only going to hurt him being tossed around like a rag doll in the AFL.

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Worst on ground easily for me, then Miller.

I'm still recovering from that comment.

Care to tell us why the hell you think he was WOG? :wacko:

For me it's quite simple, are Maric and Aussie fit?

If the answer is yes, I would take out Buckley (go learn to be accountable at Casey!) and probably Jetta (thought Bennell coped with the intensity and pace a lot better than Jetta did, even though he is less physically developed).

You could argue that these two boys need to develop a bit more at Casey, or you could argue that they'll never learn at VFL level what is truly required of them, and that AFL game time is the best way to fast track their development (given that we're pretty ordinary anyway, and you may as well develop them now).

Would love to bring in Martin as well, but maybe a few weeks learning the game as a forward at Casey will help us more in the long term.

Sylvia needs to dominate at VFL level. He does NOT deserve an automatic start.

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OUT Bennell, Jetta, and two others ?. Possibly Bruce and Bate.

IN Aussie, Maric, Dunn, Martin

HF Petterd Miller Maric

FF Dunn Garland Aussie

Buckley to the wing!

Martin backline!

Bruce is another option forward if he is not dropped.

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OUT Bennell, Jetta, and two others ?. Possibly Bruce and Bate.

IN Aussie, Maric, Dunn, Martin

HF Petterd Miller Maric

FF Dunn Garland Aussie

Buckley to the wing!

Martin backline!

Bruce is another option forward if he is not dropped.

I'd replace Morton out for Dunn

maybe Bennell out for Maric

I think Martin needs 1 more week playing forward at Casey

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I'm not a big fan of changes for the sake of changes. Maric would be closest, but he only played 3 qtrs for Casey and with our apparent fading out problem... Maybe Newton. Valenti is still a rookie. Bail needs to earn a call-up.

As for the suggestions...

Frawley - Was fantastic, really great game, strong and willing. Ridiculous suggestion to drop the bloke.

Bennell - Don't like elevation for only one game, he was servicable and small backs are gold for us at the moment, we need to get Buckley on a wing.

Jetta - Same here, one game then dropped? Needs to learn to kick to space rather than trying to be so precise.

Bruce - Not his best but more willing than usual and that was pleasing.

Morton - Touch of the TJ's with Cale, sometimes he looks like he isn't doing anything while he is doing something but he was poor. Probably closest to be dropped.

Davey - First 45 minutes were great and desperate, immaculate skills. Picked up a knock and that was that.

Johnson - Get serious.

Bate - Huge fan of Bate, didn't demand those kicking to him to give it to his advantage. Sounds counter-intuitive but if he wants to be FF he needs to be more petulant and tell his young (and old) teammates when they screw up the delvery to him. Kick it to the space he can run into FCS! Give him 6 weeks at FF, we've got the time...

Only in I can see would be Bail for Morton.

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In: Sylvia

Out: Buckley

Maric isn't fit. While Bate, Johnson and Morton (and they weren't on there own) had bad games given our weaknesses I cant see us droppiing players being our "best option". And if I am going to roll the dice on Newton I would do it R22 not R2.

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I dunno how many of you were at the game. But Morton runs around without an opponent for large stretches of the game and nobody passes the bloody ball to him. I try not to swear at the football because I have the kids (and the wife has taken to coming as well, which is a big surprise) but I had to let out a big one a couple of times when players wouldn't lift their eyes 30m upfield. There, I've said my piece

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Class players don't butcher the footy every single possession.

Also, Class does not get the pill in the first place!! Class plus one of most senior players should equal one of best players each week. Cam has become more of an outside player but fallen away in going hard and getting to the contest when it his turn to go. Sadly his effectiveness for the side is falling away too quickly!

But wont be dropped YM.

On the rest miller and bate worst for effectiveness from possessions they had.

Think it is going to be acase of giving the youngsters some game time until enough of senior players are available. Need all of Wheatley, Whelan, Bell, Jamar Plus Wonna and Martin before can stand up all game.

A number need to enjoy 2008 as will be going at end of the season.

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Davey. The laziest player on earth far out it was embarrassing. Rawlings (Pinnochio) was playing on him in our forward 50 and 7 times i watched davey look at rawlings, rawlings run off and davey just stand there like he didnt give a [censored]. It was horrendous.

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Our disposal into the forward fifty is the problem, not the forwards or their ability to lead. Robbo and Neitz wouldn't have had too many touches yesterday either.

Having said that, Miller should almost be dropped for that goal he missed in the third corner from fifteen metres out which would have put us only a few points behind going into three quarter time. Seasoned players shouldn't make mistakes like that.

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According to the radio after the game Wona will be right to go....

In: Wonaeamirri, Sylvia

Out: Bate, Bennell

(Possibly switch Frawley for Martin as well)

I agree with other peoples opinion, Sylvia didn't do enough.... but Bate was pathetic, and they can play the same type of position. Colin has alot of growing up to do, but as a footballer he can do more than Bate, so one dimensional.

I liked Bennell, he seems ok but if I had to choose he or Jetta as the next small player out of the side, even though Jetta made some mistakes, his body was able to make more of an impact. Bennell at somewhere around 68kg's is just not big enough yet, let him develop in the 2's.

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I dunno how many of you were at the game. But Morton runs around without an opponent for large stretches of the game and nobody passes the bloody ball to him. I try not to swear at the football because I have the kids (and the wife has taken to coming as well, which is a big surprise) but I had to let out a big one a couple of times when players wouldn't lift their eyes 30m upfield. There, I've said my piece

Agreed. There are so many times that Morton is in the right position: he reads the game so well. But yesterday when he did get the ball he didn't do terribly well.

In: Maric, Sylvia/Martin

Out: Bennell, Bate/Jetta

I'd like to see Jetta get another run, but I wouldn't be surprised if he makes way for someone else and is given a run with Casey. Otherwise Bate might go.

Bennell to me looked a little lost, and whilst he showed glimpses, he probably needs some time at Casey first.

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No change, only forced changes due to injury. With Petterd doing OK yesterday that will keep Sylvia out, I don't believe in the bring young players in for one game give them a taste then put them out, you need to give them at least 2 games in a row unless they are totally no where near the standard. I think the 4 guys that debut did enough to show that they can play at this level and should play in front of 60,000 on Saturday.

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In: Wona (if fit) otherwise Sylvia

Out: Jetta

If Wona is not fit perhaps consider Sylvia for Jetta, from all reports he is yet to earn a spot but I think some more forward line experience is necessary if we are going to be any chance against the Pies. Jetta seems the only logical out for either. I imagine both he and Bennell will be brought out of the side fairly quickly once some older hands are fit to return.

I cant see Martin finding a way in given the Pies bevy of small > medium sized forwards. And if he is being trialled in some different roles at Casey I assume that is with a view to him actually developing more strings to his bow, not rushing him back into seniors after our first loss before he has even learnt anything.

Bate has been training as a full forward all summer and has played 1 game in the role. Yes, he had a shocker. But if we are going to give younger players responsibility we also need to have faith in them, they learn from the bad games as well as the good. Dropping Bate would be soft and reactionery. Personally I rate Bate but I think he is a much better player outside the 50 arc, he has been training as a full forward all bloody summer though so the least I can do as a supporter is give the coaching staff a few weeks to prove their worth before declaring it a disaster zone. People complain about a lack of structure then want to totally re-work it every 120 minutes :wacko: Hopefully he rises to the occassion for his 50th v the Pies this week.

From the Casey reports Maric is yet to run out a full game so I cannot see him coming in against a fully fit Pies.

Patience people.

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According to the radio after the game Wona will be right to go....

Wona's as much chance of playing as I am. Players who re-injure their hammy don't come straight back in.

Can't see too many changes. Collingwood don't have as many crumbing forwards as North so:

In: Sylvia

Out: Jetta/Bennell

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At this stage.

OUT: Frawley, Miller

IN: Martin, Sylvia/Dunn/Newton

We CANNOT afford to drop Miller. I know not evey one hear like Miller, however...

he actually provides a target up forward. It may not have been much of a target, but never the less.

Miller was given NO room to lead on Sunday. He is a strong target!!

OUT: Frawley, Bartram

Any reason why Dunn didnt play this weekend? I would have expected him to run with Harvey again...???

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In - Sylvia

Out - Bartram

Backs: J.Frawley, M.Warnock, C.Garland

Half backs: J.Bennell, J.Rivers, K.Cheney

Centres: B.Moloney, B.McLean, C.Morton

Half forwards: M.Bate, B.Miller, A.Davey

Forwards: B.Green, C.Sylvia, R.Petterd

Followers: P.Johnson, N.Jones, J.McDonald

Interchange: C.Bruce, S.Buckley, N.Jetta, J.Spencer

I'm not a Bartram fan. I know he did an ok job on Harvey but he butchers the ball too much. Turnovers killed us last year and that trend looks set to continue unless we get our better ball users (including Sylvia) back into the side. An improved side should not have space for an honest trier like Bartram who will never be good enough IMO.

I'd keep Bartram in for this week.

IN: Sylvia, Newton

OUT: Bate, Bennell

Backs: J.Frawley, M.Warnock, C.Garland

Half backs: K.Cheney, J.Rivers, B.Green

Centres: S.Buckley, B.McLean, A.Davey

Half forwards: C.Sylvia, B.Miller, C.Bruce

Forwards: R.Petterd, M.Newton, C.Morton

Followers: P.Johnson, B.Moloney, J.McDonald

Interchange: C.Bartram, N.Jones, N.Jetta, J.Spencer.

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Seriously, Frawley is not going to get dropped and anyone who suggests otherwise should ease up on the drugs.

If neither Maric nor Aussie are fit (I also heard on radio that Aussie should be right to go this week), the team should stay the same. There is a lot to be said for consistency in a team's make-up. Too many changes, too early on, especially when our performance was not completely horrible, might do more harm than good, especially when you're not going to vastly improve the team by making those changes.

The only players who are currently not in the team, who deserve to push out players who are currently in the team, are Maric, Aussie, Robbo, Grimes and Whelan. When those 5 are fit, the selection becomes more about match-ups and balance, as opposed to "oh my god Sylvia will rescue our forward line, bring him in".

P.S.- Newton will be as useful to our already incompetent forward line as he would be to the NASA team.

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Wona and Sylvia have absolutely no chance of being selected this week.

Sylvia has played only half a game in Casey 2nds since being dropped and his form was far from that expected. Considering that both didn't play on Saturday for Casey, and the fact that Wona confirmed on sat that he's still another 2 weeks away due to more hamstring issues, I find it almost impossible for the selection committee to consider either of them (notwithstanding how good both of their preseasons have been).

IN: Martin, Maric

OUT: Jetta, Bennell

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Seriously, Frawley is not going to get dropped and anyone who suggests otherwise should ease up on the drugs.

Are you insinuating there are posters out there on drugs? I certainly hope not. Whilst I haven't put Frawley in my outs, everyone is entitled to there opinion, don't you think?

Fwiw, Newton might not be as good at NASA than Bate is. He loves floating around in "space".;)

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Are you insinuating there are posters out there on drugs? I certainly hope not. Whilst I haven't put Frawley in my outs, everyone is entitled to there opinion, don't you think?

Everyone's entitled to their opinion. I'm of the opinion that anyone who wants Frawley dropped is on drugs. ;)

In all serious, I believe that the only genuine candidates for being dropped are Jetta and Bennell in order to get more game time against lesser opposition at Casey, and Bate and Buckley who I believe were the only 'seniors' who were poor enough to be dropped proper. Miller wasn't much good either, but I don't think at the moment he's the most damaging forward we have (and that's not saying a great deal), and we can't drop them all unless we want a forwardline made exclusively of midgets.

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