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Melbourne hopes special event will help slash debt


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Melbourne hopes special event will help slash debt

Sounds like a good idea but why rely on the wealthy supporters only to help reduce the debt? We should, as a club, be all inclusive and ensure that rank and file supporters can make their contributions as well. It may not collet the big bucks but let's make sure that all of us are responsible for the future of the Melbourne Football Club.

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I got a call from them yesterday asking me to buy raffle tickets, I HATE RAFFLE'S, why can't they think of something else?

Whatever, you want to call it, its going to be a non tax deductible donation to MFC. The raffle just gives you some chance at a prize. Just give direct if you hate raffles.

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I got a call from them yesterday asking me to buy raffle tickets, I HATE RAFFLE'S, why can't they think of something else?


I guess its a good thing that they are being somewhat proactive.

But then again i am a utilitarian.

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Whatever, you want to call it, its going to be a non tax deductible donation to MFC. The raffle just gives you some chance at a prize. Just give direct if you hate raffles.

I know this is pie in the sky, but if every member pledged $100 to be paid before say the Grand Final we would wipe off $3million from our debt. That is less than a cup of coffee per week or a sunday paper. I know it is still a lot for many members.

Combined with the planned large donor event on August 5 the debt would be wiped out this year. That would mean half a million extra to the bottom line next year as there would be no interest to be paid on the debt.

Together with new facilities and venues and recruits we would be off and running with hopefully no more talk of our lack of branding or belonging. Demetriou would then have to turn on another club.

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Whatever, you want to call it, its going to be a non tax deductible donation to MFC. The raffle just gives you some chance at a prize. Just give direct if you hate raffles.

Donations can be tax deductible. The Red & Blue Foundation holds a Deed of Trust, registered with the Australian Sports Foundation Ltd. The ASF was established by the Australian Government to assist the development of sport in Australia. Donations to the ASF are tax deductibles and supporters simply name the Red and Blue Foundation as their preferred beneficiary.

For further information contact Greg Romanes on 03 9652 1122 or by email [email protected]


And from there you can download the donation form.

Disclaimer - I am not Greg Romanes.

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And from there you can download the donation form.

Members can make tax deductible donation using THIS form. If you put DEMONLAND next to your name on the form, all money will go towards the Demonology/Demonland/Faceboook 150 Club Syndicate.

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I think this is a pretty un-imaginative way to try and wipe out our debt.

As previously posted, we need all members and supporters to put their hands in their pockets. We can’t rely on the high end members.

I think that the ideas that we all floated around a few weeks back, are much more creative, and makes everybody feel like they are part of the solution.

I am pretty surprised with this initiative actually.

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Like many I dont hink its great practice to rely on the richy rich's of this world to absolve our debt, emphasis on RELY !! Even more foolhardly for mine is to IGNORE them. We're not exactly in a postion to get oo high on horse etc abou thow we do al lthis.. It just has to be done. All appeals to al quarters ..let the wind disperse the seeds of hope and lets see what comes back as a yield.

Know it as absolute ..its the interest on our debt thats killing us. Get rid of that an we are more than capable of surviving.

Good luck with any aideas and efforts..put them altogether and we might just get out of the poo yet :)

I might have to pass on the 6000 grand dinner though :unsure:

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As previously posted, we need all members and supporters to put their hands in their pockets. We can’t rely on the high end members.

I think that the ideas that we all floated around a few weeks back, are much more creative, and makes everybody feel like they are part of the solution.

I am pretty surprised with this initiative actually.

Figuratively speaking, it's great to get the pennies, but why would you ignore the pounds?

edit: I agree with bb.

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Figuratively speaking, it's great to get the pennies, but why would you ignore the pounds?

edit: I agree with bb.

No no, Iam not suggesting we ignor the help. Far from it. We just shouldnt have to rely on it.

I mean its a pretty stock standard way to raise money isnt it. Its one short of a sausage sizzle really.

Just thought that the fund raising department, would have been more creative??

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None of us really want to rely upon it but I sure as hell hope theres some out there. I also agree that we 'shouldnt' have to..but what is...is. we need bucket loads..and we need bloody big buckets at that. My little bucket and spade wil only get me, let alone anyone else so far. If we can get some of the sporting world's philanthropists to get all warm and fuzzy about us.. go DEES !!

Some may see a perverse romance in the notion that it would be so wonderful if tens of thousands of us wee little folk kicked in to save the club.... bugger that.. 3 wise men with oodles of gold and such...Im all for that :):) :)

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No no, Iam not suggesting we ignor the help. Far from it. We just shouldnt have to rely on it.

I mean its a pretty stock standard way to raise money isnt it. Its one short of a sausage sizzle really.

Just thought that the fund raising department, would have been more creative?

I understand.

I'm sure this isn't the only initiative :)

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"We now have the framework in place to make our Debt Demolition possible. Further to this:

  • We will have a members’ rally and information night during the month of August to update all members on our progress and, on 31 August, after our last game of the season, we will have an event to recognise all who have been part of demolishing our debt
  • We have a new board, a new coach and a young and exciting list – we are about to begin a new era that can cement the future viability and sustainability of the Melbourne Football Club.
  • Please take seriously that we have ONE chance to take the club forward and to prosper - and that chance is now.

this is on top of the 150 debt contributors... august is going to be a big month in the history of the MFC

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I feel its probably an aside to this.. but is possibly fundamental to its success , is that the momentum is swinging back towards the MFC taking control of its history. I cant for the life of me understand why teh club allowed the AFL to run as much as it has with OUR 150th. Whehter its been a great year or not..is besides the point..its OUR celebration.

The eforts of the club, and Ill tip me hat to the man , as a result of Stynes coming on board ( well assuming the helm) certainly seem to have galvanised a lot of groundswell and turned it into momentum. There must have been a lot more angst behind the scenes than I realised. This seems to be in the process of relegatoin to history. One hopes time wil consummate this.

Were turning from psuedo victims to masters of our own destiny, be that good or bad,,,its OURS !!

The Titanic is turning.. it does so slowly.. after all its a juggernaut...but once it lines up its new course.. ..look out.

The DEMONS are coming :)

My pockets arent huge.. but am sure we'll all dig into them as we can in August.

All the whiles this is generating good and POSITVE publicity. People like to see this. Many might even consider a membership where as in the past they may have thought us a lost cause. Its amazig often what6 positive thinking can accomplish :).

Good onya Foxtel also. Might this be the start of new Sponsors coming to the club ?? :)

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I feel its probably an aside to this.. but is possibly fundamental to its success , is that the momentum is swinging back towards the MFC taking control of its history. I cant for the life of me understand why teh club allowed the AFL to run as much as it has with OUR 150th. Whehter its been a great year or not..is besides the point..its OUR celebration.

The eforts of the club, and Ill tip me hat to the man , as a result of Stynes coming on board ( well assuming the helm) certainly seem to have galvanised a lot of groundswell and turned it into momentum. There must have been a lot more angst behind the scenes than I realised. This seems to be in the process of relegatoin to history. One hopes time wil consummate this.

Were turning from psuedo victims to masters of our own destiny, be that good or bad,,,its OURS !!

The Titanic is turning.. it does so slowly.. after all its a juggernaut...but once it lines up its new course.. ..look out.

The DEMONS are coming :)

My pockets arent huge.. but am sure we'll all dig into them as we can in August.

All the whiles this is generating good and POSITVE publicity. People like to see this. Many might even consider a membership where as in the past they may have thought us a lost cause. Its amazig often what6 positive thinking can accomplish :).

Good onya Foxtel also. Might this be the start of new Sponsors coming to the club ?? :)

It does feel as though the club has finally admitted it's plight after years of trading on the "Melbourne" name. I'd say Jimmy has played the ball perfectly. By stating to the world that this once great club is no longer in the position it once was. By doing this and reaching out to the supporters he has made thge club feel inclusive , something I don't think it's ever really been. The divisions appear to be healing and the past glories are not being traded upon. "Our time is now" is probanly an appropriate slogan. Those who follow the club closely would already see the changes. The new homes coming on line, the young and I'd say exciting list, the raft of new coaches and administrators, and the sense that we are finally uniting as a club. I have no doubt that exciting times lie ahead. So I'll get out my chequebook and I'll back them in with an investment. Because it's not a donation it's an investment. An investment in the future of this great club. An investment in my enjoyment of the Red and the Blue. An investment for my kids and their kids enjoyment and ian nvestment that will one day bring us all that elusive 13th cup. Yes it's been a long time coming but how good will it be when a young kid runs down the wing and slots a goal to seel that cup. I for one have and will continue to wait, but somehow I don't think I'll be waiting too much longer. GO YOU MIGHTY DEMONS!!!

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I think this is a pretty un-imaginative way to try and wipe out our debt.

As previously posted, we need all members and supporters to put their hands in their pockets. We can’t rely on the high end members.

I think that the ideas that we all floated around a few weeks back, are much more creative, and makes everybody feel like they are part of the solution.

I am pretty surprised with this initiative actually.

Your ideas Rusty K?

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We don't need a new Chairman to come in and ask it's members to pay off it's debt.

Paul Gardner could have done this years ago but he was against this plan.

As others have said,it lacks imagination.

If we get into debt in the future,do we just ask our members to wipe the debt again???

If so,what's the point of having an administration?

Geelong were $7 Million in debt and Brian Cook came on board and worked extremely hard and wiped it's debt in 3-4 years.

Geelong didn't expect it's members to pay the price for the previous administration's debt blowout.

If the MFC members pay off the debt,Stynesy looks like a hero for doing what? They could have made me Chairman if that's all it takes!!!

You need to work harder than that Stynesy!!!

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warning: reading this may polarise views

As a Demon I feel associated with the Devil and his ways of advocacy and so I begin. This might seem a little left field. I will temper my remarks with this prelude. Ive been following this gerat game and my chosen team for over 44 years. Ive seen a bit, been around a few tracks and had a few things of life thrown my way. This has taught me that not often is anything what it seems at first glance . seldom is a person teh book he presents and sometimes only an experience can offer you the vantage of enlightenment.

And so here we go. This is an interesting time we find ourselves experiencing at Melbourne. Some see it as deaths door others as the exit from purgatory itself ( somewhat ironic given who we are ) . How you may see it or decribe it, what it is is an opportunity to recreate ourselves in our own image, as the Melbourne Demons, to be here for a long while and be successful.

In order to be allowed time to do this we must erase our debt and build a solid foundation for future efforts.. To do so a rallying cry is echoing around the land...for money. One port of call is the littel man in the street, the week in week out barracker in the stands who invaribaly despite his/her die hard attitudes wil probably have the smallest of posckets. But did they will and dig fervently. Despite their best and combined efforts its unlikely any sum wil ldo much more than dent teh machine that seks to eliminate us. A hefty dent it might be bit no killer punch.

The next lot are the more well to do lot,often seen amongst the names of coterie etc. Those who are more successful creatures in the big bad world, those whose lifestyles are paid in terms that add zeros to that experinced by most of us. They too will dig into their lined pockets and undoubtedly cough up a similar amount ( for far fewer people) This is another dent into the nasty beast of debt. They wil do it for the same motives invariably. to help the team they love, a team that brings occasional pleasure and must sufferance but THEIR team none the less..Again all noble acts with much satisfaction resulting.

Then we have the corporate world where businesses and people mix and make better their lot all the whiles under the guise of sponsors etc.

There is nothing wrong with any of this and I hope my descriptoin do only that and not denegrate any.

But there is another group. When Institutions as revered as oursleves often come under the pump then the call to the old school tie goes out. Yes..spotlight on the Alumni if you would maestro !!

Who would be the Alumni of the MFC ? Well for starters all its players toggether with their illustrous mentors and coaches etc. A lot of people have made a lot of money playing for Melbourne. Some still are or are because of their promotions in life afforded them by way of notoreity or accomplishments on the field..

Maybe even the current band of merry devils could contribute in a fashion...possibly some salary sacrifice through the foundation. Sort of giving without hurting ( too much )..call it an investment in their (own ) futures !! :)

So hypothetcially you might get

5000 Average folk ( most likely members ) donating say $50.... eqautes to $ 250,000

2500 """ """ "" " "" " "" "" " " " " " " " " "" " "" " " "" " " " ""$100.''''"''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ 250,000

1000 not so average folk " "" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "$1,000 "" " " " " " "$1,000,000

200 even less average folk ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $5,000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $ 1,000,000

50 folk...lovley people..salt of the earth.,. yada yada yada $10,000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '$ 500,000

25 even lovelier ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' $25,000 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '$ 625,000

add to this 100 past and current players/coaches etc kicking in 10,000' ' ' ' ' '$1,000,000

not quite there at $ 4,625,000....but close......if that was 15 grand each from the alumni we're there :)

we can do this people :))

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I think the important thing to note is the "let's get the rich people to pay off the first part of the debt" initiative is just a short term strategy to put us in a better position to think long term. It's a good idea - people won't contribute unless they have the means to do so, and then once we've reduced some of the debt our long term initiatives can tackle the rest of it.

I was at the function yesterday (i'm on the top part of the 5 next to Jimmy) and I'm excited about the future of the club. I'm also buying a number 7 to put on my jumper after hearing Brad Miller talk yesterday, he's got captain written all over him if he controls his occasional hot head on the field, but that's a topic for another thread.

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We don't need a new Chairman to come in and ask it's members to pay off it's debt.

Paul Gardner could have done this years ago but he was against this plan.

As others have said,it lacks imagination.

If we get into debt in the future,do we just ask our members to wipe the debt again???

If so,what's the point of having an administration?

Geelong were $7 Million in debt and Brian Cook came on board and worked extremely hard and wiped it's debt in 3-4 years.

Geelong didn't expect it's members to pay the price for the previous administration's debt blowout.

If the MFC members pay off the debt,Stynesy looks like a hero for doing what? They could have made me Chairman if that's all it takes!!!

You need to work harder than that Stynesy!!!

I get sick of repeating this but a large part of Geelongs debt was written off by its bankers (fact). Geelong are able to tap into an extremely profitable stadium arrangement at home but play high drawings games in Melbourne. Brian Cook is a good adminstrator but in reality it took a whole lot of things to happen including success on field to turn Geelong around.

You are comparing Apples with Oranges.

Going forward the MFC needs to wipe its debt as a starting point. Surely people here realise the effect of interest and rates are rising? We then need assets, one of which will be land at Casey but imagine if we got over the 5 million!!

It's all very well to say the debt demolition strategy lacks imagination but I wonder what your suggestion is? <_< It has worked for St Kilda and Richmond in the past. There is no need to become reliant upon it with proper forward planning.

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