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Andrew Demetriou


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Do you honestly believe that ? I just listened to him on MMM and what he said is exactly right. We are in a perilous state on and off the field. To think that AD has it in for our club and wants us to die is just ridiculous. He is making a very clear statement to our "supporters" that if you want the club to survive we are going to have to make it survive because we cannot live on AFL handouts for ever.

I would highly doubt that the AFL have any intention of taking QB off the Dees. It is a wake up call to our supporters that it is time they put up their hand and said yes I want this club to survive and I will support them through thick and thin.

It is about time we stopped playing the victim in all of this nonsense with the AFL and tried to look at our own patch and realise just how bad a state we are in, and the only ones that can fix it are us.


I agree that we need to stop being the victim and start taking care of ourselves but stop calling these AFL payments handouts. This is not the level playing field th.e AFL rabbit on about. The stadium deals for each club are significantly different. It's absurd that we need 25'000 people at our Home to make money when then interstate clubs pull some far worse crowds and still make money. If anything the AFL should help the smaller Victorian clubs with better stadium deals. Where's all the money going? I notice AD's new house cost $5 mill (cheap shot I Know, but he's a corporate bully of the worst kind. Kicking taems when they are down is oh so easy)

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It is about time we stopped playing the victim in all of this nonsense with the AFL and tried to look at our own patch and realise just how bad a state we are in, and the only ones that can fix it are us.


It's absurd that we need 25'000 people at our Home to make money when then interstate clubs pull some far worse crowds and still make money. If anything the AFL should help the smaller Victorian clubs with better stadium deals. Where's all the money going? [Deleted]

Vlad's mode of communication on QBW game has been an unhelpful slight to MFC.

However the contests of what he did say were spot on...MFC supporters need to get off their backsides and support the Club.

And its not absurd we need 25k to cover our costs at our "home" which holds 100k people to break even. The interstate grounds are smaller, the interstate clubs memberships are enough to fill their grounds. If many WA supporters buy a membership for the assurance of getting a seat at the game. Its absurd we struggle to get 25,000

And while Vlad might be a corporate bully, your innuendo connection between AFL funds and Vlad' s personal assets was not only a cheap shot but defamatory and unnecessary and has been deleted.

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Vlad's mode of communication on QBW game has been an unhelpful slight to MFC.

However the contests of what he did say were spot on...MFC supporters need to get off their backsides and support the Club.

And its not absurd we need 25k to cover our costs at our "home" which holds 100k people to break even. The interstate grounds are smaller, the interstate clubs memberships are enough to fill their grounds. If many WA supporters buy a membership for the assurance of getting a seat at the game. Its absurd we struggle to get 25,000

And while Vlad might be a corporate bully, your innuendo connection between AFL funds and Vlad' s personal assets was not only a cheap shot but defamatory and unnecessary and has been deleted.

Why is it absurd we struggle to get 25,000. We don't have a large supporter base and watching us play Freo and the likes, espcially in our current form, it's only likely to pull small crowds. The point still remains that the stadium situation we have is killing the smaller Victorian clubs. As for AD's personnal assets I was suggesting he's getting paid too much not stealing money, lighten up Rhino.

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And its not absurd we need 25k to cover our costs at our "home" which holds 100k people to break even. The interstate grounds are smaller, the interstate clubs memberships are enough to fill their grounds.

Which ones? Not Brisbane, Sydney, Port afaik. Nor Freo before 2007. I'll take your assertions at face value when it comes to WCE and Adelaide. Premiership success bumped Swans m/ship substantially; I imagine we'd see a similar bounce.

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Why is it absurd we struggle to get 25,000. We don't have a large supporter base and watching us play Freo and the likes, espcially in our current form, it's only likely to pull small crowds. The point still remains that the stadium situation we have is killing the smaller Victorian clubs. As for AD's personnal assets I was suggesting he's getting paid too much not stealing money, lighten up Rhino.

Why dont we have a large supporter base like other clubs? Why dont our supporters that we do have turn up and not just to interstate games? Even when we were travelling alright our numbers are at best mediocre. The stadium situation might be an issue but it aint the core cause of the MFC dilemma. Your comment straight after "Where did the money go?" about AD was foolish at best. Grow up.

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Which ones? Not Brisbane, Sydney, Port afaik. Nor Freo before 2007. I'll take your assertions at face value when it comes to WCE and Adelaide. Premiership success bumped Swans m/ship substantially; I imagine we'd see a similar bounce.

While I dont agree with all clubs the interstate grounds are smaller and their memberships on the whole higher.

I wish we could witness that membership bounce after a premiership B)

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AdrianOB - I'm not using him as a scapegoat. If anyone is critical of the way the MFC is run and how it's been run, it's me. But he isn't helping the issue. It's not like he's coming and saying, "The MFC is in trouble." He's coming out and saying, "You mean nothing." How is that supposed to help us? Saying we're in trouble is OK, considering it's the truth and a well known fact, but being critical of our marketing position is very, very useless and insulting. If he really wanted us to survive, he wouldn't have said that. How do you think that would sit with sponsors, being told by the head honcho at the AFL that the club they sponsor is worthless and has no image? How do you think that comment is going to sit with potential future sponsors? Now, he's coming out and saying that the one game where our image and brand stand out the most is in jeopardy, although the crowd figures have been fantastic the last few years. He is very cunningly making an affect on the image of the MFC that is already tarnished enough. Twice in the past month he has come out and put our financial and marketing positions on the front-line.

How anyone could argue that the AFL don't want 10 teams in Melbourne is beyond me. They're still hanging for a club to come forward and move to West Sydney, and I think they're confident someone will.

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How anyone could argue that the AFL don't want 10 teams in Melbourne is beyond me. They're still hanging for a club to come forward and move to West Sydney, and I think they're confident someone will.

I can't see that West Sydney would embrace a relocated team.

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Guest unstable punt
oh dear, well why dont we just get collingwood and essendon to play on every public holiday and every special day.


he has an agenda, l was suspicious he was in on Kennett's line a couple of weeks ago and he is basically trying to drum up support to get us into west Sydney, no doubt in my mind he wants us out

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he has an agenda, l was suspicious he was in on Kennett's line a couple of weeks ago and he is basically trying to drum up support to get us into west Sydney, no doubt in my mind he wants us out

Oh he has an agenda for sure. Napolean, Adolf.. Saddam.. Andy Fonzerello.. yep...all got their little plans !!

I have no doubt we are amongst the biggest pains in his backside. ....and happy to make that pain even bigger !! ;)

Had it not been for our name we would not even exist in our form if he had his way. It is indeed remarkable that he's changed his colours recently on the Doggies and the Kangas and now we're his favourite whipping boy !!

I have no doubt some stems as a diversionary tactic from the AFL's balls up in its interstate expansionist blueprint.

We be well do mind the antics of Bratman and Dobin !!

I wonder if he lists Dictator high on his CV ? <_<

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He's a dictator. He doesn't need a CV. He just kills whoever is in his way.

Thats true... meh... my oversight !! :lol:

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I can't see that West Sydney would embrace a relocated team.

They won't, at least not for a while yet.......

I live in the north west of Sydney and while there has been some increased support over the last few years for the code in general, two teams is a ridiculous and fanciful dream that will never work without at least another decade of prep and leg work to make sure the area is ready for the invasion.

As it stands right now Auskick numbers (across Sydney) are down, Swans ticketing is down, TV viewership is down, and that includes Swans games which are generally (and we love this) shown on two networks at the same time at the expense of other games, and we don't even get enough live games played on free to air TV, so I am not quite sure how without a miracle and a truck load of cash for twenty years from the AFL a second team up here would be viable. And I am not even factoring in the all out war that would occur with the NRL, and to a lesser extent Rugby Union.

Western Sydney may one day be able to host a side, but it needs a hell of a lot more time to build up a supporter base for the entire code, and not just a flash in the pan blow in. But I am not sure Vlad has considered all of this, and if he has and you have to hope that he has or at least will, he realises that either creation or relocation into a truly hostile area is not as easy as simply saying it will be so.

And as for his opinion on Melbourne, I am with calabreseboy, his statements may have that icky element of truth to them (although I am still at a bit of a loss to figure out why and how removing our most profitable game will do anything but put us even more in the mire), but the comments are simply not helpful and frankly make him look cheap. We all know we have, and are in trouble, no-one here (I would hope) is immune to that particular situation, but it is easy (and apparently a lot of fun, given he has done it again and again) to kick a club when they are down, but that unfortunately seems to be his forte.

Personally I wish he would just keep his mouth shut or, and I say this with fingers crossed, that his comments bring Dee fans out of the woodwork (and for the record my Dad is flying down for the game, I would but I am still too ill to fly) to attend this extremely important game on Monday, just to prove him wrong. Kind of like the Swans did by winning the Premiership on the back of his negative and staggeringly out of line comments about their brand of footy.

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Something I dont quite get is the abhorent inconsistency not only in the stance he takes acording to which fox he is hunting with...or which hare he lined up in his sights but the blatant stupidity which surrounds some of the schemes hatched at AFL house.

Now Fonzy loves to spruik the 'bi picture' . He trundles out his scare campaign regarding the 'enemies' the competitors to the average Joes purse strings. yes..the dark side !! So in order to abate this fiendish scurge and rightfully place AFL at the pinacle of all obseved things its the plan of Fonzy & Friends to establish in to the New Frontiers.

Now on the surface. There is nothing untoward about this. And I can to a point conced that it is relatively important for the game to have presence in these markets. Thing is..to some degree we already do . So its not about establishing something in preference to nothing its about "product Placemetn" ..about market share at any cost etc.

Cost it will too. There is the direct copst to the AFL in establishing these teams and the ongoing marketing and subsidy ( to the tune of many many Millions ) as they get up and running. Well I suppose if this is going to happen ..well it is.

Then there are the indirect costs. There are the sacrifices to teh exisitng constituents in terms of player availablility, the loss of players in authorised and condoned poaching and teh probably loss of some prefernces regarding timetabling of certain games, all to the benefit of the new insurgents. Supposedly some of this is countered with a forecast gain to central revenue via TV rights and yet no one can guarantee this. Some pundits indeed suggest its only diluting the pool, not adding to it.

OK..if we accept that all this MUST happen. Then lets look at the basis of reasoning given by our illustrious Fury. It is to maintain and expand the status quo of the game in a continuingly changable market and environment.

Again all good and well on the surface. We step back a few moments and observe that the AwFuL was happy to pack the Doggies off to the western burbs of northern climes, right until the Political forces that almost rival Fonzies came to bear and offered a lot of pork to sate the rabble. Cross the Doggies off the list of endangered species

Next..that ratbag shinboning lot. Ahh they are in strife.. and so the Jackels and Vultures encircle to feast upon the carcass. "We offer you salvation and life eternal if you'l lonly move north!!" F- OFF came the reply from the new warior elect ...the Bros Brayshaw. No sooner than the bullied stand up to the Bully than the tables turn and it was all a misunderstanding...and my, arent they doing a stirling job what !! Hmm !!

So the Fury and sidekick are hurt by this. The news that they had totally botched up the Deal in the Sun ( i.e liittle thing about arenas and contracts ) didnt sway the dynamic duo form their chosen path... to find some subserviant and kick them whilst they're down..

As they look around who should they see but they're ol' mate Jeff, he to of the fortunate visonary capacities(?) was only too helpful to open a door and direct the meery band of two towards a suitable target. That it help pass by any attention that a truly southern state might have as aspiritions as well as deflecting from strange goings on in Squawk Land didnt hurt the cause.

So off go the Fury and little bro Angry gleefully cackling and salivating agape towards that favourite of theirs ...the nasty nasty Demons.. why wont they just go..they tried Buffy...Muffy and even Scruffy...but hang around like an unwanted pet they did.

So now its all men to the breech. All guns are trained on those red and Blue barbarians.. Im surpised in the holier than though approach to all things that we havent heard a derision of our namesakes. How wholesome families can it be to have Demons amongst us, surely thats not PC these day. But wait ..we have a solution !! Starve them !!

We wont be starved and we wont be bullied. If you think we're soft Mr Demetriou then we havent even started.

But..is any of this really necessary. if we take a feather out of the AFL's own agenda, that of shoring up new areas or bolstering exisitn then surely its not too much to throw a few sheckles at a mob who want to grow a new fronteir. A million new folks over 10 years in an outer realm of an exisitng region cant be that much to pay to protect the back door as it were..

The AFL is prepared to spend in the order of 20 million apiece ( and thats only what they admit to ) to establish the GC and WS teams. The AFL has for years been complicent to dealings that only served to undermine their oldest club. Is it too much to suggest they might say throw 5 million towards teh protectio of thegame in the burgeoning area that is the NEW multicultural exapanse that is everything East of Dandenong ??

The AFL could be smart and for a relativley small figure make not only a whole new bunch of friends, but actually do what its supposed to do and work for the clubs....not against them !!

Not only that but it would rid itself of a perceived scourge...as we would cease beign a thorn but instead be its gem !!

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And as for his opinion on Melbourne, I am with calabreseboy, his statements may have that icky element of truth to them (although I am still at a bit of a loss to figure out why and how removing our most profitable game will do anything but put us even more in the mire), but the comments are simply not helpful and frankly make him look cheap. We all know we have, and are in trouble, no-one here (I would hope) is immune to that particular situation, but it is easy (and apparently a lot of fun, given he has done it again and again) to kick a club when they are down, but that unfortunately seems to be his forte.

Personally I wish he would just keep his mouth shut or, and I say this with fingers crossed, that his comments bring Dee fans out of the woodwork (and for the record my Dad is flying down for the game, I would but I am still too ill to fly) to attend this extremely important game on Monday, just to prove him wrong. Kind of like the Swans did by winning the Premiership on the back of his negative and staggeringly out of line comments about their brand of footy.

Well said QueenC

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one of the big things that stink about this is the queens birthday has been a melbourne-collingwood tradition for years. half a century or more. it is a true tradition. more so than anzac day, more so even than that 'last saturday in september'...is nothing sacred in this game?

and is there any chance that we would be compensated for the removal of our biggest fixture? the CBF is present for a reason, to equate the unfair schedule that the afl call the 'draw'. by making this draw even more lopsided will the disadvantaged teams be compensated?

in any competition the draw should be fair and equal. equal home games for each, equal share of days and times to play matches, unbiased arrangement of opponents. the afl have chose to 'rig' this for the greater good -maximised profits. fair enough. BUT the clubs that have their opportunities taken away from them need to be fairly compensated as it is their sacrifices that allow the afl to achieve maximum profits.

i realise we have long moved past the suburban competition but the afl is still there to look after all 16 teams equally, not to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. i think the clubs need to take some of the power back from the executive unfortunately...

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I dont think we will lose the QBW fixture.. I think its just another poorly concieved , foot in mouth-ism from Fonzy.

In a way I agree..if we couldnt get 60000 to this game then we ought to give it away. .But we will, we always are likely to. Its a nothingness type utterenmce from AD. There was no real call for it..It shows, to me he real character ( or lack thereof ) that he feels the need to impart cheap shots to no avail.

He could have simply implored demons to gt there...indeed anyone who wants to see a "real rivalry" , not a made up media one in action. But no..he feels the compulsion for a snide and shallow remark.

Given his strike rate for getting things right (sic) youd think this idiot would learn to shut his mouth!!

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So, 59,548 attendance. How much did Demetriou's intervention cost us? We've had north of 70,000 in last 2 years. It struck me that the effect of his comments was to elicit an FU from the scum supporters.

Thanks you *&^%$ for that - presumably mission accomplished.

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i dont know if collingwood supporters didnt turn up because of that...that couldnt be true could it?

anyway, i thought the crowd today was very impressive...made a lot of noise in the first quarter..made more noise than the filth when the players ran out...and the flags given out during the walk were fantastic

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