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Everything posted by diesel

  1. For anyone interested this game is being covered by Aussie (SEN sister digital station)
  2. Unbossible.....or even impossible becoming possible. i.e. two quality ruckmen. If Stef can clunk some contested marks and kick some goals he will be a weapon. Watch this space!
  3. Could never accuse Brock of bruise free footy. Bit of severe ego bruising there I think.
  4. diesel


    Now you really ARE being silly.
  5. diesel


    Won't make a lick of difference. He is wanted at the MFC, no question. He would be embraced by this club for the rest of his life as a player, leader, captain and ex-player. His talent is such that he could be at the core of a premiership drought breaking side and that could place him in our next team of the century. I don't know that shouting "BROOOOOCE" had much influence on that blokes decision making. Of course we didn't shout it often in the last few years so maybe he knew the love had died?
  6. Stef Martin. No one else and nothing at the MFC has impressed me! Too many waiting for the assumed natural improvement to carry them to the next level, maybe coaches as well?
  7. There is no doubt that the club should be looking at alternatives right now since an extension for Bailey is not looking like it is gonna happen. I'm not up for paying out Micks contract with Collingwood but I am up for chipping in for a top line coach or coaches. We have no choice with the list we have accumulated and to show the high end draft picks we are fair dinkum and they need to stick fat.
  8. Be patient. The bloke is still a work in progress. He is playing at this level not just because Jamar is injured but because he needs to learn to competete at this level, not the level below It will fast track his progress longer term. I can't comprehend why Stef would draw your heat when senior players are performing so badly week in, week out?
  9. So there is a breeze down there KC? Pretty still where I am but I'd be 50 k's from Werribee!!
  10. He should of gone up to meet it. Could have marked it but at least would have had the ball in front of him AND in the corridor. What he did was try to make it easier for himself but he ended up running backwards and off balance. His fault not Juices'
  11. Correct, how many 'lying' backmen claim to have touched a ball that has gone through for a goal week in week out.
  12. The essennce of a good coach as opposed to a good analyst! You would think though with three or four assitant coahes on the job as well that the collaborative effort would address these issues during a match? I'm not at all convinced on Bails unfortunately, as nice a bolke as he is. By now there should be a much greater level of consistency in implemenation of his 'game plan'.
  13. I'm pretty strong on this. You cannot have a member of the leadership group setting the bar that low. Form alone is bad enough but Flash has a history of poor body language and he will already be distrcated this week by the fact that he knows Carlton will target him, as they did so succesfully last year. Needs a 'mental spell' to ease the pressure and show he can still impose himself. Can't do that at the AFL level given the way he is going.
  14. If I had to pick one it's Collingwood beacsue we'll be "up for it"
  15. diesel

    Aaron Davey

    I don't doubt that the work Leading Teams does has some benefit but you have to question it when you're left with a bloke in the leaderdhip group who demostrates such mental weakness.
  16. Had the radio on in the car during half time tonight and Lloyd had him in his bottom 5. Said he looked "panicked" when he had the ball but I suppose this might be expected to some extent coming in to play against the best team in the comp and not having played at this level for a long time? Still, wouldn't want to loose his ball use ability because this was one aspect of his game that was pretty good. I don't wish bad things upon Brock...just Carlton generally.
  17. Aaron is kidding himself. Chips post match honesty is much more believable. If you are in a side that hasn't given a whimper for a half of football then you have in effect "given up". Really couldn't give a toss how the leadership group spin-doctor it. And I would also pull Aaron up on his assessment of North "as a good side", they were traveling pretty ordinarily until they played us. Needs to worry more about how bad we are and less about how good the opposition is!
  18. I don't know why anyone would think you don't know what your on about WA. Really, you couldn't have said this better unless you were on our playing list. This is exactly the prolem with our club and its suporters right now. There is no reward for simply finsiheing bottom and stockpilling draft picks. At some point we need to stand up. The penny has dropped with Colin Sylvia but not a low of the others yet. The line in the article which said that the Melbourne players looked at the scorebaord a few minutes into the last quarter and gave up nails it as well becasue that is exactly the feeling I had at the time and it was all too familiar.
  19. Don't know how you can informed changes until after the Casey game! All we now right now is Garland & Bail out.
  20. I reckon a protest is fine if we're inclined but I would be against anything during play or at a quarter time break due to the potential to impact on players. Before (between warm ups and players running out) or half time would be the best options IMO.
  21. Let's be honest. If the cheer squad put that on a banner they would be dismissed from the stadium, the club fined have to submit any future banners to the Kremlin for editing. If there is going to be a protest it has to come from us supporters. It was sad tonight after the decision came through to see the players have been gagged.
  22. Ahem! Ahem! Who did he play for/coach? Would have thought he would have to excuse himself?
  23. If it was Peter Carey he was saying it was OK to 'sling' but he gets into trouble because Dangerfield hit his head. That's how I understand it anyway!
  24. Regardless of the incident the process is a sham as you've detailed. I still have not heard it explained how aplayer can be charged with "high contact" when they didn't physically hit them? What if Jack had have swung Dangerfield onto one his team mates knees? We may have had an injury similar to J Brown's or J White's?
  25. The first 5 minutes. Danners would have said "we came to play" but that would simplify it too much. We dominated the clearnaces from the get go, Petterd looked dangerous straight away and the ball wasn't coming out of our forward half easily.
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