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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. I would have put a different title to the thread. But undoubtedly would have been censored big time. But DB.... Get Stuffed you peanut.
  2. Saty, You forgot JKH, he is not just a small forward. His stoppage work over the past few weeks has improved out of site.
  3. I don't care what the game plan is as long as it brings us a premiership.
  4. Yeah would be good, but at this stage it's just Robbo filling up column space. Remember It's bye round. Nothing happening in Melb this weekend apart from our game
  5. Am I behind the times? Wasn't 14 the maximum number of AFL players permitted to play in a VFL game? Did something change this year?
  6. Barry Vagg was a lot like Tunna
  7. Master, You will cause a split in Jays familyover your selection now.
  8. To me he was the big success of 2010 and without him the FILTH wouldn't have won the premiership. He was a critical factor all year in that forward setup.
  9. The pirouette will be practiced wholesale this week. We'll have to get Robbie back, he was the only one I know that could do it within an inch of being steamrolled.
  10. Emmet bloody Dunne. How many would he have whacked in the head over the years and not raised an eyebrow. Tiger copper. Tiger captain gets off with a reprimand.
  11. I am waiting on the 'Landers to start tabling some of the work.from 5AA I didn't listen to protect what sanity I have left.
  12. Definitely the best game by Cam. I now have a lot of confidence that those stupid errors won't raise their heads again. He does have that hard body we have been after. I really hope his past two weeks suggests the penny has fallen. Keep up the good work Cam.
  13. Howe kicking from back pocket not 15m. If anyone finds out that Razor Ray is selling land for a living let me know.
  14. There is a certain love fest going on between Bomber and Roosy. Two top coaches and no disagreeable discussions between the two. Do you think (forgetting Watts) at this stage, that if Hird goes back to Bummer land, Bomber may be the heir apparent to Roosy? On Foxtel they think alike, maybe too much alike. Would you like bomber as the next coach? /
  15. A new title on MFC site. I cant read what is being said can anyone explain?
  16. 6. Pederson (best game of 4 quarters I have seen from him) 5. Dunn (still likely to do stupid silly agro things that cost us 50m penalty) 4. Jones M (has improved out of site) 3. Jones N. (does what he does best) 2. McDonald (he sucked Franklin in) 1. Vince (Played well but kicking was atrocious)
  17. I have a lot of time for T.McD. He does make mistakes, but he goes away and works on it. His kicking has improved, but it can improve more. His kicking on the run is low and straight. The problem is when kicking over the mark. His kicking is still low and straight (into the man on the mark) He will work on it and note the improvement.
  18. How have the poor buggers in the twos felt, busting a gut to get promoted into the seniors only to see Watts waltzing around without a care in the world getting games before them. Dropping him will now give them hope that the protected species is now defunct.
  19. We have improved on last year. We have been decimated by injuries, which doesn't do our results justice. Our recruiting has been better than the Neeld years. We were set back 10 years under Neeld and you can't expect to come back within 5 rounds. I think we should go to the footy and watch some of the players and note their improvement. Then at the end of the year when Roos has culled the list of players he wants out, we should again look forward to Round 5 - 2015
  20. I love the idea personally. Being a Vet. I find it impossible to attend football on Anzac Day. I have too many commitments to my RSL Club and Corp. / Unit mates. But Anzac Eve solves a lot of problems. I did ring our Membership Department to find out if there was any sort of Anzac Service for the Dees v Swans game tonight. Only to be told that nothing officially has been organised, as that is all done by the AFL. Can we scratch our Arse without having the AFL's permission. I thought the Diggers of WW1 fought for our freedom. It looks like we are still in the hands of a Dictator. (at least for 6 months more) Edit Ps:- To any of you guys that did buy Anzac Badges from me on Thursday. I must extend a warm thank you. We had a very successful day. Our boys who are doing things tough at the moment will benefit from the sales immensley
  21. I have noticed that our Mr. Watts is now the self appointed pointer. Perhaps he could take Beamers place?
  22. Tomlinson definitely - same boat as Tyson Tex Walker if his mate can talk him across.
  23. I can't see him in the side this week. The last thing we want is to build his confidence up in the 2's only to be shot down by the toughest midfield in the comp. Give him the time he deserves.
  24. 3 top blokes. Dunny has shown so much leadership on the track this year. The other 2 show so much leadership experience, from previous clubs. You just can't not pick them. They are all stand out leaders.
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