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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. Just sign up for Demon for life and avoid the future problems. Haven't visited the site to check the latest membership until tonight 26, 641. That sounds pretty good. Has that made a jump in the past week?
  2. To me he showed enough in one practice game to warrant a promotion. He really has put the heat on Dunn, Strauss & Clisby to perform.
  3. Chip comes from good country stock. Honest as the day is long. If he says he is waiting on a future direction of the coaching, who am I to say any different. In Chip we trust.
  4. With the running to help each other giving 3 extra players to help move the ball, our defence now revolves around attack. By having extras drop back to help us, the opposition now has to defend us. 2 way running it's beautiful to watch. The past few years we didn't run back to help. We stayed flat footed looking for someone to pick up. Defend for defence sake. Our game was totally hamstrung. No wonder we looked quick on the training track and slow on match days.
  5. For 5 years I have feared Round 1. After NAB 1. Bring it on. I am finding it more difficult to name our stating 22 line up. With Riley long term injury list, and with the promising display go Georgiou. He could be the sub promoted. That would throw the back line selection into the Take 2 mode. Michies form also throws in another Curley one. Mid fielders who do you now pick. Jones, Trengove, Vince, Michie, Tyson, Watts, Viney, Matt jones, Toumpas Cross, Evans, Bail can't be ignored either. What do we do with Byrnes..... Casey or does he get the FP. Role until they give JKH a bit more development time. Clisby and Kent where do you ply them? I have just recently got an IPad mini. Forgive me if I make some errors, but the predictive text is a pain. Mickie instead of Michie Clubby instead of Clisby. I think it maybe better to leave as is and await someone to waste 30 posts on my poor spelling or not knowing anyone in the team.
  6. First of all I'd like to wish Demoneyes all the best in recovery from his illness . The win must make a big difference. 2 players I thought d We're a disappointment on their decision making and disposal. Frank grimes and Chippa pretty ordinary. No more complains. Imagine with Clark Dawes Hogan Garland Watts etc.. This season is looking better
  7. At least with this squad it must confuse the toiges as to who to match up on in our forward line. I think most of us will be surprised and confused. We may have the midget fleet running all over the place.
  8. Adelaide. Bunch of knobs Brisbane. My fav team in the mid 00's. I wished Melbourne had their midfield. Loved Vossy. Carlton. Have hated them since the bought Barassi. C filth. Says it all. Essendon Folks were one eyed. My older brother took me to see Melb. 1955 say no more. Fremantle Meh. Geelong. Feel sorry because of that crappy ground that doesn't allow enough opposition supporters in. GWS. They have been our greatest asset. Took Scully and in the end we get Jesse, Barry, Tyson. Hawks. Hate their colours North. Loved them in the 70's But have hated them so much since Carey Port. Meh Tigers Dislike immensely Saints. Bad Culture Sydney. Soft spot. Ex Sth Melb. Tech. West Coast Hate with a passion Doggies. Feel sorry for them. ( All most as much as the Dees )
  9. Dead right Jack. Leadership was a major problem, but right from the top. Jimmy was ill, Schwab was doing his usual, trying to set himself as the coaches coach, instead of minding his own business. His finger prints were everywhere. It was his idea to get rid of the leaders and fill them with gifted kids. That may have worked in 1953 - 54, when football was an amateur local comp. Not in a national totally professional business. Isn't it great at the moment. We don't have the CEO mouthing off about coaches and Red & Blue prints. The president is quietly going about his job. Sponsors are on board. And all us supporters have to complain about is hiring a player that has a degenerative knee problem. I think life is pretty damn good being a Melbourne supporter at the moment.
  10. I think Grimes as captain. with a group of understudies. Jones Clark Dawes Garland Frawley
  11. I'm starting to feel all warm and fuzzy. There is a lot of man love going on in this thread. Is this the culture ROOS has brought to the club. Everyone on D'Land is loving each other. Gutsy effort by Jumbo professing his love for Chook. Even Strauss is being loved by all. I may have to consider putting him in my best 22, just because everyone loves him. Then I realise it's only preseason and I wake up. Great lot of posts yesterday guys keep it up.
  12. Who made the comment that 60's and 70's were more sexist. Those men are still around and they are now our captains of industry.
  13. I'd like to know who recruited our Coaches. Skilton, Jones, Barassi Those appointments all come down to the "Board of the day" They were BOZOS. Success starts at the top. CEO, Board, Coach, FD & Players. We presume we have all this in place. Time will tell.
  14. I have been saying that every year about our recruiting since 1964, we are now in it to challenge the best. I think I have been right on about 6 occasions. = 12% That equates to our winning percentage over the past few years. So that says I should shut the F. U. and don't mention potential.
  15. This is the secret forward line FF. Kent Clark Hogan HFF. Tappy Dawes Matt Jones They have thrown Gawn & Jamar in there to help with the forward stoppages Fitzy and Riley rotate off the bench. It's just a ploy .me thinks
  16. Thanks for the great reports guys. OD thanks for reminding me my sisters were not like Viney.
  17. I reckon you nailed the three. Garland doesn't want it. Clark is a problem coz of his injury. Frawley is the obvious, it may test him, if he declines, then he doesn't want to be with us in 2015. So I think we could end up going for multiple leaders to see what they can bring to the table.
  18. Who is going to training this week? All training is at Casey Fields - obviously because of the Tennis. Next week with the Tennis in finals mode and played only on centre court and the other "COURT", we should get Gosch's Paddock back to ourselves.
  19. I don't think turning up to a gym alone is a great idea. Accidents happen especially when using free weights.
  20. So the A league is getting 18000. Who are they competing against? Certainly not the AFL. I don't see any games of footy being played at the moment. The AFL has not missed the boat at all.
  21. Let's just hope that the new game plan, switches on the lights upstairs. I love the basic football get possession, keep possession, dispose of ball to team mate correctly, kick Goooaaaallll.
  22. Now the Like button is back, we can really appreciate the good reports.
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