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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. Why not put all the players coming back in the Forward line. That will certainly limit the amount of game time they will have for the first week. Remember it's all about loads. Just like the load of carp we get given by the club.
  2. Totally agree. It's called Drugs, Alcohol, Women, Fast cars and a high disposable income. And no-one to look after them. The club culture dictates where they end up.
  3. The team as a whole could not lose confidence. They are playing like a team bereft of anything resembling confidence. Can they respond positively?. We will see it if they do. If they don't we wouldn't know any difference. The simple Chest mark was definitely directed at Watts. As for the fumbling, that was directed at every player in the team. Now I'm not one for making excuses, but anyone who attended the game on Sunday, did you notice the funny bounce the ball was taking when it hit the ground. To me it was very un - MCG like in it's behaviour. We didn't read the bounce but the Meth Coke did.
  4. I love the format of AFL 360. But Robbo just gives me the irites. He mumbles, waffles on and says nothing. Then finishes with you know. I don't really know. He is the biggest waste of space on TV That program could be great, just replace him with someone like Tom Harley. Knows Football and can speak fluently, not in the monosyllabic undertones of one Robbo.
  5. If that did happen, who would Roosy chase to trade our Pick 2. They way we are playing we'll nail down Pick 1 without tanking.
  6. It was interesting to see Mike Fitzpatrick sitting up with the PJ and others watching the game. Let's hope he takes back an unbiased view of the amount of help we still need. We have recovered some ground with our off field group. But, Yesterday showed where exactly we are On Field in comparison to the top 6 sides. I was hopeful of winning 5-6 games this year. That will be an immense struggle.
  7. He can't do anything else. Casey has just had a bye. You can't bring players in that haven't played for 2 weeks and expect them to pick up the slack. With last weeks line up re jigged. JKH has to get a starting spot. i/c Pedersen to back pocket Dunn to CHF Trengove to HFF I/C If the 3 emergencies are up to it. bring them in. so then drop. Bail, Fitzpatrick & Toumpas We then have FF Evans Howe Terlich HF Michie Dunn Kent C Blease Vince Tyson HB Georgiou McDonald Watts FB Grimes Frawley Pedersen Foll Spencer Cross N.Jones I/C Trengove Byrnes JKH sub M.Jones A lot will laugh at Terlich in the forward pocket. He goes at the ball like a mad dog. He can tackle, and can cause mayhem amongst the opposition. It just may be interesting to give it a go. We couldn't do worse than sunday.
  8. I must say congratulations for your patience and diligence for setting up the pros & cons of every player on the list. I went to the game on Sunday. I couldn't stand more than 10 min. Into the 2nd half. Anyone who says Nathan Jones is a superstar, really is a part of the problem. Any captain of a club that has 7 changers by 1/2 time that costs us 3 goals, should be taken off the ground. Any past AA full back that reckons he might be worth $700k pay that kicks OOB on the full in a switch then allows his opponent to drill it through from 50m arc. Then good luck on your way. That's not to mention the lolly pop kick to the other captain that I haven't seen raise a sweat in any game he has played. Instant turnover and goal. As much as I hate the Bombers. Jobe Watson, he leaves nothing in the tank when the game finishes. Grimes walks off fresh as a daisy. Our team as a whole would only put in 60% for their teammates, club and the supporters. How would I rate them. This team on effort is worse than 186. I have not seen a team that doesn't know how to play basic football. The skills of basic kicking, handball, tackling, & marking we're non existent. A long year is ahead of us. If Anyone thinks we have 8 players of AFL standard. You are dreaming. I could go on for hours, but what is the point. Roos said to give us 5 rounds for the team to show what the game plan is. I know what the game plan is. Do the players.?
  9. I have the last football he signed after defeating Collingwood on QB. It will never leave me. He is a very smart and gracious man. I'm so sorry that he has MND and the result may be so soon according to the article. I hope they are so wrong. God Bless you Neale
  10. You have to learn to play the game plan first. Once it becomes second nature, confidence will build in each other. Along with confidence, you know who has your back. Knowing that gives you the confidence to go harder because you have support. You will then find that all players will lift and play the game tougher. Those that don't are on the list out the door.
  11. Hang what is going on. This is supposed to be a training report. I was only there about 45min after having a knee procedure at AAMI park imaging centre. Not many spectators in attendance. The training didn't really get underway until after 10am Misson called the boys into a huddle to talk about Match day. The talk lasted about 10 min. There was a bit of back slapping going on. Jetta was the point of concern I thought. (Surely he hasn't been upgraded to the Senior List) Who would be in line for LTI. Maybe I'm wrong. Watts looked good moved well _ No compression bandage around the calf. Dawes was running well. Hogan didn't look too happy when he eventually turned up. He had a face like a smacked bottom as my mum would say. Everyone was in good spirits. Fitzy who was last to join the ranks,looked switched on. Tommy McD's corkie still looked as if there was still quite a bit of blood in the muscle. The training looked like it was heading into typical Friday Session before a Sunday Game. Pretty light and making sure everyone is fit. At that point I decided to go home. I hope someone can report on what happened after 11am
  12. I spoke to Tommy as he was getting his GPS inserted. His response was verbatum. "Yeh not bad" end of conversation.
  13. Melbourne squad: round two B: Lynden Dunn, James Frawley, Alex Georgiou HB: Jack Grimes, Tom McDonald, Dean Terlich C: Jack Trengove, Dom Tyson, Daniel Cross HF: Jack Watts, Cam Pedersen, Jimmy Toumpas F: Jeremy Howe, Jack Fitzpatrick, Rohan Bail FOLL: Jake Spencer, Nathan Jones, Bernie Vince I/C (from): Shannon Byrnes, Matt Jones, Jay Kennedy-Harris, Viv Michie, Dean Kent, Michael Evans, Sam Blease IN: Sam Blease, Dean Kent, Michael Evans I know you can't believe anything you read n print.but drop Byrnes and Kennedy-Harris for Blease and Evans. You have immediate plus. But FCS give us a tall target
  14. Round 2 In kent blease and my love child.........Evans the mosquito fleet bring it on. Especially went you don't have talls
  15. Yep he has calf problem. Old mans disease let's put him on the open market
  16. Whilst I think OD underestimates his talents. he definitely over estimates Pedos abilities
  17. Why on earth would a club that should do anything to get a slight edge, give away information that an opposition would swoop on to gain an advantage. Remember where us supporter are in the pecking order. Just fodder.
  18. And Watts aint looking too good either. Now I am off to AAMI tomorrow to get some u/sound on my knee. I'll let you know who of importance to us I see. I hope I don't see anyone.
  19. Well training was supposed to be on at Gosch's Paddock at 9am. Did anyone attend? A report would be nice.
  20. Start a new post Click on Forums then click on Melbourne Demons whilst in there click on start a new topic
  21. Gawn is a definite starter next week he will replace whoever is injured out of McD or Fitzy If both get cleared, Pedo will be sacrificed. I also felt we missed Garland the most. Vince played in the back line most of the night. We need him in that Mid / fwd role. Toumpas kicked poorly and turned over too many. If Viney was fit Toump would go. Byrnes has to go. To be replaced by my Love Child Michael Evans. (No Bias though)
  22. I was in Row A section Q12? It was down near the cricket practice wickets on the Half Forward flank Southern Stand. Dad wanted to leave after Gabo almost put us to he sword. Just a couple of minutes dad "I said" It's about the only time he said OK. I was able to see froggy hook the ball from CHF and seal the filths hopes once again. Singing the song has never been prouder. (I was 14)
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