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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. Bbub couldn't agree more3 years at $500k would be all he's worth at this stage.
  2. Try this one for size. Find another 6 clubs QLD 1, NSW 1 SA 1 WA 1 TAS 2 Total 24 teams Now make 2 divisions of 12 each division has 22 games playing each other twice 2nd div made up of the new clubs plus bottom 6 of existing. When it comes to finals top4 of each division have a knockout. 1 v 4. And 2 v 3 The winners then X. play each other in preliminary finals with both divisions combined. Winners go into GF and winner wins. We may be competitive in Div 2 for a few years.
  3. Pisses me off big time, to think that it can and probably will happen. But then I sit down and think what has caused us to be here. Our on field leadership stinks. Last weeks loss proved that beyond all doubt. All the leadership group stunk it up big time in the last 5 min. We deserve to be where we are until we get some real leaders.
  4. Roos will probably stay the 3 years only because he doesn't want to go down as a failure. He has a massive EGO, and loser doesn't sit well with him.
  5. According to One Mr. Lyon. Frawley wants a 7 year contract to stay. So I'm afraid it's "Good Bye Mr. Chip"
  6. I also like the each way bet. Tyson 300/1 to win. 75/1 to finish top 3 Come in spinner
  7. No friggin leadership when we needed it. Who were the leaders when we needed them. Grimes.... Stuffed up Jones.......Stuffed up Frawley....Stuffed up Dawes......Stuffed up Dunn........Stuffed up This is what has cost us at least 5 wins this year. Edit : When defence was required did we have anyone behind the ball?............NO
  8. Melbourne will not win another game. Saints and lions come home with a wet sail. Dees get wooden spoon. Get cited again for tanking.
  9. RPFC We don't have any elite players. Nate is good but not a match winner. viney Tyson jkh Salem have potential The rest are good average footballers at best. If Chip can get $800k then we get a plus in the swap stakes. I think we have a long way to go to get a competitive team together.
  10. What a BS thread you lot have turned it into.
  11. Where do you think we would be now if they asked the same question of Norm Smith in 1954 Sorry your right we wouldn't have the curse of Norm Smith hanging over us.
  12. I can't be believe I have accepted the offer from the club to purchase me a reserved seat on level 2 etihad, provided I commit to attending the game. What have I let myself in for? I obviously did it because I stupidly thought we could win there against the lions. What player/ players have I jinxed that will end up with career ending injuries playing on that god forsaken surface.
  13. I can't comprehend the stupid loyalty the players had for the club. The club has injected them with substances that may or may not have future effects on their health or their families health. Whether this was agreed to by the players is irrelevant. The use of these peptides were approved by the club. No wonder the players are now taking their own course of action. No matter what the final result is, if you were a player or potential player would you openly Put your health at risk in the hands of a bunch of cheats. How does the AFL deal with this scenario? The club could be delisted in which case we have an extra bye each week or install a new club Will this be the end of Essendon as an AFL club, or will they resurrect themselves under a new name. It's intriguing to say the least.
  14. I was at the game yesterday and witnessed Hell freezing over. A lot of players weren't interested in picking up a man. Could someone enlighten me on who was responsible for getting within 10m of James Kelly. In case it was Tappy, that should be the last we see of him.
  15. On and off the field a real leader. We have missed this type for many years. Fantastic news to have his services again
  16. Frawley is the best hand puncher in the comp. Everytime he stuffs up he punches his left hand with his right. God knows he should be the best, he gets enough practice. PS. My Avatar and handle will change next year, any suggestions.
  17. Roos May want mids mids mids, but you can't be over zealous about one type of player. Boyd would be a great get. We could move Hogan to CHF or even CHB he has a decent tank and could play most key positions. It wouldn't be wrong for Roos to snap him up at the detriment to getting one mid-fielder.
  18. The VFL /AFL combo doesn't work. You can't have 2 separate managers to have the say in how they want the club run. Caseys admin is a basket case. Time for the Dees to pull the pin and go it alone. The inept performances of the Casey boys is bringing our boys down and creating bad habits. Roos & PJ can't let this go on. Big Changes must happen next year.
  19. What will be will be. I am long past being emotionally attached to players. Footy is a business, they get rid of players to improve their lists. Just as they recruit to improve their lists. The midfield is still where we lose games. Get a great bunch of midfielders and you can work with a group of second rate defenders. If he stays that would be good, If he goes, no big deal.
  20. It just shows that our depth is pretty shallow. We can thank god our core group have been intact. I can see massive turnovers in our 2nds at the end of the season. Any that haven't been able to adapt to the Game Plan....... See you later. I reckon 7-8 fringe dwellers that wont be here next year. Blease, Nicho, Tappy, Strauss, Georgiou, Byrnes, Evans. could be the Don't come monday recipients
  21. Couldn't agree more with the sentiments. All the negative insults have been out of pure ignorance. The amount of injuries and time lost in pre-seasons has been unbelievable. He has stuck at it and gone through being de-listed then picked up again as a rookie. His year this time is one to behold. he will be part of our best 22 for a long time. Good luck Nev.
  22. You mean Wattsy is going to tip the Doggies? Get rid of the Pr!ck
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