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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. To be totally honest, when it comes to selling an Anzac badge or a Poppy. We are totally full of shite. I am happy you bought a badge OD, it does go to a very worthwhile cause. All of our proceeds go to the welfare of not only our poor unfortunate members, but we contribute a lot to the Heidelberg Repat. Hospital rehabilitation Centre to purchase up to date Gym Equipment to keep the old bodies mobile.
  2. Guys, I just thought I'd let you know. If you work or live in the CBD. I and a few old mates will be selling Anzac badges in the foyer or outside the Optus Building 357 Collins Street. Tomorrow (Thurs) You could come in after you have taken the morning off from work to watch training Come in make yourself known and part with some hard earned $$ I am the only Melbourne supporter and will be wearing a Red & Blue tie.
  3. Keep it relevant redleg. I wonder how many games we would have won this year if with a fit Robbie Flower, Ron Barassi, Bluey Adams, Tassie Johnson, Big Bob Johnson, Brian Dixon, Barry Vagg, Brian Kenneally, Ian Thorogood, Frogy Crompton, Hassa Mann, Ian Mithen, John Beckwith, John Lord etc. etc. I reckon we would be 5-0 with a huge percentage
  4. I have only just read the article. I don't find anything offensive at all. he wasn't aiming broadsides at Melbourne. He was at that game and saw what everyone else saw. There is so many assistant coaches being employed to do things to give the team an edge. What is happening is they are changing the game to suit their playing group. The clubs that have the most stable list and better assistant coaches win the most games. So where does that put us. List very unstable. Assistant coaches that maybe good but have been with the club 6 months. Hence Roos comments the gap between the top clubs and the bottom clubs has widened. We first need stability. Off Field, On Field. You don't get that overnight.
  5. Can't help you. The last 5 min. was the most exciting of the whole game. Abletts BS free kick. Evans Goal And the coast to coast with 10 sec on the clock
  6. From Reading the VFL review of MFC players. I think we only have 2 mights at this stage. Jamar and Strauss. Salem definitely not on what was written. Aiden Riley has more chance than anyone when he gets a bit more match fitness. Blease showed a bit more attack, but they want to see that consistently Harmes showed good signs but still needs work. Nicholson is not far off but decision making is letting him down. I think the only changes may be Watts out. Strauss in. Pederson Out. Jamar in. Frawley to Backline Dunny to Forward line. It doesn't inspire me, but I don't think we have enough reserves up to it at this stage. We are just shuffling deck chairs on the titanic until those players in the wings lift their game. Edit:- Clisby also got a good wrap he closed down their No 1 dangerman, he may be a swap for Terlich.
  7. Where were you sitting. I was directly behind him in the backrow?
  8. Too true Oracle. As I said in the Post match discussions. The margin deserved to be more like 8 goals than 8 points. The disagreement I could make was that Grimes was a chief offender in not putting in. His game was one of the worst I have seen from him. The disposals he got which wasn't a lot came from cheap kick ins to him 20m from goal. I haven't read any stats but it would be interesting to see the tackles and contested possessions he had. I stand to be corrected, but I reckon you could count on one hand the total.
  9. Make space that is a joke surely. The opposition treats him with total contempt, and leave him on his own. They know his team mates will not try and kick the ball to him, because he wont have a go at trying to mark, or if they do and he doesn't, he wont try and get the ball back. You think McKenzie was like playing one man short, add watts and you have a fairly good start why we got done.
  10. Roosies little black book on players that just don't do the non negotiables, must be getting pretty full, just 1/4 into the season. I wonder how many he will have come the halfway mark.
  11. Yeah they were the bottom 4 sides. The only one worth mentioning rag dolled us. We didn't deserve to win. If it wasn't for the suns bad kicking and our 2 late goals. it could quite easily have been an 8 goal loss. Watts must go to the Magoos, I reckon Tyson, Grimes aint far behind. Apart from a goal Terlich and Georgiou were embarrassing. Garland, Clisby, Salem, Toumpas, Strauss to come in. Possibly Jamar for Spencer. Something must be done.
  12. If Terlich doesn't come up after training this morning. Jetta will be in. I reckon JKH could be the perennial Sub until he builds a tank. We may be in a better place with GCS than last year The Demons also have former Suns development coach Ben Mathews on the coaching staff, which McKenna expects to help shed some light on Gold Coast’s players.
  13. The only difference Dr. Was we were so F***ing great we did it all day.
  14. Why do everyone compare Watts to Nic Nat. It's like comparing Apples and oranges. One is a Ruckman that is the only position he will play. The other was recruited as a KPF, which wasn't a success. But on current form could be the best link man in the business. If he perseveres on the wing, I can see him being the go to man coming out of defence. This followed by deadly accurate disposal to a leading forward. A very valuable commodity.
  15. Sorry OD, but he last time I checked. My ankle was a part of my foot.
  16. I don't know why I'm even bothering reading these posts. A waste of time just like CS...... oops I should clear that up Col.Sylvia not Cam Schwab Actually like both CS's
  17. That was very humble of him. He is just saying he is not one of the Great Ones. Now how humble can you get. Born leader.
  18. I'll take BBO Wyl Od Barndee Macca beezlebub I will draw the line at angrydemons.
  19. If anyone is interested. I have started up an AFL fantasy Match day league CHIPS is the league name. PjYCFAj is the league code. Your all welcome. I take all sorts of demon supporters
  20. I think the team lacks 22 extractors. Because that's is what needs to happen. Extract the digit and play football.
  21. The article may well be true. But I just hate the journalistic license used by Robbo. "Although it hasn't been officially discussed" "Without trying to be melodramatic,it is understood" "It is said that a return to footy is not forthcoming in his mind" "The club would like nothing better than for him to return and if it meant sending him overseas for specialist treatment on his hamstring and calf muscles." I like the last quote the best. If nothing has been officially discussed how can he state the last one. The whole article is just full of Red Wine meanderings.
  22. I thought the messiah had already made it to Melbourne. So if the Seas are now parted, wont we see the tide turn.?
  23. It's all just a conspiracy theory. The Big Talls are just being rested. Remember Roos Statement, you will know where we are heading by round 5. He always said that he didn't expect players to play 22 games. It was more likely 15 - 16. I don't think he was thinking we would be competitive in these early weeks. But Round 6 or 7 we should see some improvement especially when the talls come back from their holidays.
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