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Barney Rubble

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Everything posted by Barney Rubble

  1. They aren't going to bring anyone in from casey after having 2 weeks off. Dawes in definitely. Regarding Riley, I think it was just a match up thing. He is not abundant with pace, I think they wanted more ball runners to counteract Powers runners. They will probably do the same with the Pies. Did any of our boys get game for the state VFL game?
  2. Grimes has always been the Turnover king. I sat amongst the group of Dees supporters in bay M36. Against the Toiges last week, he was one that could have made the win a defeat. They were all up my arse. This week I think he definitely stopped us being in front with 5 min to go. I don't know the answer, but the answer is NOT Grimes.
  3. I was wrong. But I was wasn't a lot wrong. I am trying to think where we lost it. Just the first 10 min. It was pretty much line ball from there
  4. I just noticed the latest team. Riley omitted now emerg. Toumpas takes his place on the bench. When did that occur? I heard Roos on "Roos View" and he said that the final position hadn't been sorted. It must have happened after the training run at Alice I guess.
  5. To me that looks like No Injuries. Wont miss Byrnes. Clisby although close hasn't played Frawley back on track Hogan has never played so won''t miss him King - Rookie Spencer - Gawn and jamar are doing better Trengove haven't missed him.
  6. Do you remember the FF before Bourke.? Alan Rowarth beautiful Left footer with very hairy legs. I reckon he had the record for hitting the post the most of any FF. Used to kick his customary 2 goals every week. I love this nostalgia, mainly because I can't remember what happened yesterday.
  7. Gee you're up early today Jack, or home very late. Catching a flight somewhere are we? I would give anything to be able to go there today and watch us beat the bejeesus out of them. I will have to watch on Foxtel. My wife will be away at a Baby Shower, I will have my own company and a lot of swearing at the TV. Nothing will surprise me, we have improved out of sight and Port have Hamish and Casissi missing which might open the game up a bit for us.
  8. We'll have to get a D'Land table going
  9. Great fund raiser. 3 loaves 2 fishes and a carafe of water
  10. Just got the invite for dinner at the Duke 3 courses and "Premium Wines" LOL. $110 per head who else is going
  11. I'd like to think that PJ would stay to oversee the succession plan he suggested to entice ROOS. If his assistant gets appointed at the end of the season, and Roos stays on until 2016. I can see Roos staying on as Football Director. PJ would then stay on to ensure the New coach appointment is bedded down. He is not the type to turn his back on something he has started but not completed.
  12. I put my money where my mouth is. I took the $7.00 on offer. I'm feeling cocky after taking $6.50 about the swans for the flag.
  13. I was hounded down last year when I dare suggest that he wasn't Elite He was more like B grade. This year with the better team support he is A grade. He still has areas to work on and I'm sure he will get there by years end. But..... And a big But......... He will be overtaken by Tyson who has the silky skills that most Elite Players have that Jonesy doesn't.
  14. I challenge that for no other reason than I have observed his running gait on more than one occasion and compared it to that of a pregnant cow. I now ask Mr. Webber Physio of extraordinary talent to have a look at his gait and comment whether he may have other problems causing the back problem? Perhaps an injury somewhere else in the leg or even one leg shorter than the other?
  15. Based on current VFL form and Allison's opinion. McKenzie is the only one in line for a game. That report from Allison was a real honest eye opener. He didn't hold back, if they deserved both barrels, he gave it to them.
  16. I think Hogan was thinking. Don't ask me questions I don't know the answers to. I better sit up straight or my back wont get better.
  17. Sandy Roberts calling Matt Jones ... Terlich twice. Then about a quarter later. Good to see Terlich and Jones together this time. LOL He aint afraid to take the PI55 out of himself. We all remember Leanne Dick?
  18. I must have missed something. The website said training at Gosch's Paddock at 9am today. I went down there and no-one turned up. Has it been delayed or are they on holidays early?
  19. You can't get rid of Fitzy and Spencer, look what happened at the start of the year. We wouldn't have any ruckmen on the park. Blease could be used as trade bait to get Shiels or Tomlinson from GWS... He would be happy to join his ol mate. T$S$ Nicholson has to go, just not up to it. Tappy ditto Strauss ditto Byrnes Go........ Please. A few weeks ago I would have said WATTS. I'd say he had a cannon up his arse and the penny has dropped. Barry needs more time. Evans I'd give one more year under Roos.
  20. We need a FF without an inflated ego. (not too many of those around) I haven't left out Hogan, it's just that I would want to make sure he can string games together. We also need patience because Viney, Toump, Salem, Tyson, Vince, Jones are starting to mould into a great unit. We will have to look at getting a couple of other middies to top up the succession plan. Crossy is not going to be there forever, same for Vince.
  21. CW, DB, MR, JN, JC and many other Sports Journos. They are all tarred with the same brush. Bunch of Rats Toss Bags the lot of them. I would much rather read the class journos of BBO, B'bub OD, RPFC, Nasher, WYL WJ. We know where there heart lies.
  22. JONES WILL PLAY. Baby jones is due in the week of the Round 16 Darwin Game, not the Alice Springs Game
  23. A full back who can bounce the ball whilst running. A full back who can count how many steps it takes to run 15m. A half back captain who can kick. A half back captain who doesn't call for a kick across goal to him in a stationary position.
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