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Cheesy D. Pun

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Everything posted by Cheesy D. Pun

  1. Sellar tries hard but his hands are shocking. Definitely not a forward. As Django said, he's a pretty handy depth player.
  2. I reckon Davey is an interesting one. I think when the team is putting a lot of pressure on, he is the one that ends up being able to do some damage. I think if the team starts to find some level of form Davey will too. However, if the endeavour drops off again, his form will go with it.
  3. Sometimes you have to hang tough and I think this is one of those times. We can't have this happen again so the next coach needs to be able to turn this group around in 1-2 years for us not to be in the same situation again. I believe that's impossible right now. I think Neeld should see out his contract so that the next coach is not sold down the river.
  4. I'm only half with you there Fifty. One of the issues I have is that half them are ring ins. There is something about guys that have been at a club for 8-10 years - they demand respect. Not one of those players is an embedded senior player. Imagine you were a young guy rocking into Sydney, you've got Bolton, McVeigh, Goodes, LRT to name a few. We don't have any of that glue and unfortunately we can't change that. You could even use a team around our level as an example. The dogs have Murphy, Gia, Cooney, Boyd etc. We have zero of those guys and we wonder what's wrong. The coach would need a time machine to fix that problem. If there's any suggestion Roos has one, I'm in!
  5. Absolute rubbish. This whole situation would be fixed already if it only took one guy to make a club. The next coach of this club is another filler, regardless of who it is. A club is only as strong as it's embedded senior players and we have a nice round number of those - zero. What happens when you install Roos or the like and we are in the same place in 12 months? Do we take the same action or say, it's Roos, he deserves longer? Do we give him a one year contract or sign him for five knowing he'll only coach one or two?
  6. I reckon some people overate the influence of coaches. We will never get an 'experienced premiership coach.' They are experienced premiership coaches because they pick winners. Malthouse has coached the three powerhouse clubs successfully and one minnow with limited success. Do you really think there's a magic coach out there that will suddenly have them playing good footy?
  7. If that dude caught a quarter of the balls he got two hands to, he'd lead the league in marks. He and Shaun Hampson are in a class of their own in that regard.
  8. Totally agree that uncontested possession is really important. We're getting better at spreading from the contest but we're not there yet. It's nothing to do with effort, even though it might look that way at times. It's about having faith in each other and transitioning from inside to outside and into defence in a split second rather than having to think about it. If you compare our last 2 or 3 games with the earlier rounds you'll find that we've improved hugely with this.
  9. Yep, summed it up pretty well. We need to get first use of the footy in the middle more often. We will smash any team that we can break even with in clearances. I'm not so worried about a forward target. Stats say we are pretty handy at creating goals from inside 50's, we just need a few more of them. Lot of talk about our back half but any defence is going to get smashed when the ball comes in so quickly and frequently.
  10. Also, can we have one thread called 'time to go' rather than individual ones for each sackee? Better still, we could just pre-insert a list of all of the club's employees into the 'time to go' thread. We've just got to remember to keep it updated as new employees join the club.
  11. I think it's clear, we need to sack anyone who works in an occupation....and has not won a premiership. Also, we need to sign a premiership coach who has coached for at least 75 years and put him on a 30 year, multi-trillion contract.
  12. Yeah, let's just tell them they're useless and not getting anywhere week after week. That'll get the spirits up. They are trying, they just aren't good enough - drumming that into them is only going to make things worse.
  13. None of the substances were banned. Next...
  14. Not sure that Trengove playing as a tagger for a game or two is a bad scenario. Every player should do it at some stage.
  15. Is this meant to be some kind of weird parody of a demonland thread?? Ridiculous.
  16. Fatal flaws? Do you work for the Herald Sun?
  17. There's a lot of talk of premiership coaches but the reality is that they are premiership coaches, partly because they choose clubs wisely. Had Malthouse stayed at the Bulldogs we'd be talking about him in the same vein as all the other 'failed' coaches. That's not a shot at Malthouse, he clearly knows what he's doing but coaches don't win premierships alone, nor do players. Everything has to be right. We are cleaning up a mess here that is far greater than anything Neeld has or hasn't done.
  18. I would argue that none of those teams were as void of embedded senior players as we are. Where are the 7-10 year Demons who just pull a club together. Clubs do rebuild but I doubt there are many, if any examples of teams that have been so completely stripped of those types, so quickly.
  19. I hope we show some courage and stick this out. Changing coaches every couple of years is ridiculous.
  20. Studying Journalism, this is a great case study. Especially the stuff at the beginning about over-utilising hyperbole to the point that you have nowhere to go when something really happens. This guy is a treasure.
  21. That's a fair ask for a team going well let alone us.
  22. Nah, that'd require some effort.
  23. He's been fired to appease us (the supporters). No other reason. They had to pick someone to make it look like they were acting and he was in the firing line. Despite the fact that it is innately wrong to fire someone for no real reason, I think it has to be done. We can't afford to have supporters giving up hope. Just like Bailey, Schwab has been fired by the supporters. I suspect we'll chop Neeld next. Also, on a separate matter, who are the scumbags that have been lining up next to the race screaming abuse at our players as they walk off the field the last two weeks? Shameful stuff.
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