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Cheesy D. Pun

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Everything posted by Cheesy D. Pun

  1. Playing devil's advocate, it's an economic/marketing argument. You have two top-selling products - Grand final replay and Anzac Day, combining the two is just shooting yourself in the foot. If one of those two products loses its shine in terms of people coming through the gate, I don't think the AFL will hesitate to change it up.
  2. I reckon JKH is not yet up to the tempo of the game at AFL level but I don't think he's going to get that by playing VFL. I'd like to see him stay. Also, I'd suspect Kent's early hit on <insert adelaide player here> will come under scrutiny.
  3. I'm not sure speed is the big issue. It was all about effort after half time. It went from manic pressure in the first half to being non existent in the second.
  4. It was our defensive effort that killed us on the weekend, not so much pace. Watch the first quarter - our defensive pressure was spot on, then watch the third quarter. You'd swear we only had 5 players on the ground.
  5. 6. Jones 5. Tommy Mac 4. Watts 3. Lumumba 2. Garlett 1. Vandenburg For me, these six guys stood up during periods where the game was up for grabs. Viney, unlucky as his aggression was fantastic. With improved offensive/decision-making, he would have been just about BOG.
  6. At this stage, there is no reliable evidence to support any theory that says vegetarians are at a disadvantage when it comes to strength. As was alluded to above, I think Jack is struggling with the balance between injury-prevention and maintaining body mass. Like others here, I think he has to find a way to reinvent himself. He reads the ball beautifully, is courageous but obviously needs work on his skills under pressure.
  7. I'd like to see Michie play first up with Brayshaw to continue in the 2's. His time will come and given that it looks like we'll take at least one underdone player (Howe/Vince) into round one and our propensity to drop our guard for short periods, I think fit, experienced players should be the default with the juniors made to force their way in. As an aside, I think Bernie Vince is a really important player for us - balances our midfield with a bit of flare and creativity.
  8. Already a club great. Some well deserved recognition.
  9. Luke Hodge, Lenny Hayes for their will and determination. This may not go down too well, but I've always respected Chris Judd's outlook as far as not taking footy too seriously, just a game etc.
  10. I would have thought Watts' efficiency has a lot to do with him being a great kick of the footy - credit where its due.
  11. Perhaps not on this site, but generally 'for mine' and 'coalface' really do it for me. I have one rule - if you can imagine Luke Darcy saying it, keep it to yourself.
  12. As long as the draft pick is used for a good mature player, I'm happy. Otherwise, I think we should keep him - hasn't had a great shot at it.
  13. Just like we did with Neeld. Oh wait... I do tend to agree though - there's very little point punting another coach. Unfortunately though, the supporters are the ones with the power in this situation and if enough supporters are off the Roos train then he will go.
  14. Jetta and Jones were brilliant. Sure, we got spanked by an average outfit but that doesn't mean every player was terrible.
  15. A human that smiles when he greets a friend - imagine that. What a disgrace.
  16. It is ridiculous to blame our recruiting for the position we're in. There is the odd howler made at recruiting time but for the most part, there's been a fairly substantial consensus. I'd be looking at Daniher's insistence on getting as many years out of his senior players and extending his own tenure which led to a mass exodus. Secondly, our development has been poor. Colin Sylvia is one of the most sublimely talented footballers to play the game and yet his output has been very poor. I tend to lean towards the idea that he would have had a much greater career in a better system.
  17. Definitely a no. However, I am a little bewildered at the the dislike for Judd here. He's always struck me as one of those guys that loves the game but realises that in the big scheme of things, it ain't really that important - and I admire that.
  18. I totally disagree with the sentiment of this post. The game has improved so much over the years. Bring up youtube and have a look at a game from the 80's or early 90's. It is horrible. Players in the back half seemingly instructed to boot the ball as far as they can, the moment they receive it. No intelligence involved whatsoever. All in all, I think the game is headed in the right direction and players play the game with more brains than brawn, and for me, that's a good thing. Even the rules that seemed a bit over the top to begin with (e.g hands in the back) have had a positive effect on the way the game is played.
  19. #2 is that big Russian guy from Rocky.
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