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Cheesy D. Pun

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Everything posted by Cheesy D. Pun

  1. Maybe they aren't as obvious as I first thought. I had this as Dangerfield.
  2. So the AFL website is doing the slow reveal of the league's top 50 players but funnily enough it's not too hard to work out who is who from the silhouettes. http://www.afl.com.au/afl/news/features/players-top-50 It looks as though Nathan Jones is number 22. No longer under-rated if that's the case.
  3. If we show a little bit, he'll stay. The fact that he's talking about delaying talks, not waiting until the end of the season has us in the box seat. Let's be honest, I don't know how many of us will be hanging around if we don't show something this year.
  4. It seems Roosy's main aim is to create an environment that the players are excited to work in. It could be argued that repairing morale was his first task. In this way, I think one year contracts have a downside. It's a way of putting a young player on notice that they are at the crossroads. Neither of these two players deserve that ultimatum, so for me, two years is perfect and could give a positive morale boost to the rest of the group. Even if Jones, for example, is only a depth player, there is nothing wrong with locking in a guy with a great attitude, work ethic and ball-winning ability.
  5. Neeld did plenty for the club. Our training and fitness standards improved markedly and his efforts to get in hard-bodied players and let go others was a step in the right direction. The guy was essentially sold down the river, inheriting a list with no leadership. I get that he didn't get the best out of the players and that is incredibly frustrating but there are a few areas he deserves credit for and Roos will benefit from those areas. We haven't seen what our new coach can deliver yet, but he has a much easier job than his predecessor and I give at least a small amount of credit to Neeld for that.
  6. I know we've been burnt on the skinny kids recently, but the game is not called biceps.
  7. Money is not really an issue. As far as I understand, we aren't even close to the cap. Even if we take a couple of older guys for a year or two at inflated salaries, it shouldn't have too much effect on our list.
  8. As others have alluded to, bad structures or an unwillingness to work can make even the best kickers look bad.
  9. This was listed in the awards when the MFC B&F was held - Bit of an anti-climax.
  10. These types of quotes are just conjecture unless they are attributed to someone eg. Which Collingwood players and Coaches have grown tired of Shaw's on-field behaviour? We've got to stop paying for this kind of awful journalism.
  11. There are really no grounds upon which to be positive or negative about this appointment. Having said that, I do remember Roos trying to get Miller to Sydney on at least one occasion, so he obviously saw some use for him as a player or leader. Also, the expectation that Brad should have been more than a 157 game player is a little harsh. He carved out a career after being a relatively low draft pick (pick 51?) so I take my hat off to him - not a star nor a dud.
  12. If Roos wins only 6-7 games in the next 2 seasons, I'd imagine he'll drive you nuts too.
  13. It'd take a bit to pay overs for him Billy. Imagine you could have any backman in the league - I reckon he'd be right up there in most people's calculations.
  14. Mids. We're not creating opportunities for small forwards so we don't really know whether we already have one capable or not.
  15. I've always sided with Jolly on that stuff. For me, this is the point where the club fell to bits. Daniher clung onto players for too long - we then basically retired an entire list in one go. That is always going to lead to serious imbalance in the list.
  16. I'd take Jamar over Jolly. Jolly moves has though he has lived an entire life on horseback.
  17. This is a very similar idea to the one that produced the 7'6 Chinese basketballer, Yao Ming.
  18. Paul Roos on Melbourne An old article but it does make me even more excited at the prospect of a Roos-led Demons outfit.
  19. I agree with your sentiments about Voss but the Neeld example is over the top. Neeld wasn't able to get this side winning but saying he destroyed the list and culture is ridiculous.
  20. Totally, Watts has done more than Kruezer but there's something about Watts' laconic demeanour that get's under the skin of traditionalists. Kruezer is definitely overrated but he gives the impression he's cracking in, unlike Watts. I see a role for Watts regardless of whether he lifts his intensity or not. His skills below his knees are sublime and he kicks the ball well. His ability to shrug multiple tackles in recent weeks has also been good to see.
  21. If you guys are spewing, I'm spewing too. No one puts baby in the corner.
  22. Am I misreading this or are you talking about yourself in the third person? Awesome.
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