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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Don't want to make excuses, but I thought Davis only went to Wilkes in the second half by which time he had his tail well and truly up. Further, a couple of times some of his fellow Casey team mates increased the degree of difficulty for him in contests. Prior to that I thought Troy did very well and was very clean and composed with his ball handling ( ex kicking it out of bounds on the full, but he had a few mates doing the same in the difficult conditions). Wilkes played very well and is quite a seasoned player so thats the sort of outing is the sort of stuff that he would only learn from. I continue to see his development as very positive. On a similar note I was pleased with Gysberts and Tynan. Both have the right attitude to take on the contest and have a crack. They all have still further to go, but all three have strong heartbeats and are not being thrown to the wolves too early.
  2. Still get nightmares about his game againt the Bulldogs at Etihad last year. Needs to win more of his own ball like the majority of our midfield and a damaging mark or two every now and then wouldn't hurt either. Would also like a lot more authority around the place like Clark exhibited on back page of the Sun sticking up for his mates as I have never seen it from him. Like others was somewhat surprised at three years.
  3. Has been a good player for sure but don't agree. Would make our midfield older and slower.
  4. So far we have lost only someone who seemed both economical with the truth and without desire to play for our club to GWS OD. So what have we really lost? Heally of all people, raised the issue of quiteness on resignings and I thought McLardy responded well. ( Must have been hard for him not to burst out laughing). I wouldn't be jumping at shadows just yet. Harrington/Viney and co have a big task in managing all the parts to this years picture and we may have to give to get. In a negotiation you never get it all your own way. But with two first round compo picks, a likely lowly finish, salary cap room available, plus some trade value in some of our players including some of the younger ones , I would be surprised if we cant significantly improve our list one way or the other. Our position isn't unreasonable and I hope we remain calm and astute in walking through the process..
  5. How about we get Tom McDonald, Blease and our better young ones all locked away on good deals first. The rest comes later.
  6. Interesting Neeld seemed to pay him one on one today for three quarters ( maybe he was seeing if he could beat an opponent and play accountable footy).
  7. Good stuff from Schwartz. Dealt with facts unlike King. Neeld is there for three years, Hardwick inherited similar list problems and continues to address them. Neeld will undoubtedly do the same and has already started with Clark ,Taggert, Magner. I find it interesting to compare these robust types to the drafting that preceeded Neeld's arrival. They fit with his initial comments that he wanted us to be a hard team to play against. I take Neelds initial comments to mean physically and mentally hard and his desire for grunt. Anderson in the media heads down the same path. We are underweight in strong aggressive bigger bodies. Throw in some insipid performances from our supposed senior players and I feel Neeld is getting a very clear picture of what is needed and we have seen some action on that front with our two young co-captains. It may be difficult for all of us to see and cope with at times, but I think Neeld is on the right track.
  8. Enjoyed it too od. A little to think about and quite a number of positives. Not too hard to imagine Taggert and Davis developing further ( Have had Davis on the Radar for a while, bit of a fighter and loved the way he chased down that little Box Hill bloke. Taggert in game two or three showed he can handle that level quite well. Takes most longer to reach even this stage.) Honourable mention to Blease for me as well.
  9. One forward only, ( Howe and Trengove misses?) Jamar must have figured he did enough in the first quarter, Garland brain fade and bingo we are 5 goals behind. Total lack of concentration and ticker to keep the foot on the gas. Mental strength and pressure decision making decisions just not there.
  10. One of our few genuine runners, can play both ends and has a bit of grit. Hope he takes the next step.
  11. We have a small debt to repay, Nth Melb beat them, we should get some good players back, the intensity shown last night should now be a weekly expectation, we have 22, they have 22, we are young, they have some getting to the end of the line.Wonderful challenge at our feet.
  12. Sort of nice problem to have really, both can match up on bigger players , both can run, both play with spirit. Can't have too many of that type. (With Tynan, Frawley & Grimes the back half shopuld be pretty good over time - Refer Geelong). The attack at the ball and ability to finish up the other end is a problem at the moment, but we will soon have a few options with Clark, Jurrah ,Green and a fitter Silvia. Would also like to see a dangerous Trengove playing a Silvia like role there as well. He played a beauty against Essendon in that role last year.
  13. Big ask to play on NR with less than 10 games under his belt. Thought he stood up, got involved and did well. Assignments like that will do him no harm at all. Reasonable effort from most tonight. Defence good, mids much better, forwards still not there.
  14. Aren't we getting a bit ahead of ourselves here? For starters who knows where we will finish? Seems to me that when this bloke has a lack of material, he simply makes some up. There are and will be numerous scenarios to consider and that will be played out over the draft table. For instance if we finish 3rd last, we'll have a few on our list who it will be time to move on, who would have some currency to the fledgling sides and a whole range of deals could come into play. Not only with GWS but the likes of GGS and others. In adidition let's also not forget that we also need to bring free agency into the total picture. One way of viewing it might be that young Viney, who seems to be more than handy from all reports, would simply be a straight replacement for someone else who did SFA for us and we still have two compensation picks. To me that would be the worst case scenario. Some worst case scenario! On the other hand, if we were to bring into the mix, some trades of reasonably talented, yet inconsistent players on our list who could be of value to other ( maybe younger clubs) many different scenarios could arise. I think we will have a good hand at draft time with a nice hedge as a starting point.
  15. And that crap midfield knows that they have no one to challenge them for a spot and pull the same s..t week in week out. We have to change the concept. I believe Neeld is astute enough to recognise the problem.
  16. I thought Mc Donald was reasonable given the stage he's at , Trengove should be roaming the forward line like Stevie Johnson he's not a midfield speedster, Grimes hasn't had a lot of football. Almost time for the whoesale changing of the guard. In Fitzpatrick, Davis, Blease, Tynan and bring them on as a group. Convinced there are a number of our older brigade who just cant cope with the committment required.
  17. I think the sub is the right position for Dunne, Howe was good, young Tom Mc Donald didn't disgrace himself, but the stoppages and midfield in the third quarter. Bloody hell. Where were they? The onball group must surely pay at the selection table. Exactly the same as last week and totally unacceptable.
  18. What sort of midfielfd effort was that? No Jamar, no Jones, no McKenzie, no Trengove. Must have thought they had done ok in the first half. No appearance your worship. Jones throws one arm in. Give me a break. Timid.
  19. Lightly framed but reasonable height. Ginger nut , good speed, good skills, good player.
  20. Tend to agree.McDonald, Davis, Tynan following on from Trengove, Tapscott,Fitzpatrick throw in Grimes, Watts and Frawley. Seem reasonable enough draft selections and adaptable enough for any game developments.Unsure yet on Taggert, Blease, Gysberts, Strauss but several of them should be alright. I dont think our recruiting is to blame. To me it' s about the size of the fight in our senior players excluding Clark and Magner.
  21. Doesn't fill you with confidence for the front of the jumper sponsor. We have seen our expense base jump due to new coaching staff and admin people, trust the board has satisfied itself re the compensating increase to the income stream.
  22. I'm sure we will be able to do a sensible deal with him, besides he's got this weekend to get over yet. Not the end of the world. Gawn, Martin and Spencer in the wings.
  23. Excellent analogy. So far the gold and silver medalists in media crap for the season, but its only round one.
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