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Sideshow Bob

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Everything posted by Sideshow Bob

  1. Ok so far it looks like MM JAKO SNOMED OMR WRECKER (defending champ) ROBBO24 7 up I love Stinga MIA JCB RPFC JARKA HT Rangey Scarlett (Is that everyone??? Dark Days and Galahs or were they I luv Tingay and 7 up - sorry memory not quite what it was) emergency: goodvibes Will add to the list as our coaches return to the fold. round 1 doesn't start till April 2 so we have a little time to get organised this year. Would think draft night in mid March after some exposed form would be in order.
  2. Been waiting for someone to bump this. I'm happy either way. Runners up last year means unfinished business on my behalf. Can totally understand however if it didn't get up again, given the 'difficulties' encountered last year. How much interest is there from last year's coaches? A quick yay or nay if we get enough interest i'm in if not will be happy to spend my time doing other things
  3. Just how I say things RB, a beer or 2 just doesn't cut it for me - so it became a beer or 7. Just saying thanks
  4. Cheers for all the hard work RB. A well earned pale ale or 7 for you at the end of camp
  5. Yep all for trading between clubs of contracted players - as per many of the reasons previously noted in other threads.Uncontracted the player should have a say and the right to veto. My only additional thought is - if a player is traded while contracted, it should not affect his Free Agent status - ie if he has been at Melbourne for 3 years and we traded him while contracted - those 3 years are included in the allocated FA years. If an uncontracted player wishes to move then he starts again
  6. Dunno who it is but there is a another clue - he's sporting a wedding ring, might help narrow the field a little. Brad Miller perhaps
  7. Just a quick thanks for all those that get down to training and do some reports for those us interstate and unable to get our footy fix. Special thanks for the Twitter photos Saty.
  8. His highlights on the mfc website look good - one of those blokes who seem to always have time weaving through traffic. Kicking looks ok, good mark. Might have a steal here
  9. His old coach is in record saying he beat Petracca head to head - might go alright
  10. Unfortunately for those wanting Reece McKenzie finally gone to Richmond at 77 - looked like he might make the rookie draft for a while
  11. Hey Saty, what's your Twitter name to see said pics (pm me if it's not for publication)
  12. The sooner it becomes a money pool from all football related income and split evenly between the clubs tbbe better. That way the AFL can do what they want in terms of maximising revenue without the worry of losing on a GWS vs st Kilda played at 4.40 on mothers day game. They clubs can then gain funds on sponsership and membership and whatever else. It is national competition that could not generate the required funds without all the clubs playing their part. Leave blockbusters being blockbusters, it seems the only rational way with the inequality if draws, fixturing etc.
  13. Looks more like she is auditioning for a role as a Virgin hostie..... May need a new line of work after this, lawyering may not be her go if her advice to St James was to continue....
  14. First and only warning from me Theo. Never ever have a go at my skill set and knowkedge base when you know absolutely nothing about me. My whole work is based on evidence. And the evidence shows that ACL's happen, and afl level most likely they only happen once in a career. There is no place for attacking ones professional credentials on a public forum. You may disagree with me and that's fine but let's not get all personal here. One question though and I will not be entertaining anymore on the matter. What would be your thoughts if we recruited Tex Walker who has recently recovered from the same injury?
  15. Just had a look at the actual numbers in prior years of graft ruptures at afl level. 2014 hasn't been released and 2013 discussed 2003 - 0 2004 - 2 2005 - 1 2006 - 4 2007 - 2 2008 - 4 2009 - 1 2010 - 0 2011 - 4 2012 - 1 Which gives my Off the top of head number was way way over, real average of recurrences at AFL level at 1.9 per year. In other words f#%k all
  16. Using 10 new ones per year that would mean somewhere between 50 and 100 players are on lists with a prior knee ACL injury. At 4 recurrences that is a reinjury rate of between 4 and 8 percent - hardly anything to your knickers in knot over
  17. Off the top of my head the average number of recurrent ACL's in the AFL are about 4 per year.... a total 4 across 18 teams with 45 odd players on a list. The total number of ACL injuries is averaged out to about 14 per year. 2013 was an odd year with 8 recurrences, 3 of which were synthetic LARS ligament failures - so 5 traditional graft failures. There was also a total of 23 that year - certainly a much higher rate than other years so 15 were new injuries. Yep I'll stick to my thoughts that reinjury is far from a certainty, and that really it doesn't pose a greater risk than picking any other kid that hasn't had one
  18. We used to have a wonderful system of under 19's , Reserve grade and the Seniors. The kids would develop at under 19 level and if they were good enough would go on to the ressies and after a year or 3 would be physically ready for senior footy...... Strangely worked quite well ( with the exception of zoning). Strange concept of kids develpi g bodies for the rigours of league footy. I am all for raising the age and returning to an under 19s comp.would be a much better Indicator of who.is going to make it at senior level
  19. From the AFL website "Like many knee injuries, the incident was thought to be relatively innocuous. Lever jumped, stretched and punched the ball away in a contest, but came down on his leg the wrong way." About par for doing an ACL - the vast majority are done either landing or chageing direction. This doesn't mean he has an inherent weakness like those on here wringing their own necks would have you believe. The knee for one reason or another rotates and bends inwards - from front on its called valgus ( bowing inwards). This happens in most landing and cutting movements however in ACL injuries, the angle is generally far greater than normal. Could be a technique issue or a lack of proprioception or the turf giving way or he was knocked off balance just before landing. The current thoughts on rehab and prevention are to teach how to land and turn/cut keeping the knee from bending inwards. It's all about leg control from the glutes/core. The research is showing good results with preventative training (following the PEP program/FIFA11 style exercises) The surgery and rehab is far better now than when Schwartz did his initially and in my opinion (after 20 years working in sports physiotherapy) poses no real further risk of injury if the surgery and rehab has been successfully implemented than any other young kid who hasn't gone through it and come out the other side. Yes there are instances of particular people that have had numerous reco's but there is nothing to suggest this would be the case. And how many of those recurrent ones are due to inherent weaknesses? Could it be that the surgery or the rehab wasn't up to scratch? One would hope that serious improvements have been made in the last 2 decades.
  20. Going by the video highlights reckon he'd be quite ok stepping up to the big league Now. Not overly explosive but has a solid grab, thumping accurate kick, moves a bit like Pavlich, reads the play beautifully - could be a good get as a recycled player who wants to prove a few things
  21. Being a joint push you'd expect that either proceeds would split a la ess coll on Anzac day or looking at a long term set up of reverse the home team each year. Either way all good. I'm actually quite stunned that Collingwood "allow" us to host QB every year with them as the away team - you would think that being a long term relationship that some sort of joint marketing and dispersion of proceeds would be the norm.
  22. Pelchen signed the letter inviting me down to Hawthorn as 16 year old back in 91 - can't have been too good of a recruiter..... Although I did last a until the under 17s and 19s were disbanded...that year! They got to find out I was too short, too skinny, couldn't kick over a jam tin but was ok as an inside type. however was up against a few blokes who turned out ok ( 3 are now senior coaches! - and a few premierships at various clubs came out of that batch.) He got some very right but then again recruited little old me.
  23. perhaps she could be lured with a shiny metal one
  24. It all makes sense now - Schwab put the trident on the emblem as a future projection of Poseidon catching the big fish..... holy crapballs we've all been so wrong about him - he could foresee Dangerfish coming and put it out there for all to see. All hail Nostradamschwab
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