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Sideshow Bob

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Everything posted by Sideshow Bob

  1. so.... we play our first game against a team playing their second, all while another couple of sides are also yet to play their first. Really doesn't make sense. Mahoney has come out and said we're playing our best side all three games - not going to be a great level of confidence, should we be dusting off the cobwebs in especially early against a side who already has. Surely he would be better under promising and over delivering going into NAB 1
  2. Yep sign here for a 1 year deal, and here's next year's contract for you to sign as well as our 'Franchise' player for stupid money that will last a lifetime, by which time we will have signed the one after you...... easy to get around that type of rule
  3. *Troy Simmonds perhaps. Was massively coathangered by Long
  4. Completely off topic but thanks for that Earl. I have never fully understood Sheedy's hatred of the Dees. I knew it went well beyond the missing out on the job, has been going on for what seems an eternity. Had no idea he was spurned by the club as a young player - makes sense why he was infuriated by the knock back as a coach as well. Cheers Edit: PS might also explain the implicit instructions to go the biff on our young lads in 2000 - even when the game was well and truly over
  5. I still can't get my head around the 'top ups' system - they have 12 spots on the main list available, they upgrade all of their rookies (4) they then get 10 new players so they have a primary list of 44 instead of 38 and 4 rookies. The maths don't add up - there has been nothing to say that 6 of their top ups are in fact now rookie listed to keep the primary list numbers the same, although this still gives them 2 extra rookie spots on the list.... just doesn't add up
  6. Sorry lads the Jako's are out this year. Been awesome, just too much on my plate this year. good luck to all
  7. Still find it a bit weird that Hans Gruber and Severus Snape are the same guy....
  8. One day on - guess it must be time for ASADA/WADA to get back involved and look at the whole club ban that they are able invoke given that they only need 2 people from a club to hit a club ban. Or have they said they won't pursue this type of action?
  9. Identical look to John Howard after lighting up pre game in 'The Club'. It was a majestical seagull.....
  10. Just watching that video has completely changed my view of Jake. Previously thought he was an up himself [censored] - he may well have been as an 18 y.o. and mellowed a bit since. But came across as a genuine bloke, might be a masterstroke of recruiting (just have to wait until this CAS/WADA thing ends now)
  11. Seriously need some sort of warning to wear sunglasses while looking at photo's now... Ollie skin looks like it is permantly on day glo! Reckon we could all chip in for some fake tan or something for him!
  12. Really hope as Pioneers of this, and assuming we gain one of the licenses would really hope that the team is able to keep the likes of Daisy and Tayla, and same with the Bulldogs - there really needs to e something in place for us to keep players who are now well and truly part of our club
  13. Oooooh much better after finding the theme button at the bottom. Was very ho him about it until then.... Now cue Big Kev.... I'm excited!
  14. Yep - concur with the Hodge comparisons - takes the hits as needed to release the next bloke, seems that good things happen along the chain when he gets the pill. Looks a decent pick up. Whether he will take the step up to the big league is the question, but the video looks good
  15. Hope someone picks up a young Canberran by the name of Tom Faul - good kid had a couple of injuries last year - did a syndesmosis (high ankle sprain) then a PCL just prior to draft combine last year and played as an over ager for NSW this year along with GWS NEAFL duties. Will play half back as project player, he is still relatively new to Aussie rules, has an awesome leap (comes from a volleyball background - was aiming for the combine vertical leap record before his injury last year).
  16. He is the chosen one... he will bring balance back to the force Just worked out that taking Collingwood royalty as our own is the key to ending the Norm Smith curse!
  17. yep add Jack viney and Ollie Wines too.....oh wait fark can't believe i just did that (after deliberately not commenting in the wines boy since that fateful draft....)
  18. draft radio said he looked the goods as a 16yo then missed a year following ACL reco. played 10 games this year before running out of gas. might take a while to build the tank up. Project player by the sounds
  19. far out still 10 more till our 3rd pick - taking forever
  20. just me or does the Weed look a dead ringer for Pav
  21. how far into the season for the should've taken Parish or McKay thread to appear......
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