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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. An on air tribute a few weeks back had a couple of funny stories. Apparently Mark Taylor exclaimed on air it was a tragedy when Shane Warne was dismissed on 99. The next day Richie politely informed Mark that "The Titanic was a tragedy. The millions of starving people in the world was a tragedy. Shane Warne being dismissed on 99 was NOT a tragedy"!! And, when Ian Healy commented on air that "the pitch was moving sideways", Richie corrected him with words to the effect of "Young man, the pitch will NEVER move sideways!" A great man, a fantastic cricketer, a wonderful commentator. Australia is the poorer for his passing! Vale Richie!
  2. Agree with many other posters. But, also maybe Kent for me. He kinda teased us previously, and we hoped he would become an elite flanker. But, yesterday, he really seemed to impose himself on occasions, and gave us an inkling of what we have been hoping for. Just hoping he can continue to step up. Could be a very important part of our future.
  3. And doing it well! He stays!
  4. Great position to be in!
  5. It's a Foxtel game. And, they don't commence the telecast until just 10 minutes before the start of the game! Why couldn't they have a full half hour pre-game program? Instead, they choose to lead in with a replay of an old match! Go figure...!!!
  6. Would be nice if this match was played as a curtain-raiser at the MCG! Even nicer (for poor sods like me, stuck in Qld), if Foxtel would give their camera crews a good warm up for the main event by televising the curtain-raiser! (Yeah. I know! I can dream!! LOL)
  7. Vagg


    Today's the day! Go "H"!! Go Dees!!
  8. Vagg


    I know it's been mentioned in passing in other threads. But, on the eve of "H's" debut for us, and his 200th AFL game, I reckon he deserves a thread of his own. Just watched his Press Conference. What an impressive young man! Very pleased to have him at the MFC, and really hope he turns it on big time tomorrow! There's also a really nice highlights video on the MFC website. Even includes Bucks commenting on "H" reaching the 200 milestone. Good stuff! Bucks tells the story of how he apparently turned up at Collingwood from Perth, and pretty much begged them to give him a go. Very reminiscent of our own Shane Woewodin all those years ago. A terrific "get" for the MFC! Go Dees!
  9. Two highlights for me: 1. The crowd. Four nights after a 93,000 crowd for the Cricket World Cup, another 83,000 show up for the footy! Incredible! 2. Even more incredible was the work the grounds staff did, in ripping out the wickets and replacing the centre square, all in just four days. And, the ground looked magnificent! Well done to all concerned!
  10. You're a star, Billy! Can you also tell 'em how to win a game or two...?? LOL
  11. It's one thing to perform in the pre-season games. It's an entirely different ball game come the season proper. I really hope he is able to step up and be a really good player for us. Would be a great story.
  12. Yes, should be a big game for "H". His first in the Red & Blue. But game 200 in the AFL. Sure hope he lights up the MCG! (A win would be even better!)
  13. Was nice to see they included the reminder that it was us who wrote the rules. So, the MFC aren't just another footy club. We ARE footy, and footy is us!
  14. Vagg

    Team Photo

    Excellent! Thanks, for that, JTR, much appreciated!
  15. I am still mystified as to why people have a problem with the Collingwood alternate jumper. It is primarily white, while the main jumper is primarily black. Where is the problem...???
  16. Just have Mike Brady sing his songs, and give the other crap a big miss!
  17. Good to see the AFL are considering a change of rule so that, in future, should the same thing happen, common sense will prevail, and it will be called a goal. Well done, AFL. Let's just hope they carry through with it!
  18. And, he's fronting up with the bat for Australia in Perth today! Very versatile chap! Oh! Wrong Steve Smith? Sorry!
  19. That looks not too bad on paper. Will be interesting to see how they perform. Is that correct that, in these games, there are six interchange players PLUS two subs?
  20. Just watched the video of the goal that Eddie Betts had disallowed, because the ball slammed into the Goal Umpire, and cannoned back into play, not having crossed the goal line. I know it's the rule. But, if that happened during the Season, and cost a team the game, they would be screaming bloody murder. And, with good reason! How dirty would you be? Screaming into goal, pick up the ball and blaze away from point blank range, and see the stinkin' ball ricochet back into play, and the Ump calls "play on". Sometimes, there's just no justice in our game!
  21. Kinda like Schwarz after all his knee recos. Was like a raging bull, clearing a path for the other forwards...
  22. Thanks, BB! Seems forever since we've had training reports! (Five days is a LONG time...!! LOL)
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