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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Now, THAT would be something, Sue! Lamentably, time has passed the great Vagg by. But, plenty of exciting, new talent on the park today! Gotta be pumped!
  2. Confidence is everything in footy these days. I'M CONFIDENT!! Besides, the Tack told that kid from Adelaide during the week that he'll be singing the song after the game today. Who am I to doubt??
  3. Agreed. Was looking forward to seeing a high standard game between two classy outfits. Was left feeling totally under-whelmed! Definitely not a performance befitting the top two teams on the ladder...! Looking forward to a much better game today!
  4. Nah, Bushie. Definitely not the original. Like you, Barrie was one of my favourite players back in the 60's. Of a Saturday arvo I'd perch myself on the floor in front of the old Radiogram, sheet of paper in hand, upon which I'd love to record every Melb goal. Of course, the name "Vagg" featured prominently! Great memories! Just great for the team to now have someone like Jeffie running around in our forward line, strutting his stuff!
  5. Excuse my modesty! But, Clearly Vagg is way out on top in those stakes! Oh, and it's "Barrie", too, young bushie! But, yeah, Jeffie aint bad either!
  6. You're in good form, this morning, Jack!
  7. Has anyone stopped to consider maybe we have TWO of 'em... a Petrahka AND a Petracka...? Now wouldn't THAT be something special?! LOL
  8. Agreed! Not even Bugg would be THAT unsociable! LOL
  9. Very happy for the kid. Now, who makes way for him in the team? Really hope it's not Gus, as I'm sure he really wants to be out there when his great mate finally gets a game...
  10. With all the crap our team has served up in recent years, it's just as well we had our own Dunny on the ground! (Sorry, guys! Couldn't help myself!) Seriously, I think he's still a very important cog in our backline. Very pleased for him to be able to be part of the recent success.
  11. As long as we keep winning, we will be taken more seriously, as will be the concept of making the finals...
  12. People have short memories. It wasn't THAT long ago that the ANZAC Day clash was between Melbourne and Collingwood. Just very pleased we now have both the Queen's Birthday clash against the old enemy AND the ANZAC Eve clash. (Albeit, thanks to our stupid Gov't here in Qld, who have now consigned Queen's B'day holiday in this State to October, I'm gonna have to take the arvo off work to watch the game!)
  13. Probably already been mentioned in the thread. If so, sorry! But, I couldn't help but notice the number of times our guys successfully used LONG handballs over the top of Collingwood players to waiting team-mates who were then able to surge forward. Looked great, and was, for the most part very effective. Exciting stuff! Dunno how many times it happened. But, my poor old memory is telling me it was quite a few...
  14. Seems to be the topic of the moment. Pretty sure I heard on the radio news this morning that the NRL are also throwing around similar options for tied Thugby Grand Finals...
  15. Smacks too much of soccer for my liking!
  16. I like it. Think there needs to be a definite outcome on the day. Making everyone come back and do it all again a week later just seems too cruel to me.
  17. Dragged up from the vaults due to him being Hunt's Uncle...?
  18. You may be one-eyed, Mono. But, you still have 20-20 vision! I REALLY want our boys to come out this Sunday, all guns blazing! Take no prisoners! As I continually like to remind people...there's two things that bring me joy. One is Melb winning. The other is Collingwood losing! When both things happen in the same match I'm absolutely over the moon! I am EXPECTING good things this Sunday!! Who cares if it's against the opposition's best or their worst? Just get the job done...!!!
  19. I thought exactly the same thing, Bobby! Scary! Stuff this "we will prepare for THEIR best"! How about WE just play at OUR best?!!
  20. I can understand the frustration here with "H". But, he aint gonna be dropped. Roos in the Presser was very clear in his assessment that the selectors got one right ("H"), and one wrong (Brayshaw). Based on that, I'd be amazed if they drop "H"... I reckon Dunn, OMac & ANB will come in. Possibly Frost, too. Out? Kent. Who else? Take your pick...!
  21. MFC - Lost the "unlosable"...!! (As only the MFC could! shakes his head and takes another swig of beer...)
  22. I'm sailing on the river of dreams, somewhere between Nirvana & Ecstacy, anticipating a great Dees victory!
  23. And, it was his Birthday yesterday, too! Nice way to celebrate it! In a lot of ways, Jack is the barometer of the team. When the team plays well, so does Jack -- and vice versa. Very happy to see Jack strutting his stuff, and the Dees to be on the winning list. Long may it continue!!
  24. Vagg

    Team Photo

    Thanks, JTR. Looks like I'm gonna have to. Can't see anything on their dumb website! Cheers!
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