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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Does anyone happen to know what date our team photo is gonna appear in the Hun?
  2. Is there a list anywhere of the MFC players turning out with Casey?
  3. Anyone who's been around for any time at all knows there's only ONE GENUINE rivalry in the AFL. And, that's Melbourne/Collingwood!! As I always say, there's two things that make me happy: 1. Melb winning. 2. Collingwood losing. When both things happen in the same game, I'm ecstatic!! Do it in another Grand Final? UNBELIEVABLE BLISS...!!!!! Bring it on!!
  4. Well, that was a nice Birthday gift to the great man. A nice win to the Mighty Dees!
  5. 80, Not Out! What a true legend of the game (and, more importantly) of the Mighty MFC...)!!! Happy Birthday, RDB!! (Here's hoping the boys begin their journey today of making you VERY proud!)
  6. Great stuff there! I also liked one of his lines in one of the Melb games they showed on Foxtel last Saturday. He was commenting on the many, erratic ways in which Melb had attempted to move the ball forward, and said words to the effect of: "Melb took about as many different ways home as a nervous African Dictator...!" Yes, his one liners (as well as that rich voice) will be missed!
  7. Agreed, P-Man. Some classic stuff there! I may be wrong, but think that was the final round of the year, and would, I believe, be Jeff White's last game for the Dockers before coming across to us...
  8. Watched most of the second half. Great stuff! We came back from 51 points down at half time to win by a goal -- our biggest ever come back from half time and the second biggest in the history of the game. Ozzie's goal celebrations were classic! And, Dennis Commetti's comment that, in the first half, Melb had been acting like a nervous African dictator -- taking a different route home on every occasion, was rather clever! Now, Melb giving the old foe a bath on Queen's B'day in 2007. Whetting the appetite for some classic wins in 2016...!
  9. I seem to recall that, for quite some time, he was our great, white hope at CHF, but never quite delivered. (How that can be said of so many of our players down the years -- Travis & Col being just two others who spring to mind.) But, when Smithy was moved to the backline, suddenly he excelled as a player in the way we had been hoping. Hardeman performed a similar transition when he, too, first under-performed at half forward, only to excel when moved back.
  10. Thanks for the timely reminder, Jack. To easily we forget!
  11. I agree 100%, Mono. Their strip clashes with nobody. So, as you say, it can be only about $$$$...!
  12. The bit I find bemusing is that, apparently, Essendon can have a clash jumper with just red & black, whereas Hawthorn, who are also in the news relating to their clash jumper, reckon they have been told theirs must be predominantly white. Go figure...!!
  13. LOL. The REAL Barrie Vagg might wield such influence! Alas, I must confess to being a pathetic imposter! Albeit, I was a big fan of the great man!
  14. Thanks for the report, Roger. I've commented on the numbers thing before. Would be a nice touch if the Club would go to the effort of sticking numbers on the players' training shirts. Can't be that hard, and would sure help our intrepid Demonland Reporters!
  15. How come Harmesy is the only one with his number on his new shirt? I'm afraid I didn't recognise a heap of them. Numbers would help.
  16. Thanks, Ruffles! You saved the day!! Without you, there would have been NO report at all -- and thus a pointless thread! Well done!
  17. They were, indeed. And, weren't the Cockatoo-Collins twins 30 & 31? (Not that they racked up a huge # of games...
  18. Apology accepted, Mono! Good of you to bring up the "Good old days". Let's hope the next wearer of the famous #32 will also have the distinction of wearing it in a Premiership win!
  19. Nice of you to bring that up, Mono. But, it's "Barrie", if you don't mind! (How soon they forget! LOL)
  20. Add Max Gawn, and you have the Joker in the pack!
  21. It's perfectly fine just as it is! Leave it alone!! And, let's sing it heaps more next season, just to show how much we love it!
  22. Yep. Reminds me a bit of an upside down beanie... (Oops! you beat me to it, LDC!)
  23. I still have coasters on my desk with the second logo. Rather old, worn and well-used. (Bit like me, I suppose! LOL)
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