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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Agree totally. Has certainly got my weekend off on a downer!
  2. C Call me a sentimental old fool if you must. But, I really feel for Jack. I so wish he can find his old mojo and win his place back in the team and go on and be the star we thought he would become. And, for him to then share in our future glory would be SO fitting. He still has time..!
  3. Yep. Or... "Dees feast on pie -- MAGpie...!"
  4. What's with the old regime of teams being embargoed until 6:25 pm Thurs? There's articles on MFC website today, indicating Oscar & Frost are both pretty much definites for Monday, and it's also been announced Viney & Kennedy are in our squad for Monday... Has something changed?
  5. For me, Kennedy is a MUST in. Redeemed himself in the VFL, and will be desperate for another chance to show the Pies they made a big mistake in ditching him. Would also like to see Grimes come in. The outs? No idea. Leave it to the coaching & conditioning staff to decide who most needs a rest/refresher in the VFL.
  6. What really pees me off is the lack of pre-game shows, these days, with analysis of the upcoming game, coach interviews etc. Yesterday, Fox Footy had Eddie rabbiting on from the studio, with virtually no comment of our game until they crossed to the ground for the start of play. I realise it was a 7 broadcast, but here in Qld it wasn't shown on 7, so only option was Fox. Surely they could piggy back on any pre-game stuff from 7, and not just the game itself!
  7. Fantastic news!! Welcome back, Jack! You've been a wonderful inspiration during your long and gruelling rehab. Now, continue the journey that was so cruelly interrupted two years ago, and become the star you always promised to be! So excited for him!
  8. Three of the nine nominations so far. Great stuff. Now, let's see Hunt make it four in the next few weeks...
  9. Nice! Now, a Rising Star nomination in the next week or two will do him nicely! (I can see a couple of nominations coming up, for both Hunt and Petracca...)
  10. It was the first bounce of the first NAB Cup match where he hurt his knee, too. No good!
  11. So, presumably you were there? Looking forward to your full and concise report...
  12. By the way. Does anyone know if the Garlett playing for the Suns is any relation to Jeffie? Looked kinda strange to see the half time stats on the TV screen -- showed 2 goals to J Garlett. Only problem was, it was in the Suns side of the stats list! Think I saw the two Garletts together after the game. Must admit, I'd never heard of the Garlett for the Suns prior to yesterday...
  13. Indeed. I wondered who they were. Never heard of either of them before. They were good!
  14. And how awesome are they with their handballs. Especially Oliver. The guy rarely misses a target. So quick, and so precise! Very special!!
  15. Agree 100%. The world needs more Jack Trengoves! An absolute inspiration! He deserves to make it back, and I really hope he finally not only gets to play at the highest level again, but I hope he manages to rise to the star status that we all believed he was capable of all those years ago when he began this journey. Takes a lot to impress this cynical old war-horse these days. But, I AM impressed! The time to stick it up all the doubters is almost upon us, Jack! Very, very happy for you!
  16. That would depend on where the plane is heading! (Sorry3Dee! Couldn't help myself!) Don't they usually take TWO emergencies away on interstate trips these days, just in case...?
  17. I have to admit to being surprised by that. I've always thought Dunn was quite a bit taller than Garland...
  18. By delivering pin-point bullet passes to his team-mates, maybe...?
  19. Yes, but he didn't actually say HOW they were preparing for the Suns' best! Maybe what he was really saying is that they are preparing themselves for another belting if the Suns play at their best...
  20. Agree wholeheartedly! Very happy for Viv, and really hope he takes this second chance (third chance if you count Freo as his first...) with both hands and, like Nev, pay back the Footy Dept's faith in him by becoming an important part of the team.
  21. Oh! My Kingdom for a humble hyphen! (Hyphens are my friend! Especially if it means the difference between whether one of our stars stays or goes...!!) So, to be plain, we want Jeffie to RE-SIGN, and NOT to resign...!!
  22. According to one of the TV commentators, the Ox did it, I believe he said it happened on Thursday.
  23. Clearly, not only does ANB want to get into the Seniors next week, but he wants to make sure Gus doesn't get there instead of him...!!
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