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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Phew! So, it's not just me?!! Thanks, Daisy! When I see it, I see squirrels!
  2. I agree. (I'm one of the seemingly minority who really liked the old one -- was classy, and full of meaning. But, I concede I'm in the minority on most things! LOL)
  3. Not sure if AHG would be too thrilled at being replaced by Energy Watch on the back of the Jumper!! LOL
  4. Could be 'cos they want you to buy a new one every year! (Think it's called "Marketing"...!)
  5. I'm staggered no-one has posted this on here yet. Extremely deserving recipient of this award is Neale Daniher. A truly remarkable man who is walking a horrible journey, and doing it with dignity. Well done, Neale. And congratulations on the award!
  6. Advice, me thinks, I should have took...!
  7. And you aint letting me off the hook...?
  8. "A page devoted to Rooke, Thought I'd be enlightened with a look. But, I was SOOO mistook! So, I curled up and had a sook..." (Sorry! I'm off, back under my rock...!)
  9. And, presumably, he will work with them in the Rookery...
  10. LOL. The bung wing might explain the "interesting" perspective in that photo of the ground! Get better soon, mate!
  11. Thanks, Redbeard. But, I'm confused. WHO has been running lots of laps? You? Saty? The players...?
  12. Given the amount of abuse you get around here, I fully understand your need for a bodyguard, Saty!
  13. I guess this means the MFC are gonna have to shell out a lotta loot for buckets -- given we no longer have a Dunny!!
  14. Really feel for the ole Dunny! Just saw the pic of him in the Pies outfit. The look on his face seemed to be saying "What the F... am I doing here??!!) Sad way for it to end for him. (Well, at least that's my opinion, given I reckon being marched across to the old enemy would be a fate worse than death!) He gave his all for the Dees. Shall miss him!
  15. I shall add to the chorus. Great news. Really rate this guy. Have enjoyed watching him on AFL 360. Hope he continues on there next year - in his new livery, of course! Go Dees!
  16. Was one of my favourites, too! Great story of guts and determination the way he apparently knocked the door down to get a run with the team, and then to excel so well. Off-loading him to the Enemy was a dog act! I was at the "G" a few years ago on Queen's Birthday, when Woey and his kids were given a lap of the ground in front of the two teams he had played for. His kids (and, if I recall correctly, Woey himself) decked out in Red & Blue. That was special. Seemed to me he was telling the world he was still a Dee at heart! Would love to see the bloke back with the Dees in some capacity. Is he still an assistant at Brissie?
  17. Ones that are "centimetre perfect", no doubt...!
  18. Maybe he's applying for a job as a "Check-in Chick"...??
  19. Is this Demonland's version of "Mad Monday"...??
  20. Always gave his best. Can't ask more than that. Regrettably, wasn't quite good enough on the big stage. But, very pleased to hear he has had a great year in his new comp. Always had a soft spot for Jordie. Good on him!
  21. Just saw it. It's hilarious! I'd post a link if I knew how. (Facebook and this old fart don't exactly get along! LOL) It's entitled "The show goes on!" Check it out!
  22. I'll second that! Didn't think I'd be able to watch the match here in Qld. Ripper!
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