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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Well done to Bernie. He seems quite a character. His best is very good. Haven't seen a lot of it lately, but hoping he's given more time in the midfield and up forward in coming weeks, and he rediscovers his best. Fitting that he plays his 200th against his old team. Just hope he is part of a winning team on the day. That would be special!
  2. Maybe they didn't understand the question...
  3. Ditto to all the nice things said about Demonland above. I Couldn't survive without it! I'm another one ashamed to admit I've only today finally taken out a Lifetime subscription! (And, was super impressed to see all the ads disappear almost instantaneously! Thanks!) Well done Andy, Nasher & others who help keep the site functioning. Cheers, and Go dees!!
  4. Jack Watts said in his after match interview that Pedo always performs like that and gets the job done for the team every time he is brought in. Seemed to me that Jack firmly believes Pedo belongs in the team. Was a glowing endorsement, and nice to hear.
  5. Found myself staring at the banner, and wondering what on earth it meant. Thanks for the explanation. Nice! (And, long may it fly!)
  6. Is that right? Wasn't aware of that. Why would any club want to move away from their traditional jumper? (You can imagine the outrage if Melb did that! LOL)
  7. I realise the issue of clash jumpers has been done to death. But, I was just a tad bemused to see what the two teams were wearing yesterday. It was North's home game, and yet they didn't wear their traditional colours (which are predominantly white, with blue stripes). Instead, they wore that predominantly blue scheme that they have used on occasions in recent times. But, why? had they worn their traditional colour scheme, would have meant they didn't clash with the Doggies' traditional colour scheme. as it was, the Doggies had to wear their clash jumper so they didn't clash with North's colours! If I was a Doggies' fan, I'd be fuming...! All just a bit strange!!
  8. Maybe nobody told our guys the roof was shut, and that they didn't need to allow for the wind...! LOL
  9. Me too, Redleg! I SO want him to prove all the nay-sayers wrong, and finally fulfil his potential form being taken at Pick #2 all those years ago. Go Jack!
  10. Simply not good enough, Dieter! Keep up that attitude, and you will be out of the team alongside Wattsy! Kindly smarten up, stick a few dollars in your moth-infested wallet, pack a thermos, and get back out there! The team needs you!!
  11. No pressure! But, us interstaters are impatiently awaiting all of those in-depth reports that we all know are about to hit Demonland at any moment...
  12. Kinda off subject, given it's not about MFC. But, did anyone see the Richmond game the other night? Richmond wearing yellow. Guess what colour the dopey umpires were wearing?! Yep! YELLOW!! Go figure...! The teams may not have clashed. (The AFL managed to get THAT bit right.) But, kinda looked like Richmond had 21 players on the ground!! Who is the brilliant individual in the AFL in control of such matters? My two yr old grand-daughter could do a better job! Fair dinkum!!
  13. I agree with you re Essendon. But, not Collingwood! (As much as I hate them!) Their home jumper is mainly black (especially the back, which is all black, apart from the number). Their alternate jumper is primarily white (the back being all white, except for the number). While Eddie's joke of "we have white stripes on black, and as an alternate we have black stripes on white" might be a pain, the fact is that their alternate jumper really does satisfy the requirements, and I have no problem with it...
  14. GREAT NEWS! (About bleedin' time...!!!) Does this mean we are now relevant enough for the AFL to actually listen to what we want?? Now, go out there this arvo, and do the jumper proud, lads!!
  15. He's a battler. Really feel for him, knowing what awaits him in the near future. Doesn't deserve that! Enjoy the day, Neale! And all the best for the future!
  16. SL, clearly your priorities are all wrong! A more dedicated Demonlander would have immediately parked his scooter, watched the full event, and filed a full and concise report for the rest of us! Your lack of consideration has been duly noted!
  17. I, for one, and very pleased about this new rule, to be implemented in 2017. To me, the pure ruck contest between two, opposing ruckmen, is an iconic part of the game. To me, the third man up ruins the spectacle, and tends to negate the effect of the pure duel. The third man up is also a recipe for unwarranted injury. So, I'm happy to see it brought in. Think it will only reduce other teams' efforts to negate big Max's dominance.
  18. And, here I was thinking we'd devised a cunning new method of sprinting away from the opposition -- something akin to engaging an "after-burner"! LOL (Then, again, I'm just a silly old fart, so what would I know??)
  19. Bit slack, Saty! Surely you could have snuck away for an hour or so without anyone missing you! We, in these nether regions of the Colony, hang out for your scintillating reports. Serious withdrawal symptoms are coming on! (Think I'll have to have another whisky!) LOL
  20. Where was our intrepid band of reporters??
  21. Read the first post in this thread, and the riddle will be revealed...
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