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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Hopefully, nothing more serious than someone tackling him by his beard!
  2. And, you'll find 'em on the rack marked "For Dills Only"...
  3. But, presumably, it does keep the AFL happy, as it DOES have white on it! (Not very much, but some...! LOL)
  4. Did you ask Jeffie for an explanation for his late start to pre-season?
  5. So, presumably we are either auditioning for a transition from the AFL to the A-League, or we are gonna contract our players out to needy farmers to work as human oxen, pulling the ploughs etc. Neat!
  6. But, what a truly riveting story it has been, OD...!! In fact, it's such a great story it keeps getting written year after year. A classic for the Ages!
  7. Very nice of him to grace the team with his presence...!
  8. While I have enjoyed the frivolity of this thread, still begs the question as to why Jeffie is a no show at training...
  9. "You're clearly a very sensitive guy, and I respect that. But, I just wanted to make one thing VERY clear. Miss another short pass like that, and I'll punch your lights out!"
  10. Is this a new leaf, OD? Thought you were too old and cynical to be surprised by anything! LOL
  11. Had an experience at Patong Beach you'd rather forget, huh, BB?? LOL
  12. Me too! (I'm a very modern Old Fart, sitting here in my very stylish Stubbies!)
  13. Well, clearly WE do. So, it's time THEY did, too...! (The masses are revolting! -- some would say VERY revolting! LOL)
  14. That's right! Muck up this thread with a perfectly sensible suggestion! Stone him, I say!!
  15. So, record profits forecast for the Demon Shop this coming year, then...!
  16. Clearly! I am SOOO disillusioned! Thought Saty had our best interests at heart. Alas, yet another let down in life. Not sure if I can go on!
  17. You choose money over supplying us with training reports?! Filthy capitalist! Shame on you, Saty!
  18. Daisy, they were both dead certainties compared with the chances of the MFC getting a non-white clash jumper! LOL
  19. Absolutely! Surely the Club is smart enough to figure that out, and go into bat with the AFL over it. I'm staggered that they haven't!
  20. Sorry, CB, but I can't agree with you on this one. As much as I hate Collingwood, I have to concede their clash jumper is fine, being predominantly white, as distinct from their traditional, predominantly black jumper.
  21. Agreed. I personally think it would have looked even better if the white was replaced with pale blue. (Yeah, I know. I'm on my own with that opinion...)
  22. We Demonlanders are a masochistic bunch, aren't we? Keep banging our heads against a brick wall and wailing against this same injustice every year! Do we really think anyone in power actually gives a rats about what we think...??
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