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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. The way the doggies got into Bugg at the start of the game, can't help wondering if they were aware Bugg & JJ were mates! Were they sucked in? Funny if they were!
  2. Spot on Nasher! He was really embarrassed by the performance. I, too, had no doubt he would back up his strong words with a strong on-field performance. Was very pleased to see it. Looking forward to tomorrow night's banter with Jack R...!
  3. Your son may be too young to get it, MD, but I certainly aint! LOL Love it! BEEP BEEP...!!!
  4. Cards, that's great! Really wish I still had our old HMV! Many pleasant hours of listening to the footy, as well as the likes of "Hop Harrigan", and "The adventures of the Sea Hound", etc! Not to mention cranking up the turntable for the early Beatles Albums "Please Please Me" and "Beatles For Sale". Ah! The "Good Old Days"!! LOL
  5. "Old"?? Nah! I prefer the term "Classic"!! LOL Our Radiogram was a "His Master's Voice (HMV)". Classic, ornate timber cabinet. Was a gem!
  6. The real "ME"? Or, the real Barrie Vagg? (Hard to believe, but I really aint he! -- Just loved hearing him kick goals as I sat in front of the Radiogram on many a cold Winter's arvo in wind blown Sale back in the day...)
  7. Might be misleading. But, it IS clever! (And, does make one lick the lips at the thought of it really happening!)
  8. Sorry, Biffo! The older I get, the more emotional I get! (But, think I had a good excuse this time! LOL)
  9. Simply brilliant stuff, Ron. I teared up reading it! Great description of a great moment in the history of the MFC!! Well done!
  10. Just watched last night's AFL 360. Jordie was definitely stung by the bad performance. Here's what he said: "We went through it today [the game]. I had a bad game. There's no doubt about it. But, I think I can sit here and say I haven't had too many like that and, I mean, the proud person that I am, I'll be bouncing back this week in a big way." So, here's to seeing him putting in a blinder against the doggies, and, hopefully, push aside his detractors!
  11. Watched that video umpteen times! Truly awesome!! I'm just SOOOO happy for Jack, and so proud of him. To come through all the [censored] he's had thrown at him through the years, can only imagine how he felt after sending that kick right through the middle! We can talk about "season defining games". But, THAT was a "CAREER DEFINING MOMENT"!! And where better to do it, than to sink the old enemy on the big stage?! Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful!!! (As an aside, I hadn't realised it was Jack's deft tap out of the ruck that dropped the ball down to Jeffie for his magic pass out of the pocket that ended in the Hannan goal. Sweet!!)
  12. So, he might get to spend lots of quality time with his old mates Dunn & Howe...! LOL
  13. Mono, now you're getting me feel all warm & fuzzy!!
  14. Beat Collingwood today. Do it again on Monday. Twice in three days! That would be my idea of a wonderful few days of footy!
  15. I agree with those who say that two years is not long enough for the initial contract for draftees. Makes it too easy for them to bail after the Club puts heaps into their development in those first two years. (Read: Scully & Tom Boyd as two high profile examples.) I'm pleased young Josh has stood by the Lions!
  16. Someone mentioned in another thread the idea of Col Garland being retained on the coaching panel. Dunno if they had inside knowledge, but it's just been announced that Col has been appointed as the Player Development Coach of the women's team. Well done, Col!
  17. Great memories. I grew up with WOS as mandatory viewing every Sunday morning, without fail. Was a real institution! Although, I often got impatient with all the non-footy bits, just wanting them to get to the important stuff (the footy!) Thanks for the memories, jack!
  18. No pressure, Jesse. Take as long as you want. (Just so long as you're back for our next game! -- Only kidding! Well, sort of...)
  19. Yep. Gold! Liked the next line, too... Letting North win the past 15 contests has lulled the Roos into a false sense of security and the trap is ready to slam shut on Sunday night. Suckers!
  20. And, it's nice to have him flying the MFC flag every Tues night on AFL 360. Seems a top guy, and certainly a great get for the Club!
  21. This. Wouldn't that bring a smile to Pedo's dial?!! (Assuming it comes with a big win for the Dees, of course!)
  22. Life is full of little ironies, is it not? Who could have guessed that the very guy who Jesse took a pop at a few weeks ago would be the same guy who is probably best placed of all the current crop of AFL players to help Jesse through this trial in his life. Guess it's a good thing Sam doesn't hold grudges. (Mind you, he probably accepts a certain amount of culpability for their interaction on that day.) Anyway, I can only add my voice to the chorus of all and sundry wishing Jesse a speedy recovery. As they say, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger...!
  23. According to Misson, he felt fine in the rooms after the hit, hasn't felt much in the way of after-effects since, and trained well today. If he pulls up well from today's training, and trains well again on Thurs, he is expected to be fit to play this weekend, which is great news!
  24. Have to agree the question about Hogan is an interesting one. Every chance he will end up being a super KPF. But, on the other hand, with TMac showing he could possible succeed up forward, it begs the question about whether it wouldn't be such a bad idea to give Hogan an extended run at a Key back role. Wouldn't be the first time that has been a resounding success for Melb. I well remember when Steve Smith first started with Melb. Was expected to be a sensational Forward. But, after a period of mediocre success up forward, they swung him to the backline, where he became an almost overnight sensation as a Key Backman, becoming one of Melb's best ever. Then, there was another half forward called Gary Hardeman, who also wasn't all that flash up forward, but who became a great backman for us. So, could the same end up being true for Hogan? Time will tell...
  25. Agreed. Nev was great, and Eddie hardly got a sniff. But, have to hand it to Eddie. He's just gotta get hold of the ball and you can bet it will end in a goal. Both of his goals last night were freakish. So, to limit him to just two was a great effort by Nev!!
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