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Everything posted by Chook

  1. If he's playing NEXT to Mitch Clark, he's not doing it right.
  2. I'm pretty sure that list didn't exist before I put Mike Sheehan on it.
  3. Why does Garry Lyon have to have anything to do with Melbourne beyond going to watch them play footy every week?
  4. He's a damn good ruckman, but he's nowhere near as good a footballer as his tap stats suggest, because most of them go straight to his feet. If we could surgically graft a player to his big toe, then he'd become a much more valuable member of the team.
  5. Given our recruiting history, if you're looking for something useful, you'd better look somewhere else.
  6. Very nice. Always funny to see Americans struggling to make sense of our wonderful sport.
  7. If our cultural pride hinges on proper usage of the word "arse," then I'm afraid we're up [censored]-creek without a paddle.
  8. To be honest, Jack Trengove's deadpan voice leaves me less inspired after hearing it than I was before. Of the two current captains, Jack Grimes is by far the better choice.
  9. Discuss this issue, but for God's sake, pray for it not to happen.
  10. Or, as we've learned, they get the sulks and go cry in the corner.
  11. You're right. All those other teams did make the wrong call.
  12. In about two years. Until then, it's way too hard to judge.
  13. I said this 3 weeks ago, and it appears more true now than ever. Moloney and Sylvia don't want to play for this club. Kick em out on their arses, then, if that's the case. OUT: Sylvia, Moloney, Jurrah. IN: Tapscott, Couch, Martin.
  14. They were too involved in the on-field stuff around the time of Dean Bailey's sacking. Even if they've since learned their place, the fact that they're still there and Dean Bailey isn't probably pisses the players off immensely. I'm right behind any move that gets those involved in 186 out of my club - and yes, that includes the off-field admin (not to mention the players themselves).
  15. I'm in love with the simplicity of that jumper. I wonder if the back of jumper logo has also changed. The one the players wore had a slightly different dark blue rectangle surrounding the sponsor's logo. Hopefully that's been fixed too.
  16. I think Malthouse mentioned tea, not coffee. I could see that.
  17. When I look at that side, I can't really see any more than two or three players who I wish we didn't have to play. How can that be? We're 0-7, for God's sake!
  18. Moloney lied about his fitness. Sylvia needs fitness at some level or another. I'd be putting him in the VFL to gain match fitness though.
  19. It's like being invisible only when no-one's watching. It's great and all, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
  20. C lark couldn't mark a thing to save himself in the first few weeks, but lately he's been right up there in the contested marking stakes.
  21. Neeld needs to teach Watts that trick first.
  22. Interestingly, some Geelong supporters I know thought he was terrible. I think we only liked him because he spoke a lot about Melbourne. The Geelong supporters though he was crap because he wasn't ejaculating over "Stevie Jay" every ten seconds like the rest of the commentators. But to be honest, I have no idea why he's relegated to that Mickey Mouse Saturday "Arvo" group. It really is a team of dunces that he's stuck with over there.
  23. It's an example of what happens when you play players where they're most comfortable.
  24. I saw that too and commented on it in another thread.
  25. Money and the chance to hook back up with Neil Craig and Todd Viney?
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