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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Essendon were so nervous when we came at them in the last. They'll crumble like a cookie come finals time.
  2. People who reckon Colin Sylvia has no talent are idiots.
  3. Let's see if we can avoid falling away in the last quarter . . .
  4. Does anyone else find this picture a little disturbing?
  5. Your legs are like cement when you try to lift 'em and run, but they're like jelly when you try to kick with them.
  6. Q: What did one braincell say to the other braincell? A: "It's lonely in here."
  7. Fairly good 1st and 3rd quarters. Once again we were totally overrun in the 2nd and 4th. Fitness fitness fitness. Also, before everyone calls for Watts to be dropped, I don't think that would be very good for his development. He desperately needs to find some desparation, and I don't think he can do that in the 2nds. However, gifting him games in the 1's would be just as bad as sending him straight back to the VFL. I'm not sure what we should be doing about him. Also, Moloney needs to GTFO of my football team.
  8. Jack Watts turn over. What is going on with this kid?
  9. Once again, our worst quarters are the 2nd and 4th. Clearly our fitness is one of the biggest limiting factors in our performance.
  10. Moloney is either a very ordinary footballer or he cannot be arsed learning the Neeld gamestyle. I really do want him out of this side.
  11. If sacking the older players from the leadership group has, as you say, disenfranchised them, then surely appointing younger players to be our new leaders has fostered good relationships between the coach and the 18-24 year olds. Since that's the majority of our list, your logic suggests that player buy-in is not an issue.
  12. I think it goes "Have a Bex and a nap." Pretty simple really.
  13. So would the Melbourne officials, which would definitely play into Rendell's court. I'm sure we've all said things in haste or in an attempt to oversimplify an issue, but which were misunderstood by others. I think that's what's happened to Rendell.
  14. The problem with beating Collingwood is that all their supporters would rabbit on about how Melbourne treats a game against Collingwood like a Grand Final. I'd prefer a win over Carlton.
  15. I think the only big statement would have been for Moloney to get dropped. He still hasn't been dropped all year, if you believe the reports of his injury post-round 1. I legitimately dislike Moloney and believe our young guys would develop significantly better without his beady eyes and loud mouth around them 24/7. My dislike for him isn't personal, but is based on my observations of his behaviour over the course of a few years.
  16. That's bad. I'm not sure our midfield will be able to handle his pace.
  17. 20 bucks you'll find another way to squeeze that line in one more time before the week is out. Perhaps you're right though, and that's the reason he got dropped.
  18. I think Couch pee'd on someone's cat as revenge.
  19. I'm mad as hell that Moloney was kept in the side over Morton, but I suppose it shows that the rumours about him being at odds with the coach might be a little unfounded. Either that or we're aiming to play him for the rest of the year and up his trade value as much as possible.
  20. If Morton gets dropped but Moloney doesn't, I'll be right Royally farked off.
  21. Moloney: Phew! Your breath stinks, Coach. Neeld: At least I'll be here next year.
  22. Agreed. I'm okay with the leadership overhaul this year because the guys who were replaced aren't going to be here for very much longer. But to essentially say to two lynchpins of our future "Thanks but no thanks" for your leadership skills would be a tremendous mistake. The only thing I could see happening is a 2014 move to a single captain if one or the other of Trengove or (more likely) Grimes becomes a more obvious choice.
  23. The bugler is emblematic of our club being about everything but football. I'd be happy never to see or hear from him again.
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