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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I agree that the crowd might play a role in an umpire's decisions, but I really doubt there's any sort of systematic corruption going on within the umpiring fraternity.
  2. There's nothing worse than thinking you're smart when you're not. What "debate"? The one about how umpires intentionally rig games. I really don't think that happens.
  3. He won't - at least not against a good team. I'm sure he'll pick up the three votes against GWS and GC, but that's not something he should be hanging his hat on.
  4. There was a ball up today where Jamar absolutely dominated West, had eons to tap the ball wherever he wanted to, but chose to put it literally three inches from his feet. It's absolutely moronic to do that, and I cannot for the life of me understand why he continually chooses to take that option. It's as though he doesn't really appreciate what the purpose of winning ruck taps is.
  5. Do you understand the notion of latching on to niche ideas and conspiracy theories in order to feel intellectually superior to your contemporaries?
  6. Martin was an absolute beast last year. Why has everybody seemed to forget that? I'm sure that if he were given more responsibility in the ruck, we would see much more from him. Jamar full-forward, Clark CHF, Martin ruck. That's a talls rotation I can get behind.
  7. Our top story tonight: Umpires rig footy games. In other news, man never walked on the moon, Bush mastermined 9/11 and JFK was murdered by the mob.
  8. Leigh Matthews ought to be laughed out of every media organisation he's a part of. What a terrible call.
  9. Took another step forward today and played his hardest game yet. I really see him becoming a vital player for us in the coming years. Don't write him off yet.
  10. OUTS: Sellar, Sylvia, Moloney. Sellar cannot take a mark, is extraordinarily slow and is a poor ruckman; Sylvia is just never going to what we wish he could do; and Moloney has no comprehension of the team nature of footy. He is a terribly selfish footballer and a woeful rolemodel. INS: Martin, Watts/Petterd, Bennell. Martin is an infinitely better player around the ground than Sellar, is a fine ruckman and can take a grab from time to time; Watts kicked four and is essential to our future, but if he hasn't shown what the coach wants, then Petterd deserves a call up; Bennell provides the speed we need and appears to have a better understanding of how to win the ball than he used to. I think he deserves another chance.
  11. There was a ball up today where Jamar absolutely dominated West, had eons to tap the ball wherever he wanted to, but chose to put it literally three inches from his feet. It's absolutely moronic to do that, and I cannot for the life of me understand why he continually chooses to take that option. It's as though he doesn't really appreciate what the purpose of winning ruck taps is.
  12. To be honest, I agree to an extent. Footy should be serious business to these guys, and even if one of them cracked a joke or something, I don't think Watts should have gone on and on and on laughing when he knew the cameras were on him. I don't really care about the laughing, but I'm worried about what it might say about him as a person. Does he really care about footy?
  13. Fair enough, but considering how Johnson ripped us apart last year, 3 goals is fine by me. Garland was used as an attacking option a lot too, and provided some good disposal and run, which I thought we really lacked.
  14. It doesn't matter who has the title of captain, because it's clear who our real on-field leader is. Mitch Clark I'm sure is commanding the respect of his team-mates and taking the pressure off our two young Jacks, who are now really just captains in name only.
  15. 6. Clark, for crumbing goals, taking pack marks and generally making Leigh Matthews look like a dill. 5. Frawley, for keeping the in-form forward in the competition to 1 goal. 4. Morton, for taking another step forward in his development and proving his critics wrong. 3. Jones, for doing what he always does. Not much needs to be said about him, because he brings it each and every week. 2. Garland, for doing a fairly good job on Steve Johnson (or as every idiot in the media calls him, "Stevie Jay") and giving us a few good inside 50 deliveries in the second half 1. McDonald, for working well in defence and moving up into the wings to provide an option from time to time.
  16. Nor would I be praising them. I certainly wouldn't be slashing my wrists and listening to Death Metal just yet though.
  17. I really am amazed at the bs negativity aimed at our club today. We're seriously not that bad, yet apparently "watching our club is like being kicked in the guts repetedly." Nick off if you think that.
  18. And just like the monster from The Thing, if just one tiny part of the old culture remains within the club, it will likely grow back and consume us all again one day.
  19. He'll never play like that.
  20. As far as I'm concerned, leg speed is irrelevant unless you don't have the ball; then it becomes really important. Tackling, spreading from contests, leading, and so forth all require great speed, but all the legspeed in the world is useless if your ball movement is slow.
  21. I don't know. Wooden spoons look pretty good with cookie dough all over them.
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