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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Sad to hear the captains talking like that. Jamar is also a little suprising. Moloney, not so much. I don't think he has his priorities straight. You don't play footy for the crowds.
  2. Exactly. That was a brilliant piece of play from a player with more heart to run than most people. There's more than one kind of brave.
  3. I have to agree. But for God's sake can we drop Moloney before we drop Sylvia. At least Sylvia has had an interrupted pre-season. Moloney's got no excuse for his poor performances and apparently lacklustre efforts.
  4. Pretty damn easy to say sitting behind your computer. Have you ever had to make a speech in front of a small group of people who don't really care what you have to say? Imagine the nerves you get in that situation, then multiply it however much thousands of people riding on your every move would add to the pressure. And the nice big cherry on top is your senior coach going absolutely postal at you because of a mistake that you're already increadibly embarrassed about.
  5. And how many years does Stanton have on Morton? I'd say more than a few!
  6. Yeah, but the 'G usually holds up better than that.
  7. Half of those problems seem to stem from the arse-backwards approach to the game apparently displayed by the Melbourne players. Who said that this is our big game of the year? Whoever it was deserves to be knocked on there arse. Please don't tell me it was Moloney or Sylvia or I might just go postal! Stop playing so shocking and you might actually get to play in front of a big crowd for once!
  8. Did anyone else think the centre of the MCG was unusually muddy and devoid of grass today. I counted a number of times when players from both sides fell over (including a crucial stumble from Sam Blease in the 2nd quarter), and I'm just wondering if anyone agrees. What's the deal, dudes?
  9. All good points. He's young, so he can definitely work on his defensive pressure. If that's the only thing you're basing your estimations of a person's performance on, then I'd have to lower my appraisal of him too.
  10. Just goes to show that being traditional is sometimes a very bad idea.
  11. He fell over a couple of times today, which is a couple of times too many, but other than that, I'd definitely put him in our top ten players of the day.
  12. Unfortunate implications. No pedo.
  13. Because his errors stem from nerves and lapses in concentration. Lowering the pressure level by putting him in the VFL is counterproductive to our goal of developing our players and would show a clear lack of trust and faith in Morton's abilities, which is the last thing he needs right now.
  14. Jesus bloody Christ! First Morton, now Blease? What is this site coming to?
  15. Clearly I was a little overzealous in my initial comment. This is a silly thread, so my post's not out of place, but I refer you to my Demonland Player of the Year votes, where I gave Cale 2 votes. After a little more consideration of the game, I realized that there were a few others who were better than him. Also, when I said 2nd best on ground, I meant for Melbourne. It goes without saying that I couldn't give a rats who was good for Collingwood. PS is anyone else having a little trouble posting today? This site's lagging a little, and it caused me to accidentally triple post a while back. I'm on firefox, if it matters.
  16. Poor guy. Does NOT deserve the flack he cops.
  17. Not even the worst comment of the day.
  18. Thank god they didn't actually start marching. When I saw them defiling the hallowed turf, I said to my grandpa that "if they start parading around the MCG like some American highscool band club, I might just end it right then and there."
  19. Magner is the kind of guy who was born with grass in his teeth and ten blokes on his back. He belongs at the bottom of a pack with the ball clutched to his chest. He and Jones should be allowed to go where the ball goes and do whatever they can to get the damn thing out of the clinches.
  20. I don't drink, so perhaps you're the one who's mistaken.But this is quite literally the worst and most insulting thread I've ever read. The mere fact that heaps of people are blindly backing it up with the age-old "Morton's soft and carn't kick" line is absolutely shameful. If Cale gets dropped for this performance, I might just shoot something and/or go barrack for GW$ or something equally nuts.
  21. The delicious irony of accidentally triple-posting a comment that starts "I've said this numerous times" is not lost on me. Maybe I shouldn't have deleted my posts after all!
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