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Everything posted by Chook

  1. What a disgraceful excuse for an OP. Why don't you pay out Moloney for his effort, or Sylvia for his meaningless shirtfront before you go to town on a young guy who was (by and large) one of our hardest-working and valuable players today?
  2. I've said it numerous times, but Mark Jamar is either extremely selfish or totally unaware of the basic purpose of an AFL ruckman. He has the skill and strength to get his hand to 90% of centre bounces/throw-ins/throw-ups, but does not seem to grasp the fact that winning the tap is only half the battle. He has got to learn how to tap the ball somewhere other than at his shoelaces. Also, I am done with Moloney, and Sylvia is about six weeks away from being in the same boat. Sylvia seems to find some sort of get-out-of-jail-free card every year (this year his spinal break has excused him), but in about six weeks (which is about how long he was out for), he'll have totally run out of tickets with me. PPS, anyone bagging Morton's disposal and calling for him to be dropped has obviously got no idea how to get the best out of young people. "Your disposal inexplicably sucks from time to time, so rather than put it down to nerves or lapses in concentration, I'm going to let you rot in the VFL, where neither nerves or lapses in concentration are an issue. Good luck fixing those problems there, you hack! PS, your mother's ugly!"
  3. Morton was one of our best (and hardest running) players today. I hoped coming home from the game that the nuff nuffs here wouldn't have fallen into the trap of bagging out Morton for a couple of obvious mistakes, but I guess that was too much to ask. I know this is a very strong thing to say, but I HATE seeing Brent Moloney given game after game after game when all he does is push and shove. No chasing, no tackling, no nuffing, and I'm sick of it! Green was actually fairly okay today. He kicks those two easy goals he missed and we're probably praising his efforts. OUT: Moloney (dropped), Sylvia (suspended/dropped), Tapscott (guilty of being a hardnut). IN: Martin, Bate, Bartram (if fit). My god did we need a good small defender today.
  4. 2nd best on ground. Haters gonna hate. Bad turnover though.
  5. So that means they were working hard to re-sign him knowing that he'd played exactly zero good games this year. That's hardly better.
  6. The only time I get a little annoyed about the Melbourne stereotype is when it implies that I (or we) don't care about our team (I think I'll just go to the snow) and/or that we don't know our own players (go number nine).
  7. Don't worry about Fletch. He's senile, so he probably doesn't know what he's doing.
  8. There's no way Dempsey would have made the distance from there. Total non-issue. I turned the game off after half-time cause I thought the Swans would have a Rompingwin. Looks like I missed out on a cracker of a game.
  9. Glad to hear it. That's one of my biggest criticisms of him. I know that I'd hate to have a guy like Moloney barking at me all day long, and I've got a feeling that a few of our younger players would feel the same.
  10. "One swallow does not make a [censored]."
  11. I wasn't having a go at you. I was saying that there are probably very few people on this site who think Jones and Moloney have similar attitudes. I took exception to what you wrote because I've been both a vocal critic of Moloney and a huge supporter of Jones. Time will tell if I was wrong about Moloney, and I think it already has told with Jones.
  12. Only an idiot would compare Jones to Moloney from an attitude point of view. They're nothing alike.
  13. I've always seen more in Nev Jetta than in Jamie Bennell, and it's just a shame that he hasn't been able to get on the park.
  14. Pearce is a downhill skiier who would have fit in perfectly with the Dees of the past few years. Not really what we're looking for going forward, IMO.
  15. Shameless self-promotion once again. Nicholson also aced that time trial and played a vital role in our win on the weekend.
  16. He wasn't wearing either of those boots on the weekend. Keep an eye out for them. Fashionably unfashionable is how I'd describe them.
  17. They are totally black, and seem to be made out of some sort of really soft leather. They look super old-fashioned and really simple. They suit him to a tee, and I've never seen any other AFL player with boots like his.
  18. Anyone notice James Magner's boots? There unlike any I've ever seen. I'd love to get my hands on a pair.
  19. The way the senior players performed tonight is largely the way the senior players from other clubs perform every week. It's no coincidence our young guys all seemed much better tonight.
  20. That can't possibly be the real Malcolm Blight.
  21. Michael Hurley has a competetive nature about him that Jack Watts gets criticised for not having, but I can count about four or five times tonight when Jack gathered the team's wits at crucial moments, reminding them to calm down and think for a second. That's Jack Watts' strength. His contemplative nature.
  22. Fair to say I'm pretty happy about that win. Garland's junior coaches obviously were on to something when they played him forward as a junior.
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